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About Gumwars

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    On the Coast

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  1. Thanks for the advice. I switched to DayZ Launcher and everything works fine. Got killed just a few minutes ago by a pack of zombies. Awesome!
  2. What version I'm I looking for? And which settings menu? the DayZ Commander main menu settings has check boxes for forcing D3D 9 and running in windowed mode.
  3. Thanks for the advice. I did and now it loads up but ends with "Connection Failed" once the application is running.
  4. Greetings, I'm new to both the standalone and the mod version of this game. I bought the standalone a few weeks ago and have enjoyed it even with it's rough edges. I decided to give the mod version a shot because it seemed to be in a much better state of completeness and looked like fun. Another $30 bucks later through Steam and I have Arma II and OA but can't for the life of me get this thing to run. My specs are as follows: Hardware i7 3630QM 16 GB RAM GTX 670MX GPU Software Win8.1 ArmA II ArmA II OA Beta 1.62 BattleSpy 1.219 Steam PlayWithSix 1.51 A few more details. I'm using PlayWithSix to select my server. The game launches and I get the DayZ splash page. It briefly says "Waiting for Host" and then takes me to the server screen where I pick my role. I click OK and it blacks out for a second and then a progress bar appears at the bottom of the screen. It fills and then it goes to another loading screen with a bunch of tanks and hangers on it. It stalls at around 25% and stays there until I kill the application. It looks like fun, and I want to have fun, so if anyone could help me that would be great. Thanks in advance.
  5. Gumwars

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hello all, I go by the handle Gumwars, Gummy for short. I started playing DayZ a few, ahem, days ago and was instantly whacked. For whatever reason, the game spawned me in a town near the coast, in a culvert, with no clothes. I watched all sorts of videos online before taking the plunge and never saw a person get started off with no shoes, shirt, or pants. I figured, okay, it can happen. The apocalypse hits while you're on the can and you've gotta get moving. Or some maurading group broke into the same lab Tom Cruise was pickled in at the end of Vanilla Sky, and just popped the top in some random ditch. Okay, no clothes. Cool. So I spent like an hour looking for clothes. Found some and a bitchin hat. Still no shoes. I find lots of guns, but no ammo. Cool, I can see that happening. Gotta kill zombies, guns need food too. I'm walking through a passageway between buildings and outta nowhere I get smacked from behind. Insta-dead. I still wonder what the murdering SOB that jacked a dude with no shoes was thinking when he was rummaging through the total lack of anything I was carrying. So, the game respawns me as a black woman. For the record, I am not a black woman. I have nothing against black women but prefer not playing as one. I tried, and failed, to change at least my gender. So, okay, cool, I can roll with this. I'm currently near the airfield in the center of the map having just beat the ever living undead poop out of one zombie, which took a painfully long time. I'm guessing that's why the pros don't roll with baseball bats in the movies...just takes too damn long. I have a pistol (.45 semi) and .45 ACP rounds, which I can't seem to load in the weapon. So far I've run into one other player who mumbled something incoherent and took off running like Usain Bolt. He scared the piss out of me and I miss him so much! The second contact with another person that proved not everyone in this game is out to stick a crowbar in your nugget and he jets! Granted, I'm looking kinda rough, but not bandity. I wonder what the hell is going to happen next?