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Everything posted by Killawife

  1. Killawife

    How can you find food

    Lootsplosions are very common on public servers. The private servers are better in that regard. Hats anyone?:
  2. Killawife

    How come the Kashtan sight does not fit on the 74U?

    The ingame AK74-su doesn't have a rail handguard and doesn't share its handguard with the other ak's. There are other railsystems for it though so maybe in a later patch? It would be awesome with a red-dot sight.
  3. 0.57 Huge performance increases by removing zombies. 0.58 Even huger performance increases by removing players.
  4. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I had an interesting day. I was watching Therunningmanz stream and noticed he and his friends were on a server where I had a character so I logged in. I found them and followed them but quite a long way behind. They got into a gunfight in Elektro so I had to run all the way from Cherno to get there and try to help them. I didn't make it in time and didn't dare take on their murderers alone so instead I snuck in and left some loot for TRMZ in a shed, lol. I then logged out. They then went back to elektro and got killed by the same guys again. I watched the stream but was then playing another game so I didn't have time to hop in. Too bad. I also had an incident with my 3pp stable character. I came upon a lootsplosion at Veresnik military base and was happy looting when Dayz crashed. i tried logging in again a few times but it seemed as the lootsplosion crashed the game. I then had to try five different stable servers before I could find oen with no lootsplosion and get the hell out of that place. So, if you need something, its at Veresnik. But unfortunately, the game wont let you get it.
  5. Killawife

    [EXP] Sporter w. hunting scope & crossbow w. pistol scope.

    Awesome stuff! I can't wait for 0.56...or wait 0.57...or wait, what?
  6. Killawife

    LOW Fps on a GTX760?

    The game currently doesn't have much use for a high-end graphic card other than to make things prettier. Its very much dependant on what cpu you got and its speed. A high end high frequency cpu will run the game fine while a budget multi-core cpu running at a lower frequency will struggle. So if your cpu is a FX-6300 the best thing you can do is to overclock it adn run at lower resolution. Your cpu is not enough for this game, right now. As it develops this will change, recources will free up and the game will run smoother on lesser hardware. Once they get to optimization you cpu will most likely perform nicely. I have a i7-4790k and amd 7970 and get 40 fps in cities if I'm lucky. Its playable but not much more than that. And I've noticed lots of people have problems with performance.
  7. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Hotkeys never work as they should, use this trick, works every time(almost): press tab, then hotkey, then tab again. it takes a second but its worth it to know that what you want will end up in your hands.
  8. Killawife

    Resenting DayZ

    This happened to me y-day. Three times in a row. I can't even get my character out of there without it crashing. Guess I need to find a looted server to do so.
  9. Killawife

    Oh the things you see.

    Y-day I got a novo spawn and the first thing I see is a guy jumping off the garage roof. I continued looting and after some minutes someone talks nearby. i go out and theres a second guy on the roof saying his goodbyes. Then he too jumps. Maybe they should change the way the spawn system works so you won't have to kill yourself to play where you want to.
  10. Killawife

    Loot; A highly debated topic.

    Loot increased? : But really, I don't see any problems with the loot right now. It was horrible when the patch came out but after the hotfix there seems to be stuff around mostly anywhere. Even in larger towns.
  11. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not really, they DID shoot me the first time for no reason. And today I got killed twice by people who could clearly see I was no threat as a relative newspawn with no weapon and a non-threatening attitude. I aslo had to shoot the legs from one guy who insisted on trying to axe me even though i explained to him that he stood no chance against my shotgun. He was quite surprised i didnt kill him but I didnt feel any need to. I also must point olut that i really hate when this happens: I got hit by a zed and everything goes super-blurry. Sometimes it doesnt happen and sometimes it happens every time they hit me. I have to go into settings and video to revert it.The most annoying part of it is that you cant see the zed that hit you and kill it until it hits you again and things get sharp for an instant. So stupid this.
  12. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Y-day I went into the piano house at cherno and there were a bunch of guys upstairs and an m4 on the floor. they shot at me but missed so I ran away. I waited for 10-15 minutes nearby checking the house with my binos. Nobody came out so i went there again but ofcourse they were still there and shot me. They talked to me after I was down but didn't seem to get that I couldnt talk back due to being dead. I respawned nearby so I ran there and gave them a good talking to and got to get my gear. As I got the gear I saw that there were four guys, all with m4's fully kitted with acogs and the rest, I ran from there but as I was looking for some food they came by again but didn't shoot me. I aited for a while then went to the piano house again but it was empty.
  13. Killawife

    Any ideas on increasing my FPS (AMD)

    Integrated graphics are a big No-no when playing games properly so you might wanna start by getting a decent graphic card. Also Intel cpu's seem to work better with Dayz and many other cpu-hungry games.
  14. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    The silencer does nothing for zombies. Its only silenced for players. I played on a couple of different servers while watching Therunningmanz stream. It was kinda funny as at one point I was at almost exactly the same place he was but on different servers. Anyways I got to Cherno with one of my better geared characters and some A-holes were shooting folks from the tallest tower. I tried to get them but a guy with a shotty got in the way and climbed the tower just in frotn of me. I let him be and watched instead how he climbed up there, shot some bullets, died and then the a-holes logged out. I went to the church and left a complete portable stove, food and a canteen with water there. I spawned in as a newspawn on another server and there were murders going on in Kamyshovo. I didn't have any weapons so i decided to swim around it. It went kinda well til I got to Elektro and there were some murderers there too so I had to run. I made it but my screen is all grey, I'm starving, thirsty, soaked, cold and sick. I predict a death for that character in the near future :/ I logged in with a different character and got to Balota airfield. iI spotted a guy going into the prison buildings so i camped it for a bit. Then someone shot him with a mosin and finished him off with a shotty. I tried to help but when i moved into position the zombies aggroed on me instead of the people making noise so I had to deal with that.
  15. Killawife


    I just want to add that I haven't eaten any human meat yet. Skinned a few and have had it cooked in my inventory for a while though. I just can't bring me to do it in case Jesus is watching.
  16. It was probably put in to make sure that no characters live forever. You just need to get that one unlucky hit and you're gone. Just like real life.
  17. Killawife


    Just want to add that its way more convenient to get a gas stove, a gas canister and a cooking pot or pan instead of using fires. The good thing about it is that when you combine the stove, canister and pot it only takes up 4 places in your inventory AND you can store food in the pot so basically it takes up zero room if you have food. You wont need matches either as it will light automatically when you turn it on.
  18. Killawife

    When will the loot be fixed

    I you're playing on experimental you'd be better off writing in that thread. if you're not, theres no problem with the loot.
  19. Killawife

    Post Your Gear So Far

    God damn hipsters.
  20. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Today I killed a guy without speaking to him for the third time in a 1000 hours of Dayz. It was on the prison island though and he/she(it was a blond girl) had an Ak so I didn't want to chance it. I even managed to swim ashore after on a 30 man server. Just after karma got me and another decently geared character got popped in Zeleno. I didn't hear a thing and then when I stepped out of the prison building carefully, BRRRRT! I respawned in Elektro and almost died right away by some zeds but managed to pull through it. Later with a different character I grew some zucchinis in Kamyshovo. There were lots of ruined gear laying around there but no people. Later some brazilian guy wanted food but he didn't speak english so I sent him to Berezino, hehe. Strange to play on a EU server when you're in South america. his ping must've been really bad. Also someone kept killing everybody in Elektro with an M4. When i finally spotted him the server froze so I got a look at him. He had parked a truck in teh square and picked people off as they came up to it. The guy only had a fully equipped M4, a motorcycle helmet and a backpack. Nothing else. And everyone he killed was in short bursts of two or three shots max. Pretty weird. Strangely, on the same server I came across this yesterday:
  21. You can usually pick it up if you make room for it in your inventory. Then just point cursor at it and it should highlight.
  22. Killawife

    The most perfect summary of DayZ in less than 2 minutes!

  23. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Killed a guy who attacked me for no reason. He was stupid as I had a shotgun ready and he just an axe. Later I got killed by two bandits at NW airfield. They were very bad shots but got me in the end after my legs got broken and I couldn't get my gun out. I told them not to kill me but they didn't listen. Also found a lootgasm at Elektro. I was so happy that I fell off the hospital roof and broke my damn neck. It was a weird one though as I found m4 mags, ammo boxes, lots of intestines and this: There was no reason for all the fireplaces as there were not a lot of people on the server at the time and it had recently restarted.
  24. Killawife

    Activate Landmine

    Log out and log in again works for me.
  25. Killawife

    question regarding persistance and dead bodies...

    If someone find your body and hides it it doesn't dissapear, its just unaccessable for everyone. Its a silly thing to do. As for landmines, sometimes they blow, sometimes they don't, it doesn't seem to matter that they are pristine. Its a Dayz thing