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About CrankD

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    On the Coast
  1. CrankD

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Just noticed that the respawning time and respwaning area which was fixed in the 0.46 patch I think is back again.... killed a few zombies and instandly they respawned in every direction around me.... never used so much ammo and bandages in such a short period of time. What I also noticed is that the hitboxes in combination with the inventory is not working as well as it was before... a friend glitched into my aiming area while I was shooting so accidentally I shot him in the shoulder and ALL his gear was instandly ruined.. jacket + items, vest + items, pants + items, backpack + items... even the stuff that was in the "protector" cases and he took only ONE shot in the shoulder. next thing is: Zeds can still walk through walls but I think only when you locked them out of a building its floor is above the ground outside. And if that happens they can attack and hit you even when they are stucked in the floor (think that is new too). Maybe I'm wrong but these things are making the game kind of too hard right now... I hope there are some hotfixes coming soon. And by the way... sorry for my bad english :D Have a nice day! CrankD