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About TheHavocfive

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
  1. TheHavocfive

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    If it doesn't say (Boiled) behind it, you're gonna have a bad time...
  2. TheHavocfive

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    From what I understand, the Public Hive was on the HFB servers and no longer under the control of BIStudios or any of the Mod developers. When HFB suddenly shut down, the hive files did to and no one has been able to get them back. As for a new BIStudios Public Hive, why would they bother? There are still larger hive groups from the server providers like the DayZ.ST hive, but with very few Vanilla hive servers left it would be a cost and time waster. So some of us are looking at setting up a hive for a rew servers. Also, anyone with more specific info (or corrections) feel free to reply with them.
  3. TheHavocfive

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I agree that setting up a Vanilla group with linked servers, good admins, and a quality community would be great. I know that US 434 has been reaching the 50 player limit most nights with some very regular players. There is also an influx of old players comming back, players bored with Standalone, and completely new players. However, with all the changes to the Mod over time and the differences between the mod variations and Standalone, an updated wiki with updated locations and loot would be a great tool to help people out. So many new players on 434 are asking all kinds of questions in side chat that sometimes we can't keep up.
  4. TheHavocfive

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Thanks much!
  5. TheHavocfive

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Did the database reset with the change? Friday morning I logged off alive, and a few minutes ago I got the M/F and Location selection screens upon log in.