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Everything posted by Killawife

  1. Killawife

    Beav - Hunting Scope - Ruined vs Pristine

    Ive never even seen a ruined hunting scope. But nice video anyhow.
  2. Killawife

    Something every new player should know before starting

    I agree completely. I actually would like it if there was a server where every time you played you were a newspawn. You played for the session grabbing what gear you found and when you log out, you are reset. No camps, stashes or fully geared coastal raping.
  3. Killawife

    Is DayZ a disappointment?

    What is a dissapointment? A game being under closed development, videos shown, trailers released, then when its released its crap. A game being developed close to the community for a loooooooong time by one of the most succesful gaming franchises in the world, then released and ruined by an auction house. Or, a game being released in an unfinished state, playing allowed, being updated and upgraded all along development with input from the community allowed and encouraged. All I can say is that I have played the game from release and have never spent as much time on any game ever before. And I clearly don't do it because I am dissapointed. I believe that quite a few of the hardcore mod players were dissapointed when SA wasn't just like the mod. Perhaps those are the ones that have a right to be so. Most others simply do not have a clue. I can't even count the number of negative comments I've read and repsonded to, here, on youtube and on steam. They all have one thing in common, the are incorrect. Not about the issues with the game or the slow development but about what responses they are really allowed to have. I know this steps on a lot of toes but look at it this way: I sell you a car, In the sales contract I write: "The car is not fully functional, it has broken stuff, doesnt run well and is ugly", you buy it anyways. Afterwards you come to me and complain about the car having broken stuff, not being fully functional, it doesnt run well and its ugly. What is my reaction? Well, I'll tell you to fuck off. And that is basically where we are at. I'm quite sure the devs would like to tell whiners to fuck off but they can't since its a serious company but every single person who bought this game read the disclaimer, clicked the button and paid their fee. Then every time they log in they need to read the disclaimer and click the button AGAIN! And still they complain. I can't really fathom it to be frank.
  4. Killawife

    Hit registry

    I shot a guy six times with a shotgun point blank y-day before he dropped. You dont see me complaining. Its lag, desync, whatever you call it. The game isn't finished so this behaviour can be expected.
  5. Killawife

    How to find SNIPER Equipment FAST and EASY

    Or you can do what I did, run to Zeleno, find russian heli crash, find VSS, go to zeleno mil, get ammo, shoot deer, drop gun on ground without notifying me, look for gun for half an hour, scream loudly, go away.
  6. Killawife

    Something every new player should know before starting

    In the beginning its like this. You've used all that time get some loot and then you die. But after you've played for soem time its more of a: You are dead. meh. Respawn, loot up, you are dead, meh, respawn, loot up, you are dead, meh, respawn, loot up, AWESOME THINGS HAPPEN!, you are dead, meh, respawn, loot up,,,,,,,,,
  7. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I met a guy in Elektro. He had a gun, I had a gun. Now we are both dead.
  8. Killawife

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    I don't see a prolonged spawn timer as an issue at all. Its not like theres only one server or hive to play on. I agree with rags that when the server pop is upped, more varied spawns are needed. When they ran the 75 man test the coast was a sausage fest of epic proportions. Its kinda weird that with such a large map, only around 10% of it is actually used for spawning. I would prefer it to be totally random so that you could spawn anywhere.
  9. Killawife

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    Well, making it so that you can NEVER pick up the item will cause a whole lot of problems and its not a very good solution, in the end you will end up with an awful lot of items that you cant pick up. It would also quickly become enourmous amounts of data that needs to be managed by the server. I don't think we ned more of that. But doing it so you cant pick up things directly from your corpse punishes lone players because they dont have friends that can just pick the stuff up and then drop it right beside the body.
  10. Killawife

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    There is a few servers that don't allow teamspeak on them . Seems impossible to police though, even with whitelisting. I agree that it is a problem but when I played with my friends years ago we also used teamspeak, not for any tactical advantage since we didnt even PVP, but mostly because they didnt know shit and I had to tell them everything from how to craft stuff to where they were and where they were supposed to be going.
  11. Killawife

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    This has been discussed before and its not really feasible as anyobdy else can pick up the loot, making it theirs, then drop it to you. It punishes lone wolves but not anybody else. Even if you made a program that tracked ownership of gear so that you couldnt pick it up until it has passed ownership say, three times, it still wouldnt solve anything, just punish lone players. Maybe its better to leave it like it is and focus on the spawn/suicide problem. Every time I play i see a bunch of players suiciding or asking me to kill them. This is so annyoing and stupid. I understand that people want to spawn where their friends are or their kiler so they can get revenge, and maybe the best solution would be to let them. After all, this is early acces alpha. The point is to see what the players think and how they play and make changes.
  12. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Today was better. I got knocked out by a guy and he took my gear but he didnt kill me, which was nice. I ran south with the stuff he left me and ended up in a fight with another guy. I knocked him out with a gas canister since he insisted on fighting me but I bandaged him and left him my shoes. And fed his some gasoline too, hehe I later met another guy with a gun in his hand and we didnt kill eachother. Amazing. I then swam to the prison island and just as I got there I got the "no message from server" message. Now I probably have to swim it again, yawn!
  13. Killawife

    Picking up your gear after you die.

    The best solution for this would probably be to have a long spawn timer for respawning on the server. long enough for the body to despawn. I don't know what its at now but something like ten minutes. Its not so fun though if you are playing with other people but it does remove the annoyance of having to fight the same person three, four times in a row, which has happened to me. I actually prefer to respawn far from my body, that way I know theres no reason to go back as it will be gone. When I spawn nearby I always do it though, strangely enough. Its hard not to.
  14. Killawife

    Zelen Glitching Dupers!

    I have also met nice russian players so maybe its unnessecary to judge them all based on some douches. Stuff like this always happen when a branch has been out for a while, lots of glitching, duping and hackers. They should release small updates more often to combat this, but they don't.
  15. Killawife

    Any sign of Vive / Rift support?

    The technology is just released so it might be a while before its mainstream. Maybe in Dayz SA 2 early access 2022? It does seem awesome and I'm actually thinking of buying an oculus when the hype has cooled for a bit(Im actually waiting for teh pr0n but shhh!).
  16. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not a good day. It started with me spawning in as a newspawn on a public server and the first thing I hear is a punching sound. I go unconcious and hear someone being obnoxious in French. i dont speak french but its french, hence obnoxious. I go get some drink and when im back I wake up, only to be knocked out again and treated to some more obnoxiousness. I wake up again and the guy is gone. I roll to the sea and make a splint then go to cherno. I manage to avoid all the fully geared people shooting bambis only to get killed by another newspawn inspite of telling him to stop. I respawn nearby, get to my corpse and continue to Kamenka. I then get sniped as Im climbing the hunting stand. Great skillz. I log in with a fully geared character at the NWA. I scope the place out for five min or so, see nobody so I decide to leave, as I went through it the day before. As I'm leaving I am sniped. In two seconds somebody is at my corpse , looting it. I respawn in Kambywobo and get to the police station. As I am INSIDE, not near a window I am shot by something silenced. I saw nobody, they might have been in the wall though. I decide to try another server and am again fully geared at the NWA. I scope it, see nothing and go in. By the quonset hut hangars I see a car that looks ok so I go to it and not only is it complete and functional, its also stocked with gear. As I am deciding to steal it someone starts shooting at me so I take cover. I get my pistol out and shoots the guy that approaches. I bandage and notice another guy approaching. I try to reload but it doesnt work. I am forced to run around for a bit, finally pulling my blaze out, firing two shots point blank at the guy, he gets me but Im pretty sure I get him too. Afterwards I remember I had a handgrenade :/ I respawn near Berezino. A guy holds me up but ends giving me a mosin and some food. He then holds another guy up and gives him stuff too. he then tells us he doesnt have any ammo, lol! A funny guy.
  17. Killawife

    Jam clearing

    Most of us has probably had the annoying 'click' when we are about to kill somebody and its usually because of one of two reasons: You have forgotten to load your gun or the game unloaded it for you OR it jams because the game believes the bullets to be damaged(they are usually not but whatever) and you need to remove the magazine, eject the bullet in the chamber and insert the magazine again and then it might(probably not) work. The click is heard very easily by other players and they know you are defenseless and kills you. Now, I once use to play a game called Americas army 2.0. It was a military sim "light" made by the US army as a reqruitment tool but it was also a damn good shooter. It had its problems but it was way better than todays crop of Cod spray and pray shooters even though its grapgics sucked and such. It ALSO had a jam function, where all autos could jam and some did on a frightingly high level(M82). In this game they had a function for clearing the jam where you pressed 'J' and your toon removed the magazine, ejected the bullet and inserted the magazine and was ready for action. I propose a similar function for Dayz, so getting a jam doesn't mean that you are guaranteed to die but you still have a chance. Or simply lower the volume of the 'click' so it cant be heard so easily as in real life there wouldnt be a click at all. This function seem to exist already in Arma 2: https://youtu.be/1wmbgtNyAC4?t=116 America army gameplay:
  18. Killawife

    Weapon firing randomly on its own

    Never had it start like that on its own but sometikmes when you shoot the gun continues to spray bullets til you run out, wether you want it too or not. Happened to me yesterday. Its quite annoying as you cant move away while the gun is firing so it kinda locks you in place.
  19. Killawife

    Some questions

    Some servers have rules for how you should play on that server, the rules may be PVE, RP(roleplay), No KOS etc. The only servers where this actually apply are whitelisted servers where you have to register to be able to play on teh server. if you then break the rules you can be kicked or banned. On normal non-whitelisted servers the rules do not really apply as anyone can break them and do what they want. Typically, a server with a "No KOS" rule will very likely be plagues by people only doing KOS, just to annoy everybody else. Yes, people are like that, don't ask me why. If the server is stated in teh server list to be 1PP, the 1PP is forced. But a server having the word Hardcore in the title doesn't guranteed it being 1PP. Its easy to check once you get in the server though.
  20. Killawife


    hehe, no, actually I put it on a rooftop where I figure nobody would go. I then went running, trying to find someone to give me saline but ofcourse the people I found Ki...Ragsed me immediately Well the mechanic is there for it to actually be survived through but being a lone wolf its impossible to survive it as you cant saline yourself. I hope they will make it so you can use antibiothics instead of saline and survive it. But when you play maybe four hours in a session it quickly becomes boring running between taps knowing that you're going to die anyways since everybody is playing it Rags-style instead of trying to help someone who is sick. I try, every time. Even when someone I am helping kills me I will still help the next person I meet. Why? Because I'm not a complete A-hole.
  21. Killawife


    You can push through it if you have a friend to give you a few salines and drinking A LOT of water. Its not worth it though so the best you can do is stash your gear, die and respawn. Then run to your gear only to find its been stolen. Thats what I did.
  22. Killawife

    REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

    Its not that I didnt understand what you were saying, its just that semantics are irrelevant and your argument is therefor invalid, while my argument is that whining about this feature being added is kinda silly as the game will be playable in the same regard as before with or without it. As for it being meaningless for it to be added because of it, for most people, this is most likely. But as it is already added, and you and me dont get to decide what gets to be in the game and what does not, its pointless to argue about it. So please stop. Please.
  23. Killawife

    Global Eye Ban

    As Thecreeper said, evne if you pick up a hacked m4 or something, you cant get globally banned for it, only banned from a server. To find out the reason for the ban, go here: http://www.battleye.com/support/
  24. Killawife

    REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

    Hey dude, I dont make the fucking game. And we dont agree on anything at all. Dont talk for anyone else, only yourself. MY opinion is that that the kill count won't make this game worse in the murder regard. And the reason for it is not only that I dont believe the people playing it are snotnosed kids but simply for this reason: IT CAN'T GET MUCH WORSE THAN IT IS ALREADY IS IN THAT REGARD!
  25. Killawife

    REMOVE ''Player Kill Count'' from newui

    I don't know anybody who does what you are saying. And I am still certain that this won't change the game in any way whatsoever.