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Everything posted by rickyonsteam

  1. rickyonsteam

    Wolves are Dangerous! (Player Kill) 0.61 EXP

    wolves do seem a little Over Powered no? . . . . I wonder how strong bears will be when they finally make it into the game LOL
  2. rickyonsteam

    DayZ 0.61 - New Threats - First Person Gameplay

    .61 looks awesome!!! Can't wait to play it on Stable... BTW has that ladder in 5:37 always been there??????
  3. rickyonsteam

    DAYZ Funtage (Feedback plz)

    Hey Guys, So I haven't played DAYZ in a while, but I found a bunch of old footage on one of my PC and decided to make a little Funtage. I'm in the process of making funtages for other games and think I'm gonna jump back into DAYZ and make more. Any feedback on art style, editing style, or comments if you like the vid would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  4. rickyonsteam

    DAYZ Funtage (Feedback plz)

    Yea I felt weird having my little cousin watchin me play and don't plan on doing it again. That 10 year old I would've let go, but I use to roll with some unforgiving players back in the day. Thanks for the comment and feedback!
  5. rickyonsteam

    DAYZ Funtage (Feedback plz)

    haha thanks! I didn't yell at him too much lol. I can't wait though the developers release .61 so more players will be on and I can record more epic moments.
  6. rickyonsteam


    lol if Im gonna be killed by bandits like this, then I want to go out just like this :)
  7. rickyonsteam

    Outstanding Dayz UI and game design

    This is awesome and survival mode sounds EPIC!... but would a whole week ban be too much? maybe a 24hr or 48hr ban? ppl may lose interest way too quick if they die and can't play again for a week. The punishment should last only a couple of play sessions, otherwise it becomes more annoying then anything else.
  8. rickyonsteam

    Cooking meat doesnt work!

    Dude the cooking thing is messed up. I watched my deer steak go from RAW to BURNED instantly without any room to pull the meat out. I used a gas canister and it took about 10mins. I have it on video if anyone want me to upload.
  9. With the new update removing m4's from the military bases and making military loot generally rarer and harder to find, which I believe is a step in the right direction, I still think, however, that there should be at least 1 temporary-type military compound that contains US or Western grade military loot like the m4 and other gear. Now the reason I saying this is because, although finding helicopters is not all that bad, it takes significantly LONGER to find them, which requires hours upon hours of tracking. Other gear like the mp5k, for example, you can go to the police station and basically camp it out till the sever resets or server hop. And unlike any other weapons in the game, all of sudden m4 ammo is significantly harder to find as well, which makes the game much more frustrating when you all of a sudden die and lose your m4. Now I still believe that military loot should be rare, which promotes the use of other weapons, such bow & arrows or that shitty blaze rifle, but I think it would make sense if the developers implement a small temporary-type military base (consisting mostly of tents and one normal building converted into a military control center) that the US army normally uses when responding to emergencies (think hurricane sandy or something like that). I believe it would logical and would justify the the presence of US helicopter crash sites in Russia, because like in the movies, the US would establish temporary military bases to respond to (and in this situation try to study) the viral outbreak in Russia. The military base could also contain small medical tents where the US army brought in patients to study or run experiments on. This would also fit into the developers push to make player explore the entire map, b/c it would make sense to find a small foreign temporary military base in the remote wilderness (no roads leading to it whatsoever), if that foreign military was trying to study the outbreak while at the same time distancing themselves from populous regions. I could easily see one of those run down castles being converted into a temporary US center of control for their military. I ultimately believe this would bring some balance to weapon hunting, b/c as stated before if you know the general spawn locations of the mp5k or akm, you could go to that place on the map and camp it out. Helis, on the other hand, are random and only spawn at 3 locations per server restate. My opinion might change if bicycles are added in the future, but right now finding the m4 is way out of balance when compared to other rare weapons. (FYI, i just fell off a ladder and some1 stole my m4 (took me about 5 hours to find with the upgraded attachments) from my dead body b4 i could loot it, which is why this may sound bias)
  10. This is my experience on Day Z so far. Looks like its really every man for themself in this game. Let me know if you guys can relate . . . :( Based on a true story
  11. Actually, this is my point exactly. You knew where to head to get the gear and you took into consideration all of the risks associated with that journey. Yes the Akm and m4 are going to be very rare and idc if they only spawn at a particular location 1/100 times, but knowing that heading towards a general location may yield benefits is what makes the game (in part) fun. If all spawn points where totally random, I would have no real motive to travel any deeper in-land and may and stick by the cost and interact with players there. Every weapon besides the m4 has a particular spawn point, which makes the m4 spawning system totally out of balance. Yes make it rare, but give the players at least one location to go to compel them to risk it all and make the journey. I guess my main argument is that heading to NWAF to search for an akm may take 2 hrs tops, which may ultimately yield no akm at all. Exploring half the map for a m4 may take 5 hours +, which also may ultimately yield no result at all. Its this out of sync weapon hunting time that I don't agree with. Now if the downed helis had a special weapon like g35c or some magical sniper rifle, then it would make sense to make them extremely hard to find, random, no particular spawn point, and making the weapon hunting time 5-10hrs. The m4 is not that type of weapon. Its on par with the akm and should accordingly be balanced as such.
  12. What I was trying to get at is that there should be at least 1 solid spawn point for a particular item loot. Having a solid spawn point, would help players decipher which location of the map they would like to travel to for a particular item of loot. For example, with all other weapons in the game, you typically know where they spawn and can weight the risk, time, & benefits of making that trip. Take for instance the AKM, if I wanted a Akm i know i would have to make a trip to a military site, which would entail weighing the risk of dying, trip time, and the potential of any loot being there. The same doesn't go for m4 spawns anymore. I would literally have to search 50 % of the map to locate a downed chopper, which takes significantly MORE TIME than any finding any other weapon. On top of that the heli sights I've found have only given me 1 mag per sight, which almost makes looking for an m4 totally useless. Also, finding ammo (and the importance of ammo) is going to become much more vital when 100 man servers are up. It seems like finding a down heli with a m4 is just dumb luck now, and even if you find it, it may not be worth taking if you get very limited ammo, especially on 100 man severs. If there was a solid spawn point, like a NATO/UN/US base you can go to that location, and if you find ammo or even an m4, making a trip to a downed heli site would be more justifiable.
  13. rickyonsteam

    DayZ is a cruel cruel world... this is why i went bandit

    Most bandits kill on site and then take ur semi runied stuff.... the interesting kind hold you up loot u and let u live. I only ran into that type once :/
  14. rickyonsteam

    DayZ is a cruel cruel world... this is why i went bandit

    yea that guy was a real dick... but he thought me a lesson, I tired helpin another dude and he tired to pull the same stunt, but I didnt fall for that same trick twice :)