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Everything posted by Killawife

  1. Killawife

    So is DayZ 58% done?

    LOL! No
  2. Killawife


    This was in an earlier version, almost a year ago.
  3. Killawife

    Post Your Gear So Far

    ttsko is in great heaps on prison island along with the plate carriers. As for burlap sacks i often find them in Deer stands.
  4. Killawife

    Where are the animals?

    Im playing it right now. its playable. Right now.
  5. Killawife

    Character dies after patch?

    You can probably gear up your character to the same level of awesomeness in a matter of hours. The only things of old that are hard to find right now is m4, aug and parts for these and grenades. Everythings else is laying in heaps everywhere. Smershs vests, blackskull bandanas, ak's, mp5's etc Its christmas in Baghdad!
  6. Killawife

    So is DayZ 58% done?

    This isn't version 0.58 either, Its something like 0.5812665 so there could be a thousand updates before we hit 1.0
  7. Umm, no. Fps is usually around 50-60 in the wilderness and around 30 in large cities. You have a decent computer with a fast cpu adn the game runs mostly on cpu so I would do soem tweaking if you get that bad fps. I get framedrops sometimes thoug but thats only for a second. Vehicles aren't rare at all, I find a truck almost every time I play. They usually spawn in the same places all the time. It will be worse in 0.58 when you will need to find all the pieces for it. Tents dont malfunction, persistance is turned off so they have no use right now. This seems to be fixed for 0.58 Bases will probably be a while. Simple barricading seems to be on the menu soon.
  8. Killawife


    If you don't wake in 5 minutes theres a big chance that you wont wake up at all, even if someone medics you. Theres some thing with it that makes it imnpossible to get to base level healthy or somehting, I can't remember but there is a video on it here: It doesn't seem to be very consistent though as I've had one encounter where I was knocked unconcious, went to the store for 30 minutes and when I turned on my screen my character was awake, my legs were broken though and I was in a bad shape but I did wake up that time. All the other umpteen times it happened I never woke up after a few minutes had gone by. I even had a friend try to wake me once with defib and epi-pen and it didnt work. He was a noob though so he probably did it to himself and not my body :/
  9. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yes I have fibre 100/100 Mbit. This is pure game bs.
  10. Wait for 0.58 which should be released soon. The game has quite a few problems with things not working as they should in 0.57. It is most annoying to die not because you were shitty but because the game decides that you can't bring out your gun just now or it won't fire or it just randomly drops it somewhere or its not reloaded even though you know you loaded it et etc. I've died to the falling through floors twice this week with well-geared characters. Both times in police stations. This patch is also very PVP-orientated. Guns and equipment are everywhere and since statuses are randomly working(on some servers it works fine, on others never updating) the whole survival aspect is kinda pointless. Its still playable to a point. You can still have fun. But the fun is often punctuated by something annoying.
  11. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Something happened today that makes me wonder if this game is really working right now. I spotted two guys attacking a lesser geared guyand chasing him into a two story tin barn. They were talking shit and shooting at him so I figured I'd teach them a lesson. My guy was well-geared so I had nothing to fear. I started by blasting a guy with my shotgun. Normally it takes two rounds to take someone out but now it took six before he was laying still. The other guy went round me so i switched to my mp5. I shot a full mag in short burst into him while he fired off 5-10 rounds with a pistol. He ran away bleeding while I was unhurt. I started reloading but it didnt work so I switched to my Magnum. The guy started pleading so I told him to lay down. He didnt and instead went for an mp5 that was all of a sudden laying in the middle of the road. My mp5 that my guy had for no reason thrown there. I didnt care much as I knew it was empty So I just said "Pick it up punk" He did and I blasted him with my magnum. Or, so I thought, instead it went .... Nothing. i tried again ....Nothing. Meanwhile punky had gotten the mp5 rasied the empty gun and BRRRRRRRT! Killed me. I was rather perplexed. A fully loaded Magnum refused to fire while an empty mp5 magically reloaded itself while on the ground. Ive had the gun no fire bug before but the mp5 was too much. I respawned and played for a while but it really feels like a hit n miss kinda thing with the weapons. Meanwhile I get taken out with one shot while driving a truck.
  12. Killawife

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    All hail mother cow!
  13. Killawife

    Where are the animals?

    Found me a deer yesterday!:
  14. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    It was loot aplenty yesterday. But they aren't all the same, some guard houses has very low loot and others have it all. They do get picked very fast after restarts I've noticed. Someone logged in inside the guard house outside elektro kamy side when i was looting there the other day. He wasn't very happy about me being there. Kinda stupid location to log at, I thought.
  15. Killawife

    How Did I Survive?

    Mines dont seem to hurt people or gear in this patch. Its working in 0.58 but its not insta-death like before.
  16. Killawife

    Where to find: Shotgun shells and .45ACP

    I found a shotgun shell box on top of one of those red cars that cant be opened. First Ive found in 0.57. Loose shells can be found in guradhouses, aprtments, prison buildings and even police stations. .45 acp seems to only spawn at heli crashes, very weird. And the magazines at guard houses ofcourse.
  17. Killawife

    smersh backpack

    They also spawn in Prison buildings.
  18. Killawife

    Where are the animals?

    There are two villages that always has animals. Nadezdhino, north of cherno has chickens and goats. And Vyshnoe also north of cherno has goats, pigs and chickens. Ive also seen some deer but very sparingly and then ofcourse theres the cows of Berezino.
  19. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I agree to all of this. Its almost like battlefield now. A machinegun for everyone and lots of hits to kill someone. Yesterday I saw an ak-armed guy chase a newspawn into the TEC-building I was in in so I unloaded 23 bullets from my acog-scoped mp5 into him from the third floor. He ran away somehow and I didnt see any blood from him. I followed him and found his ruined gun, ruined backpack, ruined vest and assorted ruined gear but no body.
  20. Killawife

    2nd Character Slot

    I have seen this sometimes, A person has two almost identically named characters on the same server and play with both. Seems completely useless but each to his own I guess.
  21. Killawife

    2nd Character Slot

    There already exists such a thing, its called 1pp. Too bad nobody plays it since its much more immersing. They should make it so everybody spawns with an m4 on 1pp, then people would play it.
  22. Killawife

    Popular locations to go to..

    Kamyshovo is by far the easiest place to find people at. I sat in a bush on one of the hills for about 20 minutes yesterday and saw 5 newspawns and two geared guys killing them. Whenever I go there theres always someone there. I once found this, I have no idea how it happened:
  23. Killawife

    Fun with Spawning

    It happens sometimes. Some servers dont seem to be able to connect to their hive. Also a lot of people dont seem to get the thing with 1pp,3pp and private hives having different characters.
  24. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I thought about it at first but now Ive already swam to shore and gone to cherno, soooo......
  25. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Something happened today that made me sad and angry. I have a fully geared character on public 3pp that I didnt really know what to do with. I then went to the prison island with another character and noticed that plate carriers spawned there adn since this geared character had a pretty rare gun holster I figure I 'd go there and get a fully loaded plate carrier. I found a truck in Severograd and drove through the whole fucking map, into the sea and then swam half the way onyl to have the game swallow my holster as I was taking it out to remove my gun.Wtf? I looked like a madman for it but it was just gone. I had to settle for a plate carrier with pockets and no holster. And If I want one I have to go to the heli crash sites. Again. sigh.