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Everything posted by hunter-blaze

  1. hunter-blaze

    Mosin + Bipod?

    It would seem they have removed that, what a shame...
  2. hunter-blaze

    Being friendly finally paid off

    You lucky ass
  3. hunter-blaze

    A handy tip

    I kind of did this, dumped my mosin with a truck load of ammo, ended up coming back like 15-20 min later and killing like 3 bandits! (A good catch to me)
  4. hunter-blaze

    A question

    Just out of interest, why would you want to connect to a US server from Serbia, surely your ping is going to be, well... OVER 9000 Sorry, only crappy reference I could think of...
  5. hunter-blaze


    I would say ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA but... Well actually I just did so yeah...
  6. hunter-blaze

    Wait that's Elektro!

    I never even knew it was broke, I have used the sun to navigate on multiple occasions, worked out fine for me, are you sure you did everything right?
  7. hunter-blaze

    'My Leg is in Pain' Questions

    Like Mystic Bagel said, rag and some sticks, craft a splint and watch the DayZ gods do there work!
  8. hunter-blaze

    Crashes when applying items

    Try killing yourself, or re-installing the game, maybe mess around with some settings?
  9. hunter-blaze


    I found a MP5K on the bonnet of a police car, only one though!
  10. hunter-blaze

    Confirmation - Legs break when picking up object

    Or ate more beans...
  11. hunter-blaze

    Chambering rounds

    Yeah actually, that sounds good!
  12. hunter-blaze

    DayZ Hypotheticals

    Simple, I wait, track them from far away, watch what they do and where they go, try to find a better weapon along the way and then hold then, kill one of them, make the other fill with panic, and then hold the other one up, take one item and tell him never to f**k with a hero. Simple!
  13. hunter-blaze

    Is this how I die after more than 50 hours surviving?

    I found one on the bonnet of a police car!
  14. hunter-blaze

    Grenade mechanics

    Love it!
  15. hunter-blaze

    Polaris - finding North at night

    Nice!! I will have to try that next time I play through the night!
  16. hunter-blaze

    Trading Post

    A nice concept, but face it, this is DayZ
  17. hunter-blaze

    Flashbangs and Grenades

    I know that flashbangs are a piece of horse shit, and grenades are most likely the same.
  18. hunter-blaze

    NEAF ATC Wall Glitch

    Been killed by that glitch on multiple occasions, that's why I've gone back to the mod (and other reasons)
  19. hunter-blaze

    Heli Crash Sites

    Good... Good...
  20. hunter-blaze

    ethics of first kill

    I played the mod for over a year, and standalone for over 200 hours, I have killed and been killed countless times, I have tried every approach I could think of towards DayZ, there was only one I really enjoyed though. Bandit. (And only surviving on beans for as long as I can)
  21. hunter-blaze

    Chambering rounds

    The point of having to chamber a bullet from your inventory, rather than hitting "r" is to enhance realism, maybe it's to make it longer and to build more tension rather than having to just hit "r", and having the game do it for you! Anyway, that's my opinion...
  22. hunter-blaze

    New map in the future?...whats the rumours?

    Can't agree more...
  23. hunter-blaze

    clean the screen

    If the messages are that big on your screen, then you need to get a new monitor, because it sounds like you have one small ass screen!