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Everything posted by Killawife

  1. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Found an Aug and coupled mag, found an UMP on a dead guy on another character but no mag. Also met a guy at a heli crash and we didnt kill eachother. Amazing
  2. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    To be honest it has happened to me once too. But unfortunately a lot of people glitch into the wall somehow and kill people who cant see them.
  3. One I've noticed about the patch that is actually very good is that the "ghost" sounds of ammo counting, can opening etc are no longer happening. Also, in general actions seem to happen more easily. But no zeds and empty towns make the game less fun.
  4. Killawife

    Where is everyone?

    All I meet is deer. They're fucking everywhere. I heard something weird yesterday and gladly thought it was a zombie but it was a deer that had gotten into an inner room in the low yellow house and couldnt get out. I went in and pushed him for a bit and he eventually got out. People seen on 0.58 total since patch release: 9, which is what I used to see in a single session running past Kamy. Shots fired by me: 0, shots fired at me by other players: 1, Times died: 1 yay
  5. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I went from Berezino to NW airfield. Found some crap along the way but my main armament was an improvised bow I found in a house and ONE arrow. When I got to Stary tents I could swap it for a shotgun. There was nobody at the airfield but someone had parked a truck nearby and removed the parts form it. When I got to the prison building I heard someone rustling about in the unaccessable room downstairs so I logged out. How can that still be a thing? Its been a glitch since as far as I can remember.
  6. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I haven't had any problems finding stuff actually. Sure, no machineguns and not a lot of ammo for guns but surviving isn't a problem. But, there's so little stuff in large towns that its pointless to go there. And theres no people anywhere but the "hot spots" and there everybody shoots first and asks questions later, or never. Its boring. 0.57 wasn't perfect in any regard but it was way more fun than this. And i'm not the kind of player that sits in a house in cherno all day waiting for someone to shoot, I move all over the map but its just empty of people. Yesterday was the first time I actually met more than one person at a time since the patch came out. I've even tried going all the way from Berezino to Balota down the coast just to meet some people. Saw two, one ran away and one followed me all the way to kamy where I could finally get rid of him. He was quite annoying. I can't see the fun in this patch, I don't know why.
  7. Killawife

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Not the best place to spawn: I also found my first lootsplosion on 0.58, just look at all that epic loot:
  8. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I spawned in Svetlo, nothing there but dead bambis that had thrown themselves from the cranes. I go to Severograd and find a truck but lack the glow plugs so I cant start it. I go to the northern hidden base but its empty. I go to stary yar and find a hunting scope and some other stuff. I go towards Myshkino and find an unlooted heli crash. No guns though. I get to myshkino and the good stuffs been looted. At least i find a shotgun that someone had left. I only had a crossbow before. During my trip I meet two other players who dont speak and see two others in the distance. This patch doesnt contain any action for me.
  9. Killawife

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Whats the point of these trashcans that gets placed randomly?:
  10. Killawife

    Faith reaffirmed...

    This post is clearly a lie.
  11. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    How was my Dayz? Well,boring. I made a newspawn and got Berezino. I geared up for a bit and found a Magnum and bulets and plenty of food and a backpack so I made my way south. I met ONE player at solnichy and he was annyoing First he tried to kill me, then he wanted me to kill him, then he ran after me after I told him to fuck off and i led him all the way to kamy, jumped of the docks and swam about for a while, then i grew tired and logged out. I then played with another character that had lost his gun y-day. I went to Veresnik and got promptly shot by some barracks-campers. Respawned in Cherno and saw only one player there, then zero players on the way to Zelenogorsk. It seems everyones at NW airfield.
  12. They're at Svet and enroute to the airfield. I also saw some people in berezino. But seriously, I must've seen ten people around the NW airfield. Silly rabbits.
  13. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    This is exactly what I think. Before there were lots of guns in the cities along the coast and people could gear up fast and get to fighting. Now those weapons are at the airfield and military bases, forcing people to go there to loot up and fight. Whats the point of this really? Most other parts of the map seems empty of people except for Svetlajorsk, where more people than normal seem to spawn. I did think that the Guard house spawns was a bit much but other than that I really liked the Police station and humvee loadouts. Other than that, patch runs fine. Statuses are updating correctly adn desync seems to be down. No zeds suck though. Also, I lost a repeater so thats still a thing. Some people have had problems with stone knives but mine worked great.
  14. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I got a really bad ending to this patch. I started today by killing off all my old characters. I drove a truck into a wall killing one, jumped from triple yellow in cherno with one and another one shot himself in the head on top of triple yellow. I then played some with my last character and there were lots of nice little firefights in cherno going on so I chimed in with some longhorn shots from one of the hospitals. After a while a guy comes in and we have a shootout with our ak's but he's pretty good so none of us get hit, he uses the doors to shoot rhough and stuff. After a bit I hear him moving off so I wait for about ten minutes adn carefully descend the stairs. Then he shoots me, from inside a non-enterable room in the building. Fucking glitcher. I get a cherno spawn so i run to him and tell him hes a fag, grab my longhorn and take up position. Efter a while he leaves his little hideout so i wait for him but the game crashes so i give up.
  15. Maybe. It was more fun when there was a lot of guns and clothes though. They could make some boats though so you don't have to swim.
  16. I saw one zombie in 0.58. I preferred the OP-zombies of the past patch. They were scary.
  17. In 0.58, prison island is a place where nothing of interest spawns. Thers is a barrack but its always empty. Its a bit sad that they made it a pointless place.
  18. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I think you are missing the whole point of why they are bothering with persistance. You should look into what the devs actually want to accomplish and not what is right now. This is just alpha, nothing is set, while breakijng point is a mod built upon an already finished game, they are not comparable. I have actually looked at Breaking point since I also play Arma3 but its too much of a military sim than a survivalist game. It looks fun though, don't get me wrong, Its just not Dayz.
  19. Killawife

    The Lonewolf Experience

    I play Lonewolf mostly all of the time with some exceptions when I meet someone. Its true that its hard since most groups will kill a lone player without hesitation but the few times when Ive been in a group and meet other groups of players, shooting usually takes place right away with no communication. While if you run into another lone player, the chance of it going ugly seems smaller. I'd say its about 50/50 with one player 75/25 with two players and 99/1 with three players or more. Only once in 1300 hours have I met a group of players of three or more that were actually nice and didn't kill, wound, restrain, poison or intimidate me. One fucking time!
  20. Killawife

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    I would actually suggest a completely different fix for the suicide spawn problem. Its simple, so simple that people will most likely bash their heads in frustration when hearing it adn say, "why didn't I think of that first?". Its quite a common thing for people to suicide to get a different spawn than the one they get. I've done it when I started playing, I've seen streamers do it constantly and a lot of people come up to me every time I play asking me to kill them so they can get a different spawn. I myself feel that it really doesnt matter to me what spawn I get, I will play with it anyways but when I get a spawn close to where I died I almost always go to look for my stuff or to get the guy that killed me. Simply because this is a game, and a game is supposed to be amusing, not a punishment. And what is more amusing than getting revenge on a guy that killed you. Timeouts are just a punishment, nothing more. its not a solution to anything. And if a person that killed you is still in the same postition he was when he killed you after 5 min he deserves to be killed. You also have to take into account that if this is supposed to be a sandbox game, people should be allowed to pew-pew as much as they want, and not get punished for it. The solution I have for this is simply, Let people spawn in an area of their choice. No more suicides, If people wanna PVP, let them spawn where theres PVP, if they dont want this, let them spawn at another place. It doesnt even have to be very complicated, just divide the map into eight zones, S,SW,W,NW,N,NE,E and SE and let players choose the spawn zone. they will then spawn at a random spawn in the zone. If some of the zones spawn more "Epic lootz" than other(like the W and NW)or for some other reason areas are unwanted spawns they can simply be disabled. This would allow people to play the way they want, where they want and not have to suicide all the time. And remember, just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean that its not feasable.
  21. Killawife

    Where to fing AK Handguard rail?

    He means the one that has a rail, it does not spawn at the humvees. I haven't seen any on 0.57 but maybe they spawn at heli sites. On 0.58 you can find them at various locations. The only things that can be attached to the rail is the flashlight and the PSO-1 scope that ONLY spawns mounted on the SVD.
  22. Killawife

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I noticed that if you throw a paper at a wall, it sticks to the wall. Pretty cool.
  23. Killawife

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    This is exactly what they are going FROM to make a more immersive world which is more like the real world and not a constantly spawning computer game. I don't know how you could've missed that with all the talk about CLE and persistance. Performance is not a priority now. It will most likely be addressed later so no need to go backwards to increase it.
  24. Killawife

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I got chased by a Bambi, I told him fifty times to leave me alone, even pointed my gun at him. I could tell that he was shifty so I kept moving all the time. When I finally grew tired and fired my sawn-off at him he became mad so I had to sneak away.