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About ChainReactor

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    Troubleshoots on sight!

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  1. ChainReactor

    Community Spotlight - 25 Mar 15

    Well deserved.
  2. ChainReactor

    My CPU is 180°F (85°C) HOT!

    Paste is nothing you save money on. It's THE main heat transfer between your CPU and the cooler. Do / buy it right once and don't be worried about it for a long time. Keep in mind that you could run the best cooler in the world, if your discount heatpaste is mostly made of toothpaste it won't do anything good. TL;DR: Don't try to save money on stuff that isn't expensive at all. Fluxley provided you some brands above.
  3. ChainReactor

    DayZ streaming issues; black screen

    Also make sure you have the anti cheat compatibility enabled in your game capture window's properties.
  4. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Whenever I get a Vybor spawn, I never find any pants. It looks so ridiculous to run around with high-cap, ballistic helmet, decked out AKM but no f*n pants....
  5. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Perhaps because a certain someone rather went to work while being feverish instead of staying at home, huh ? :)
  6. ChainReactor

    Watching you watching me?

    Qualyfiers will be on Sunday, 9PM GMT, the next finals will be in April. http://www.twitch.tv/survivorgamez And yes, a special build of the game was provided for SGZ. There are no plans to implement any special feature in the actual game. ( To understand this better: one of the inventors of the DayZ SurvivorGameZ is a guy called Brian Hicks :-) )
  7. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Would report later anyway, had one crash that fixed itself too today on the old build, but took the time to file a ticket. It's never bad to let them know :)
  8. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186540-my-dayz-crashed-what-do-i-do/ Please report crashes to the feedbacktracker, otherwise there is a chance they end up in the stable build and we get a build in need for a hotfix again.
  9. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    My steam is down :(
  10. ChainReactor

    DayZ Painting by @Lucratea

    Talented girl, I really like her work. Though I like Eugen's work more :)
  11. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    Keeeeeep in mind though guys, first iteration. No wonders, just a new system :) Proof me wrong, devs, please !
  12. ChainReactor

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

  13. ChainReactor

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Most likely the BE update that has been tested on experimental during last week
  14. ChainReactor

    Community Spotlight - 11 Mar 15

    Will be tough. RunningManZ, WOBO and SepticFalcon ... all my fav UK youtubers are competing.
  15. ChainReactor

    Community Spotlight - 11 Mar 15

    Well deserved. Congrats TRMZ!