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Everything posted by Killawife

  1. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Arrgh! Three characters dead! Two to complete bullshit and one in a regular firefight. The first, pretty well-geared guy on a roof in berezino, sniped ten seconds after log-in. I have no idea from where. Second guy, running through upper berezino with a shotty in my hands, I see two guys, one starts shooting into the grocery store while standing five metres away from me. The other one doesnt even have a gun. Wtf? Either there was the mother of all lags or someone else shot me. Third guy was on prison island. i drove there in a v3s but once I got there the server crashe dand didnt restart so i went there yesterday. I already had an m4 so I was mostly lookign for ammo and a vest. As I enter a room a guy sits there, having probably just logge din. He starts shooting with an sks but I manage to rasie my m4 and spray him dead. I get hit badly and have to bandage, use morphine and drop a bunch of ruined stuff. While I'm doing it the door opens so I ready myself. A guy runs in and then starts spraying with a rak, i empty my mag into him and we both drop. I die so I don't know if he survived, probably not. This death was fun at least. Only five more geared characters to go before wipe, hehe.
  2. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yesterday i played with a bunch fo characters due to the wipe coming today. Mostly I spent my time looking at people fighting it out in Berez but I also went to the NW airfield armed with only an improvised bow. I didn't meet a single person but someone had kindly left me a fully kitted M4 and six 60 round mags at the ATC. The mags were all empty but I already had some 5.56 so it was gold. I also went to the prison island on public but the loot was kinda dissapointing. Some mp5 mags but not one single gun. Someone fired at me but I couldn't find him afterwards. It was weird. Having only a trumpet I would probably have ben killed.
  3. Killawife

    Difference in loot spawns?

    Theres a reason for the weird loot spawns. All public servers have persistance on while private servers can have it on or off. Having it off means that every time the server restarts the loot is renewed and you can survive and gear up a player normally. Having it on mean loot will be in the same place even if the server is restarted(in a perfect world) but it also means that if a town has been picked clean, it will be a long time before anything of value spawn there again. Persistance also creates a bug called lootsplosions, which basically means an enormous amount of loot grouped in the same area. Usually crap loot but sometimes really good stuff. 0.57 will most likely continue this trend of persistance and its problems if its anything like experimental. The zombies should be the same. Theya re not different on private or public servers.
  4. Killawife

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Theres zoom?
  5. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    i had a weird day. I played with my public 3pp well-geared guy and spanwed at the atc at NW airfield(great!) and it was littered with stuff. First I thought it was a lootsplosion but it turned out it wasn't. I noticed when i went upstairs and someone shot at me. He then shot at me through the window. When i checked I sawe that there was a mosin guy with clownmask on on top of the fire station. I tried to get out but couldn't so i took the cowards way out and combatlogged. I respawned on another server and didn't get shot at so I checked the houses. As i'm climbing the firestation my toon misses the stair and falls to his death(time for a fix for this soon?). I respawn outside cherno adn almsot right away i hear a truck. As I'm crossing the main road I find a crashed truck with two bodies in it. I manage to get them out and get some decent gear. Only a blaze with two bullets but still better than nothing. I am then shot in cherno and have to respawn. I respanw outside cherno again and managed to get through to balota. As i wgo into the ATC I see a rifle barrel sticking through the stairs. I say hello and rush up and meet a guy with an ak. I talk and explain that i onyl have a trumpet and am harmless but hes gonan kill me anyways. Suddenly he stops shooting so i run downstairs to get out but the door wont open! Then I get the message not received stuff. Phew!
  6. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Rabbits have been in for quite some time, but they were invisible at first. 0.49 or 0.50 I think I saw one for the very first time.
  7. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I logged in and had a geared character with ak, suppressed pistol and nice stuff in cherno that was sick with cholera. I had found some antibiotics before I logged out but they wasnt up-pickable so i had to find some fast. I ran around looking into all the houses but found zilch. So I made the dumb decision to check the police station as theres sometimes medics there. When I exited after not finding anything a newspawns outside. He drops all his stuff and talks and suddenly I'm shot dead by one shot. So he was probably just a lure. I would have died anyways pretty soon so no matter. I respawn in chernya polana and run to the industrial towers. As I'm going down froim the towers I meet a guy with a wrench. He attacks me ofcourse even though I have nothing so i try to climb down the ladder. He hits me and I go unconscious. After some time I wake up and am still on the ladder, bleeding. I tell him how stupid and silly he is then climb down. for soem reason I can't walk, my character just lays down, even though I don't have a fracture. A zombie appears and knocks me unconscious again. I respawn fifty metres away(I have never gotten that spawn before) and run to my corpse. The murderer is gone, theres no zombie corpse and my body is unlooted. I pick my stuff up and hide. Nobody shows so i move on. Half an hor later I have a backpack, food and a loaded mosin.
  8. Killawife

    Stabbing, slicing, and striking

    Two simple attacks and a block would be fine. Small attack, large attack. Many much simpler games have it so it shouldn't be too hard to do. The melee system we have now is quite broken. You'd think that a person weilding an axe or machete would have no problem taking out an unarmed attacker but due to its ridicoulness its often the opposite.
  9. Really nice production. I pity the fools that fall victim to you.
  10. The game is just so much more fun and immersive in 1pp than 3pp. Its sad that people defending 3pp just can't seem to see it. I voted for loving it but really feel that the 3pp mode needs to be there since its iconical for the Dayz franchise. And also for the kiddies learning to play.
  11. Killawife

    Music through voice chat?

    Theres a setting for most soundcards and even for built-in sounds called "what you hear". Basically you need to turn down the volume in your game and play music instead for it to work or it will loop the game sounds. Theres also the option to have dual soundcards playing different sounds and switch between them but I'¨m not sure Dayz/Arma supports it. Most people I meet ingame playing music seems to play them on speaker with the mic on.
  12. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yesterday i killed a girl. A real one. A first for me. She did ask me to and gave me her backpack with gear first but still. I didn't skin her though.
  13. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Persistance is on on all public servers but do not trust it. It generally eats your items at will. Theres a weekly maintenace just like before. Private servers can have it on or off, weirdly enough.
  14. Killawife

    About the next coming camera angle

    There are plenty of games for those who think its important to see their characters or their clothes in game, heres a few: http://www.girlsgogames.com/games/doll_dress_up_games. For most players, this is not important and they don't play 3pp for that particular reason, they do it because its easier to get a good grasp of the situation at hand, where there are players, what they are doing and how to tactically outmaneuver them. I don't particularly agree that this gives them an unfair advantage though as everyone can do it but its not very kosher. But what one person thinks is not relevant. Its what the community thinks that is important. Lets try the new angle and see what happens. If its crap we can all whine about the unfinished game we thought not being what we thought it was going to be even though we were told not to buy it from the very beginning and all will be well.
  15. Persistance working? When? I've never had a time where I could trust that the items I left in the world would be around on my next log-in. They could be, but they could also not be and thats not something I call persistance. The only thing persistance has given us so far is empty maps, lootsplosions and hoarding. None of these things add anything of value to the game except possibly some happiness at finding someones hidden tent. It would probably be beneficial to skip persistance and CLE for a while, work on it internally and release it once its working, just like they are doing. It does however sometimes feel like we are traveling backwards in time. I tried the other day to explain to my friend what progress the game has had since he quit playing 6 months ago but once we got to the bugs it turned out ALL of them was still there, and then some.
  16. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I only played for a short time today because I got so angry at a little kid. I met a guy in Berezino. he had a shotgun and so had I but none of us had ammo. He asked if I could help him so i followed him a to his friend who was rolling in the road. I went to get a stick for a splint but a zed attacked me. The kid killed it but I got bleeding so I sat to bandage. He then kills me. I told him not to but he just goes on and then rants about how I was going to kill him? So stupid and unnessecary. I was recently spawned, had a backpack but nothing in it. I have earlier on decided not to give up on people but try to play the good guy-playstyle but things like this gets to you.
  17. Lol! nice flip. I've done that myself a (great) number of times.
  18. Killawife

    Dayz really blurry and zoomed in

    Or, if you have been hit by a zombie and then gotten this problem, open config by pressing esc and then close it byt clicking close and it will remove the bluriness. I can't understand how this bug can still be in the game after a year and a half?
  19. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    A funny thing and a not so funny thing happened yesterday, both including trucks. I newspawned outside solnichy so i ran for kamyshovo. Got some low-end stuff along the way including a chainsaw but no fuel for it. As I was roaming through some houses outside kamy I saw a guy in the road so i hid. I then heard a truck and in short time it approached. I saw the guy hiding and when the truck passed he pulled out a pistol and shot at it. The truck turned around and chased him for a bit then ran him over. The truck parked just a short stretch from where i was so when its two occupants leapt out to plunder the dead guy i ran for it. Unfortunately one of the guys turned back and I met him by the truck door. I tried to hit him with my chainsaw but he seemed invincible so i went for the other guy. i hit him once and he died. The truck ran off so i tried finding the gun but I couldnt find it. I hid in a bush by either by luck or super skill on the other guys part he found me and ran me over. I laughed because the whole thing was quite funny. I then logged in with a well-geared character on the gents of novo server and was a bit surprised as he was sitting just outside the NW airfield. I got the hell out of dodge fast and found a v3s. I then went to the heli crashes, veresnik, myshkino, zelenogorsk and then to pavlovo, all in rapid order. But as I was trying to get into pavlovo military base without openign the gates the truck flipped. And as I got out the damn thing killed me. Not funny.
  20. Killawife

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    So green!, I don't know what happened to the colours, later they reverted to the standard dullish gray: And here I'm sitting in the ATC on NW airfield on a full public 40 man server and not one single person took a shot at me:
  21. Killawife

    Why is DayZ Standalone not for the Mac

    A mac is just a more expensive PC with a different chassie and OS. It doesn't "suck", its just catered at a different audience. Just dualboot with windows and you can play all the games you want.
  22. Killawife

    More than anything

    Its very annoying to say the least. One weird thing is that there is an ambient gunshot sound that can be heard sometimes even on otherwise empty servers. But the most annoying must be the chainsaw sound. It just comes and goes without there even being a chainsaw nearby. Hopefully these issues will all be fixed later.
  23. Killawife

    How can I find servers that aren't fully looted?

    On private servers I rarely have a problem finding loot. Even on full servers. Sure, sometimes a town is basically empty but you can usually get to another one cles-by and find something there, or wait for a restart. If you want really insane loot, go to the military bases on the public servers. The loot is stacked knee deep. Sometimes its so much that the game crashes. Its quite silly indeed.
  24. Killawife

    How can you find food

    Speaking of rain gear, is it raining in 0.56 exp?