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caxton gibbet

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About caxton gibbet

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. caxton gibbet

    Dayz Debacle

    Nice job stereotyping all of humanity there fella. You know, not everyone is motivated simply by money.
  2. Then how would you explain the knowledge you have, of their location and contents, the moment you awake as a new character, I mean, if you're talking about 'authenticity' and them not being linked to you, how do you square the circle of having that knowledge? I mean no offence, and I understand your point. However, it seems to me, the key question here is not "is it authentic or not", The key question here is, how will affect game play and to what extent will it dilute or even negate the permadeath nature of DayZ.
  3. caxton gibbet


    Break downs in communications during military operations can, and have, resulted in friendly fire. I guess its no different in DayZ. I would hate to see a name or buddy tag system introduced. Seems to me that playing in a group is a big enough advantage all on its own, the more organised the group the better they will do, and that's as it should be. Introducing a name or buddy tag system would also remove a possible tactical tool, infiltration, from all players.
  4. I feel it has to be removed if you die. I think that, at the very least, access has to be removed from the player once they die, anything short of this, giving a player access to previously stashed gear, would completely negate the permadeath nature of the game. Seems to me that one key aspect to DayZ is creating ways to give value to your avatar, a reason to want to keep it alive. The greater the loss the greater the risk...
  5. caxton gibbet

    Guitar, fire and dance animations

    How about also having sheet music in the loot tables. Having one in your inventory gives you a song you can play/learn.
  6. The new Pathfinding is looking great. Thanks dev team. :thumbsup: However,I would like to make a small suggestion. What about if barriers at waist height, the type we can vault, caused the zombie to fall over them as they run into them, May look a little less odd than have them run around such a low barrier. What do you think? :blush: Anyway,thanks again for the great work you are all doing. :beans: