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About Dylan9889

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    Gaming and biking. And DayZ :-)
  1. Dylan9889

    Hitler finds an M107

    Very well done and speaks truth about the snipers in elektro. That is why I only snipe up north.
  2. Dylan9889


    Why would battleye do something useful for once.
  3. Dylan9889

    Mountain Bikes: We Need 'Em!

    I want!
  4. When I see zombies chasing someone I shoot there legs and watch the zombies eat them. Simple...I love my job.
  5. Dylan9889


    Well If I had a sniper and you were far away I would prob kill you but if I was close I prob wouldn't ... Depends how I feel.
  6. Dylan9889

    Whats your worst Dayz luck?

    Found my first AS50 and I climbed up a hill. When I was near the top I started sliding down the hill and I hit rock once and I died :-( Worst day.
  7. Dylan9889

    Hackers and Server Logs?

    Well I heard that there was a new bypass that the scripts aren't even shown in the logs so if you did it is fucked either way(not 100% positive)
  8. Yea but do you know what the keys are to 'flush'? to see if it fixes it?
  9. When I am playing DayZ. I just ran to balota tents and there are weird bars and shit across my screen first time it happened to me in over 200hours of play anyone help?
  10. Dylan9889

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I keep getting "waiting for server response" every server I join and I wait 30+ mins help?
  11. Dylan9889

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I just want choppers in the air :-) Good so far going to test it a bit now.
  12. Dylan9889

    Joy of Banditry

    You do this until a noob comes to "axe you some questions" >:-)
  13. I would like to see what you come up with.
  14. Dylan9889

    Graphics Card

    HD6870 nuf said ruins DayZ on High for round 120 pound
  15. Dylan9889

    Emotionally drained after death

    Happened to me when I was snipped by some guy with a M107 up north since then I have changed into trust no one and survive.