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About Credidred

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  1. This week I'm talking about the possibilities of a dirt system in Dayz Standalone. This system could work great with Dayz and other survival games. Also I talk about washing clothes in game with examples of items that could be introduced. More advanced cleaning methods from crafting more items could help add more content to camps and communities, All explained in the video Rate and sub and tell me your thoughts?
  2. Hello all survivors. I've done a video covering a crafting explosives using common items in game, Then using the explosive material to craft a nail bomb ( I've got another video on Jars which will make sense of using the glass jar so check that out as well) Let us know what you think. All the best guys have a great weekend. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYFeYHk4p-I
  3. Credidred

    Crafting A Makeshift Tent/Tipi

    Hey guys. Hope everyones having a great weekend. I'm a 3D designer playing around with models and ideas to use in Dayz standalone mods/private hives. This is my latest piece. Making your own makeshift tents. sub for updates and tell anyone whos interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMxSabZx5Jc I know its early doors but i'm looking for people who make mods Arma/Dayz mods and are looking create for the private hives when modding comes into Dayz standalone. Contact me . Enjoy. Credidred
  4. Credidred

    Hardcore roleplay meet up

    this Is awesome. I well want to hook up with you guys
  5. To the northeast of the NW airfield lies a misty hill of rolling pine that towers over the landscape. At its peak sits an old ruin of what was once a grand castle . But apart from the crumbling walls and its scenic view the castle holds a very sinister name... 'Devil's castle' how did this castle get such a name? It looks like any official information as to why was lost to time or has yet to surface. But the castle is believed to be connected to many folk tales of royal feuds to human atrocities. Almost all of the local folk have died since the outbreak. However there are a few left out there who know the old tales and will tell them to any survivor who has the time to listen. Gypsy Cred is one such local who still tells the old folktales. his first story involves a tale about how the castle got its name. Gypsy Creds Campfire Stories
  6. Episode 2 Bruises Cuts Scars Swelling Concept http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGidc14dSvs I See lots of people hitting each other in dayz. Either If they've been captured by bandits and are getting handcuffed and knocked around or just fighting among friends. Would it be good and also more realistic to add consequences to these types of actions? So if you get attacked and survive you bare bruises and cuts that (if are major) heal into scars? explained further in the video. Enjoy Credidred My twitter feed is now out: if your interested in seeing more updates of concepts and models. https://twitter.com/Credidred
  7. Credidred

    DAYZ MRE ( Meal Ready-To-Eat ) For Standalone

    HA HA HA HA HA that sounds just like that movie ' A Boy And His Dog' you ever seen that movie? He goes through all that trouble to get her back and at the very end he eats her! Your comment just reminded me of that for some reason.
  8. Credidred

    DAYZ MRE ( Meal Ready-To-Eat ) For Standalone

    Thanks for your support. I'm looking into 'going to the toilet' for a future video. I mean they have out houses in game so why not???
  9. Credidred

    DAYZ MRE ( Meal Ready-To-Eat ) For Standalone

    Ha ha ha very true! Im glad someone from the army has seen this now. I know there not great in the taste department. But if the world ended tomorrow. The MRE would be like the best steak dinner if you're held up in a gun battle with the neighbours.
  10. Credidred

    DAYZ MRE ( Meal Ready-To-Eat ) For Standalone

    Thanks for the reply. I'll think about that bread. I know i've put a production date on the entree packs. But don't think the game is set at a particular date? so im not sure if i need to go into that kind of detail unless im wrong? I don't know about the ESBID stoves I think thats an English MRE isn't it? I just think the heater would be better as you could use it for multiple roles than cooking food if you needed to, such as using it as a makeshift heat pack if you got stuck out in the cold?
  11. DayZ Standalone MRE Meal Ready-To-Eat, Youtube Preview Hello Everyone. I love how Dayz has workable packages and bags ( such as the medical bag ) you can open to use their content. There needs to be loads more! So I've designed this for the future.I really think this would work well in the games future or for future maps? This is all explained in the video Please send me your thoughts and support to discuss it further. I really think if the world ended tomorrow this item would be sought after.