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Everything posted by Killawife

  1. Killawife

    How To Be Friendly

  2. This exact thing actually happened to me yesterday but with a shirt I had in my backpack. I was going to toss it so i put it on the grounf to retrieve the items in it but it seemed empty. I knew it wasn't empty so I wore it but it was still empty. Put it on the ground again and the items appeared and I could take them.
  3. Killawife

    Player Data on Leg Break Glitch in Buildings.

    Happened to me twice this week, once last friday. First at the construction site north of orlovets. fell through the stair and died. Then at policestation in Novo. Broke my legs, ruined my pants, shoes, canteen and two packs of ammo. I had to crawl a mile to cut some kindling so I could fix my legs. Then when I'm sitting on the third floor of a bluedoor building eating and drinking a zombie hits me from the outside and kills me. Funny. Lost my M4 which was the first one I had found in months. Third time was at Severograd fire station 2nd floor. Broke legs, ruined pants, shoes, nothing else. I had morphine so I could fix it easy.
  4. Killawife

    Killed by bandit

    Awesomepost is awesome
  5. Killawife

    Can someone give me a light here?

    Its been like this for ages. On some servers it works better than others.
  6. Killawife

    The struggle when you look too sexy.

    Once you get fully geared, the game is over.
  7. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Saw four people: One was sniping from a rooftop in Berezino so I snuck and swam around him to avoid getting shot. One tried to box my head in while saying "hello friend" so I shotgunned him to smithereens. One didn't see me and ran the other way so I let him be. He had a gun too so I didn't wanna chance it. One got eaten by zombies in Elektro while I watched from afar with my binos, hehe. And that was my Day-z.
  8. Killawife

    Apartment Mayhem!

    No thanks, I'm good.
  9. Killawife

    Apartment Mayhem!

    You're just killing people that don't even know you're there. whats the point of that?
  10. Killawife

    Apartment Mayhem!

    Why is there only an option to give beans and not one to give rotten fruit?
  11. Killawife

    Airfield meetings!

    I Have never KoS:ed anywhere on the map. I have killed a bunch of people either for attacking me or for annoying me but I would never blatantly kill someone for no reason whatsoever. Even on the airfield. I've even met and talked to people on the airfield that didn't try to kill me and wasn't hostile so there's no need to believe that these places should be some special kos place. Also, all people who KoS are per definition Bandits. Don't wanna be a bandit, don't KoS.
  12. Killawife

    The .51 character wipe

    A new character with every log in is fine with me as long as the server doesn't crash or restarts, my character dies from lag or falling through floors or other dumb things. Seems like an utopia though.
  13. Killawife

    Chernogorsk vs Novodmitrovsk

    As I say to my girlfriend all the time: Bigger isn't better. Who am I kidding, I don't have a girlfriend :blush:
  14. Killawife

    Is anyone in DayZ Standalone friendly?

    Friendlies exist. Its just that no-one has ever seen one and anyone who says they have, is a LIAR!
  15. Killawife

    Server down and i loose all my stuff

    This happens a lot. You can also die from lag or falling through stairs and floors. Nothing you can do about it. Just try to not consider the time played "wasted" as the game isn't about the loot you have gathered but about what you experience while gathering that loot. Kinda like life.
  16. Killawife

    Trying to help people out and this is what I get

    Lol, what a little bitch.
  17. Killawife

    Any update on magic leg breaking?

    Check the bugtracker, theres hundreds of posts regarding this particular gamebreaking bug. If it has something to do with desync, then its desync that isn't reported by the game. I've played for 950 hours and this has happened to me at least twenty times, about half of them resulting in the death of my character and the others with broken pants, shoes and equipment. The most annoying is when you are in a firefight and this bug happens, making you an easy target for other players. Everyone I've played with in this game(about ten people) have experienced this bug and are annoyed by it. We can discuss on and on wether alpha is for bugfixing or other things but seeing as other bugs are fixed then this one will most likely also be adressed.
  18. Killawife

    DayZ Standalone Bounty: Xophor and StoneStock

    Lol. I hope someone posts a video of this later.
  19. Killawife

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    Its definetily not 4x. You tend to see less far with the rangefinder than just regular eye-zoom, which is slighly less than the pu scope. If I would guess its probably 2x zoom.
  20. I like your videos, you seem to be a decent fella. But one thing I'm wondering about. You shoot a guy for having his weapon out, but you always run around with your own weapon out? I also do this, for safety reasons or for dual weaponry, but this means that if we meet up you will most likely shoot me?
  21. Killawife

    how has the dry wells affected your gameplay

    Soon, when we can bottle and drink the blood of bambis, this will be forgotten.
  22. Killawife

    duping is out of control

    What were the names of the players doing this. if you happen to know?
  23. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I shoot zombies all the time. Its not like you're going to get to use all those bullets on players.
  24. Killawife

    DayZ Elektro Stories – Episode 5 – Bandits Everywhere!

    LOL! You gave him a magnum with one bullet. Funny. Awesome vid. I also noticed you had one of those green bandages.
  25. Killawife

    Killing With a Conscious

    People like you should be dragged out in to the street and peed on.