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About aasand

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  1. aasand

    5 months till the new update? Realy?

    There will not be a beta, there will not be a game..
  2. I need performance, stopped playig while waiting. Any news on the renderer and development?
  3. aasand

    Can't tear clothes for rags

    To have to use a knife to tear up a shirt is just unnecessary. This is done easily without one IRL. No need to make it more clunky.
  4. aasand

    Streamer tears in exp.

    Is it broken again or not?
  5. aasand

    Obtain higher FPS in DayZ

    Wtf just happened?.. That thing upped my fps with 50% on my laptop and i've pretty much done every tweak possible killing everything unecessary process and maxing the power output, cfg files, and clean install av windows 8.1 Suddenly i have 80 -90fps outside cities and 50 in the middle of cherno, so it did something alright. On a two year old midrange laptop.
  6. aasand

    How tall is the character?

    tfw when 6'1ft master race
  7. aasand

    What do you think of this situation

    KIlling everyone is your safest bet if you want to stay alive. Bambis have nothing to lose or scouts usually.
  8. aasand

    what a game this is

    Yes, Dayz has that "thing" that no other game ever has given me. I never knew that one day a game could give me such an insane hearthrate just by spotting someone running through some trees just ahead of me.
  9. Probably not connecting to hive yet
  10. Nah.. 0.57 and 0.55 haven't been so good. One has a lot of very noticable glitches and bugs and weird loot while 0.55 was terrible in other ways. 0.54 still beats them both i think.
  11. aasand

    Permanent Fracture

    Weird.. I usually have the statusbar glitched maybe 50% of the times i log in. Just relog once or twice and its good. It's ok when you dont have to eat but one can easily bleed to death and i'm pretty sure you never wake up again if unconscious. Even when regenerating and good health. Not sure, but this may also be linked to the inconcistent damage that people can take before dropping since 0.55
  12. aasand

    Permanent Fracture

    Statusbar has glitched. Relog should fix.
  13. aasand

    Can you sneak/make no sound when walking?

    Rolling only worked last year i think. I used that tactic before. Now its loud as fuark
  14. aasand

    Guide to 0.57 glitches

    9. F2 and hands up will fix many of the invicible gun glitches and not being able to load clip.