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Everything posted by Killawife
He never knew what hit him...
I met some people outside cherno on the GOG server and ofcourse they killed me even after I showed I was no threat. I went to hunt them but ofcourse the server chrashed before i could reach them. I played on the Wobo server for a bit and was attacked in Severograd by some crazy person with a mosin and only two bullets. I didnt know this ofcourse and he hit me once. I plugged him with my cr75 but fell unconcious. When I came to he was on the ground unconcious. I was bleeding and badly wounded and my bandages were ruined so i had to rip up a perfectly pristine tactical shirt to bandage myself. I wanted to tie him up but the cuffs I had were ruined so i killed him instead. I left an AK on his body and took the mosin as i didnt have a magazine for it. My gorka and TTSKo clothes were ruined so I had to find some other crap. I also had to eat lots and lots fo food to get from almost dead to energized. At least i got a protector case out of the battle. The day before I was at the northest military base and came upon either a very young boy or a girl in the barracks. I wanted to talk but he/she was afraid so I left instead.
I really only play on non-peristance servers . Its happened three times the last week in maybe thirty log-ons. The first time it happened I was happy, Having spawned right in front of a storage container with a gun and food in it, til I realized it was my own :/ Then i was attacked by a bambi and lagged off a roof.
I wonder if we will ever get to see dual wield pistols?
A 3-shot double barrel shotgun?
Excited for the Upcoming Disease & Cold System
Killawife replied to Deathlove's topic in General Discussion
Good post, only if you are a real painter you start painting the difficult spots first and when they are all done you swipe the larger general area. I'm a painter so I should know. I would like to see an endgame scenario where if you are bitten by an infected, you become infected and has to play as one til you get perma-killed. It would be awesome. It would make players fear them and there would exist a good reason to use firearms to kill infected. -
Spawn in and meet a guy in a doorway after two seconds. He has a shotty so i say Dont shoot and run away. Five minutes later he shoots me dead as he's ambushing me when I leave a building. Kinds pointless as he probably ruined the one and only shotgun shell i had with his shots. I repsawn outside Novo and in five minutes I have better gear than when i died earlier. I don't meet a single other person in three hours of gameply after that. Although I go to Severograd with another character to see if I can find a truck and just as I'm approaching Two trucks pull away in different directions. darnit
They are interchangable. They are brown to begin with unless painted.
I went into Cherno with my best geared character (usually not a good idea) and heard shooting. I couldn't tell exactly where it came from so I decided to climb the tallest factory building to get a better view. As i'm climbing i hear some mp5 shots but can't pin the location. As I get to the top I get mighty suprised as there's a guy laying there scoping. I rest for a few seconds and aim my gun at him and says "Hey dude" He turns around and then rolls away going for his gun. I run around the little building on top and shoot him with my AK101. I wouldn't have done it if he had stayed cool but then again, he had a clownmask on and all who do deserve death. I loot him and find an mp5 with two mags and ammo. I'm pretty happy as I already have an mp5 from earlier. Now I need to find a scope for it. One more fun thing happened. I spawn as a newspawn on a private shard and run for the factory ouside Solnichy. As I approach two guys come running along the highway. I stop and talk and they say they are going to the airfield. Which airfield I ask and they say Balota. You are going the wrong way I tell them and give them directions and info. They claim they have checked the map and its this way. It is not says I. Well, we'll see they say and run along. As I get to the factory roof I spot them in the distance runing for Berezino. And certain death.
Then probably this game isn't for you.
Yeah maybe its not for me, thats why I've spent 1100 hours on it. Just because something is good doesn't mean that it can't be improved upon. You are just like everybody else that frowns upon the things that would improve the game saying it wouldn't be realistic that you could see the name of the player that is laying dead in front of you then answer this. How realistic is it that you can go up to a person and check their pulse and automatically know what their name is, without them giving it to you?
If I found a corpse I would look at his wallet ofcourse and it would say who it was. In this game there ar eno rotting corpses, anyone you find has been dead for ten minutes max. Now, this is a game and its main point is to be entertaining. I think it would add to the entertainment value if some more information was given to the players, not only about whos corpse you've found but also who killed who, if something important is happening somewhere, like heli crashes, aprty on prison island or similar and also what your numerical values of Health, energy, food, drink, hot, cold, stuffing and other stats that affect you are. I also would like to see a chat system. Alas, it is not to be.
I've noticed something lately that hasn't happened to me before this patch. Sometimes when i spawn, items that I had in my backpack are now on the ground in front of me and other items in the pack are rearranged. Its usually only large items like guns, containers and similar. Also, wouldn't it be possible to get rid of that "unknown entity" crap. If a player respawns or leaves, why not call the corpse" corpse of Killawife" or "deceased Killawife" instead? It would be helpful to know whose corpse you've found.
I went into a shed building outside elektro with the catwalk and a small room. When i get to the room theres a guy laying inside. Oh, i didnt see you I says. He gets up and takes up his gun, Dont shoot, says I. he shoots and misses. I said DONT shoot says I and start pulling out a gun. he shoots and I go unconscious and he shoots my head so i die then says something stupid in German. I respawn close and run to my corpse. it is unlooted but lots of ruined stuff. I hunt for the guy but cant find him. I play with another char and run about for quite a bit. i manage to find a truck and as I'm running into a police station i see a guy on the floor in the room with a cell. I try to run past but cant even say hello before he shoots me dead. I try my Wobo character whos in Severograd. Almost right away I hear a guy running around in a house. He aggros zombies so i just hide and wait to see what he looks like but he doesnt come out. I go to a nearby office building and go upstairs. As I'm scoping the area out a guy comes up the ladder, takes out a pistol and shoots me. I respawn outside Kamyshowo. I loot around and hear shooting in the distance. Some bambis come running and chases me with brooms so I run towards elektro. As i get close theres a v3s wreck in the road with a dead guy attached to it. Further ahead I find three corpses on the beach, recently dead. I loot them and find a mosin with lrs, m65 jacket, black bandana, ammo, food, grenades and more. Strangely, none of the guys have a real backpack, only improvised ones. I take position over elektro, ready to inflict some justice on bambikillers, kos:er and other lowlife scum.
Balota you say? Me and a friend was in Balota airfied once looking around. It was looted so we didn't find anything good. We weren't geared much but had guns. As I walk out of the prison building nearest the shore my Dayz crashed. I restart and log in again. Just as I'm logging in the server my friend schreeks that he's been shot and the guy is talking to him. I log in and end up on the side of this guy and my downed friend. He has an AKM and I have mosin so I run for the prison building. He shoots at me and hits me but I get in and close the door. I throw my mosin on the floor and run upstairs. Soon the guy comes in, sees the mosin and taunts me, saying my gun got ruined, hes gonna kill me etc. He shows himself and I plug him with my CR75. I check my friends corpse but he's dead. I loot the dead bandit off his AKM and two high cap vests and run for Novo where my friend spawned. I never got there though.
ARRGH! I spawned with a decently geared character that had eaten some bad chicken and got sick. I looked all over dubky and the apartment complex for some charcoal tabs but none were to be found. I drank water and vomited to gain some time and then had to go to cherno. I looked everywhere but couldnt find those damn tabs. Finally I got to the point where I was on the verge of passign out, so i found a house where nobody goes and stashed my akm, cr75, ammo box, grenade, combat knife and all the other stuff I had. I then ran for teh hospitals but couldnt fins any chracoal. then I fell unconcious so i repspawned. Got two bad spawns then i spawned in cherno. I ran for my stuff and to my suprise almsot everything is gone. instead i get a sporter, a blaze and some junk. They had left my vest with some stuff in it but everything else was gone. I was only gone for like four minutes :(
Yesterday I was sitting in a third floor room in Elektro as i had just spawned there. I hear footsteps so I sit behind the door with my gun up. A guy comes in and rummages around for a bit without noticing me and I say "Hello". He almost shat himself. Poor guy. But we ran around for a bit after that.
I once crawled all the way from Elektro to Cherno with broken legs only to be killed by a player I met there. I took 40 minutes or so to crawl along the road and it wasn't super-fun. This was before you could make stone knives and make kindling from trees so you had to actually find a stick in a house or the woods.
I spawned in Elektro on teh Wobo server, people were shooting with ak's and mosins so I went along the coast. As I climb onto the roof of a house I notice a sniper lying there sniping. I shoot him and take his gun and some ammo. I only get 500 metres or so before someone kills me with automatic fire. I run for my corpse but it is gone. I run for the guy i killed but he is also gone. I try another character and spawn in the woods above Vybor. I slowly approach the edge of the woods and start to scope the area and SWISH! "You are dead". I didn't live for a minute even. Respawn on the wobo server in Cherno. I run around gearing up for a while then when I open a door a guy sits there with a gun, He shoots me dead. I try yet another character and stay of the grid for a while. Its quite boring so I log out. I respawn on the 9thcav server north of Novo. I gather some nice gear while people kill eachother in the town. I finally get to Polana and as I'm climbing the firestation tower a guy at the top starts shooting at me with a magnum. He misses so i run away. I try to get him but I only have one bullet for my 1911 and ofcourse i miss. I leave polana and hear a lot of shoooting from the fire station as i run away. I go to the airfield and log out as the server restarts. I also had the worst luck the day before. I spawned outside of cherno on the roof of the factory building. Almost immediately I am attacked on the roof by a Bambi. I tell him to stop and start pulling out my repeater. Seconds later I am dead. I lagged and fell off the roof. I am upset ofcourse and as I'm respawning the server restarts. At least the bambi didn't get my stuff.
1v4 ninja style! "To kill enemy - become enemy" infiltrating a big group from inside with cold blood!
Killawife replied to Toperek1990 (DayZ)'s topic in Gallery
I really dislike seeing people in videos shoot a downed player in the head. I know why you do it but it just seems so cold not giving him a chance even. Whenever I take a player out I usually go and see if he's alive, mostly they're not but if they are I tie em up, bandage them and take what I need. Then I leave. Maybe the guy makes it, maybe not. I used to actually help people awake with epi.pens and defibs but it almost always went the same way, with them attacking me forcing me to kill them again. Its kinda weird that you can break through handcuffs with some wiggling. -
why are there so many novodmitrovsk area spawns?
Killawife replied to Wookieenoob's topic in General Discussion
There isn't. The spawnpoints are predetermined but the order they appear in seem to be completely randomized. I've sometimes had the same spawn three times in a row. And very rarely do i spawn near Novo, maybe one in ten -
How Often Do You Meet Survivors?
Killawife replied to The Vampire Lestat's topic in New Player Discussion
I see people every day. I meet and talk to people maybe every other day. I get killed by people every other day. Seems like there is something coinciding. -
Found plenty of Pu and LR scopes. Even a PS-O.
Don't go there, you'll get shot! I had the worst luck yesterday. I spawned in teh forest outside Kayshovo as I didn't want to spawn in a house in case someones there. what happens? Two minutes after I spawn two guys run past below me. I'm not even in the game right yet as I lag and shit. They see me and shoot me dead. I trie to hide but they saw me. I couldn't go up and I couldn't go down. Stood behind a tree but it seems trees can be shot through. Crap. I spawn at solnichy so i decide to run for my corpse. I get there and carefully scout out the place. I see one of the murderers creeping around. I can tell that they haven't been able to loot my corpse, probably from it sliding down the hill. Suddenly I am shot at. I get quite surprised as i'm 300 metres away but they kill me anyway. I respawn in polana. Get some gear. See some people and talk to one guy. Then run for Severograd where I find a truck. Go to the military base up north and find what seesm to be some dead guys stuff in the prison building. Then the server restarts so I log out.
If you have the engine running people wont hear you talking. I always use text chat when I'm in a truck. Thats why I never die.