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About Elias79

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Elias79

    Hoping for character resets!

    No it only needs section based item limits to prevent server crashes, so the map needs to be split up in invisible sections for the game engine to handle it, and we expect regular wipes the loot rates needs to be increased to counter it, not the other way around, if we got weekly wiped the loot needs to be x times more frequent to counter act that, but right now i dont think most servers handle more than 5-10 players for a stable persistent server.
  2. Tents don't stay longer than a day for me as the servers wipes all the time and my character got wiped 5 times in 3 days.
  3. Elias79

    Hopes for 0.50 stable

    I don't understand what most of you are talking about who cares about items when some people cant even play the game anymore! What we need for 0.50 stable in order of importance: 1. The bug fix for the 0-1 fps bug. 2. Invincible zombies bug. 3. Working loot re spawns. 4. Better zombie collision detection. 5. Shoes and food fixes.