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About mrdiddles

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    On the Coast

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    California US (that's all your getting)
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    Video games,Reading,ETC

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    I like to help people and teach them new things along with learning new things myself.steam account is TheShyAssasin (muchgamerjones is easier to find me by though)
  1. mrdiddles

    Character wipe everytime.

    its a bug yes,but a bug that mainly happens to server hoppers, you see when you log out your stays there for a few mins its a basic tool to fix combat logging and such but when you leave the server and then join another almost instantly, the dayz character database is reading your character on another server so when you log off a server wait a few mins that might go fix it,and even if you do that a player or zombie might be chasing you, and the player might have you in sniper range and just waiting for you to stand still,I have experimented and if you log your character stays for 30 secs 2 mins at most(from my calculations and testing)and if you log, your character will do two things run in circles or sit down and start looking in its area and will look in directions of players great for looking for snipers and other players,but yea don't think that just because you log while your running from zombies means your safe you still have some time till your out for good,I hoped this helped,because while using this info I have never been reset,good luck and happy gaming to all dayz players and I hope these tips work cause they certainly work for me(now i just need to find out how to stop crashing every thirty mins) Edit: there is no way get you character back if you server hop to quickly unless you leave wait a few mins and then join back that might work but it has to happen and be dealt with within a certain amount of time or you can kiss that character goodbye,hope that also works
  2. I know this is a bit old but when you log out your character is still there for a few miniutes its to fix combat logging but zombies and players can still kill you so that maybe your reasons of being reset i found this out a few days ago when i logged out of dayz and my friend was like when are you gonna log off, i said i already have why,your character is still here.......30 seconds later it disapeard well before that he decided to shoot the ghost in the head and 1 hour later when i logged on the character reset and i was like (facepalm) did that just happen so yea this might be why.....and if this was already said somewhere else here i do not have time to read all just my input and another thing if you are in a safe spot and decide to swap servers wait 5 mins to do so to make sure your character despawns on the server you were on because this seems to be happening a lot where people will switch servers almost instantly and the game reads your character being on another server so yea be more careful and happy gaming