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Everything posted by Baseborn

  1. Baseborn

    Stopping for gas

    Just another day in paradise.
  2. Baseborn

    Stopping for gas

    Thanks! Always great to welcome a new subscriber! MmMmMm beeeaaaannnssss
  3. Baseborn

    My god. That mod.

    A while back my friend and I took a break from DayZ and in that time the standalone was released. We've been playing the standalone since. We decided to give the new mod updates a go... It was pretty amazing... Wishing the standalone was further along now...
  4. Baseborn

    My god. That mod.

    He likes it when he says shambling too.
  5. Baseborn

    My god. That mod.

    If you guys took a year and a half off from the mod and played the standalone only you might understand. Yes it was still buggy, but it was fun. We had fun. That is all.
  6. Baseborn

    Floor Zombies! (video)

    These buggers never seem to quit. I have not played since just before the new patch. Are these guys still doing this?
  7. Baseborn

    episode 9: cow puncher

    the cow never did anything. Thats why it had to be punished.
  8. DayZ has to be the best alpha release that ever was.... Your input is welcome! Please let us know how to do this even better!
  9. A few suggestions, and don't take these too seriously as I am just starting a channel as well (see signature!)... Get a better mic. The one you have now is ok, but you're definately going to want to invest in something better. Make an intro. Short music/animation intro. More people take your channel seriously if they see you're putting real work into it. Explain what you're doing/where you're going. The first couple minutes was just you running through the woods. Gotta grab attention right from the start. Talk more in general. Add background music where appropriate. Just some of the things I learned over the past few weeks... Hope this helps!
  10. I love how clan servers will post rules about shooting on site and then proceed to break them all.
  11. Baseborn

    Even when they say "no shooting on site"...

    This is so true. It's counterintuitive to name your server as friendly. You're pretty much guaranteed to attract all the SoS people as they flock to troll the real friendlies.
  12. Baseborn

    Even when they say "no shooting on site"...

    I am well aware that server rules can't be enforced. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of a -clan- setting -clan- rules on their -clan- server and then not following their very own -clan- rules. That is all.
  13. Baseborn

    Even when they say "no shooting on site"...

    It was a clan member of the server. For sure.
  14. Baseborn

    Dual screen DayZ

    Frozen Face and I have decided to try a new format. I do not believe I have ever seen any other channel on YouTube that has done this exactly, but I have not seen them all for sure. I was wondering what anyone thought of this format. Should we keep it going this way? Is this a viable thing? Is this something you would watch? (not much happens in our first couple episodes I will concede, but events unfold rather quickly later in the series and in episodes still to come) Even if it isn't something you would necessarily watch, do you see it having potential? What are you looking for in a video game channel? Your input is greatly appreciated!
  15. Baseborn

    Dual screen DayZ

    I think that has more to do with the server and internet connection than our recording. That being said, we have upped our recoding quality. Unfortunately that won't show for a few more episodes.
  16. Baseborn

    Dual screen DayZ

    What do you mean? Both videos were recorded with the same quality level.
  17. Baseborn

    A new challenger approaches!

    Always remember - Comments, Likes, and Subs make baby Jesus smile!
  18. Baseborn

    A new challenger approaches!

    We've been experimenting with different formats as episodes progress. Up to Ep. 5 right now...
  19. Baseborn

    I lost my pants!

    I had to run around in my panties thanks to a server restart! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_lfHwAFtVU Anything like this ever happen to any of you?
  20. Baseborn

    I lost my pants!

    I like the pockets.... I mean.. I like panties too... But pockets man! Pockets! We need panties with pockets.
  21. Baseborn

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    Internet hiccuped and made me double post...
  22. Baseborn

    Why would you leave the North-east corner? Ever?

    I can definitely see your point. Not much happens in-land, but the hotspots are still hotspots. You will most likely run into someone at NW Airfield or Stary/Novy. I usually go to those places to load up on gear and then head back towards the coast (Berezino mostly) if I don't have any conflict (rare).
  23. I'm curious. My longest surviving character made it 17 days until a server auto killed him. These days I don't seem to make it more than a few days. I've become a bit reckless since then. Seems more fun that way. Of course, it's never zombies. The real threat is the other players. I've lasted as little as 10 minutes, going down in a hail of automatic gunfire...... I love this game. What is the longest you've survived? (shortest dying to a bandit?)
  24. Baseborn

    What is the longest you have survived?

    I like to travel between points of interest picking up loot and upgrading where I can. I usually will run into someone at some point and about 90% of the time I go for a greeting. 90% of the time I'm either shot on sight or backstabbed. This, to me, is DayZ. *hand in the air* Raise your hand if you've died more times in DayZ than you have in Dark Souls.
  25. Baseborn

    What is the longest you have survived?

    I'm not sure that counts... Maybe we could make it a "half death".