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Everything posted by ruax

  1. ruax

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Hello, I went on the dayz experimental patch when it came out found plenty of stuff, logged off came back today and went literally around half the map spawned at elektro went west then north and logged off at NWAF and everytown I passed was completely empty not even pair of boots, nothing. I did manage to find some stuff at the new enterable barracks at zelenegorsk and north west airfield, but is that it?? Only a tiny bit of loot in those buildings?? Wich is 90% of the time only ammo?? I did find also sks ammo in the hangars.. And 1 ak mag in the normal barrack. Tents had few hats and smersh backpacks.. Am I missing something? Every town is empty and almost every military building too except the larger barracks! Is there some weird ass spot where all the loot respawn or is it just broken at the moment?
  2. ruax

    Persistence Questions

    Did they not mention that at .57 stable persistence would be turned off? Though vehicles were supose to be persistent.. So maybe stolen after all.
  3. Hi, I got on some hour ago after the rollback and the wipe of all the loot etc... So I am wondering is there any persistence server on at the moment? I played on my usuall server and it has no persistence atm we dropped stuff and had a car and it was all gone after the server restarted and the helicopter crash had fresh loot same with towns. So is this only this server that has been magicly turned into persistence off or is all servers persistence off? I thought they were forced ON. This is a puplic hive server. If anyone have anything to say about server with persistence off or on go on and comment! :) Just trying grasp if this is only server atm or what is going on! :) Note that I am talking about after the wipe and rollback.
  4. ruax

    Homeserver lost its persistence

    Ah :) good to hear although I will somewhat miss that freshloot :/ ! Also the server I mentioned is 2-18
  5. ruax

    Homeserver lost its persistence

    Ah I did mention that it was a puplic hive, and the IP is !
  6. ruax

    Homeserver lost its persistence

    It says there is no problem with persistence and all servers should be forced persistence but thats not true at all.
  7. ruax

    Status Report - 14 Apr 15

    I had problems with persistence just now.. Server restarted everything was fresh. And that server was persistence since I started play on it untill today, played on it for weeks.
  8. ruax


    Its wipe wednesday.
  9. ruax

    Killing fresh spawns ?

    And who kills the freshspawns? You can kill those who do xD... I my self change what I am doing all the time sometimes I feel like sneak around upnorth or raid military places ( tho now that is pretty useless..) But sometimes I just change it up and go to the coast somewhere with my friends and try sneak around kill some geared players.. We don't kill freshspawns on site probably never, if we shoot a freshspawn its because we think he either trying to stall us for something or get our location or try knock us out!._. Since there is not much loot at military places anymore its hard to choose where to go for some action..:( But I still think most people actually go to the coast for quick action and just end up shooting anyone freshspawn and geared players.
  10. ruax

    Killing fresh spawns ?

    I think most people are at the coast to get quick action as thats where most people hang.
  11. Hi, so I am trying to understand how the helicopter crash sites work right now and the loot spawn for them? I noticed that there are 3 helicopter crash sites at same spot all the time on every server I go on! But there is not much loot at most luck I have found 1 m4 and 2 20roundmagazine's on looking at 20 different servers.. So I mean if someone picked up all the stuff should it not respawn new loot on helicopter crash site? Since they are all at same spot do loot spawn at them? Or are the helis just there and the loot spawn is actually random like it was before? So if I go check all the possible helicrash sites on the map where there are no heli I may find some loot? If someone could please explain how they work right now as they are not moving spot at restarts and there is literally no loot no matter how many servers I look on.
  12. ruax

    .55 Base

    Yeah, I loot and jump alot got place with around 10-15 toilets 2-3 jeeps and few of these good buildings I am looting at the moment and thank you for telling me about the bug with military tents :)
  13. ruax

    0.55 loot spawns!

    Hi, i thought maybe we could gather as most info as possible on all the good loot spawns especially for like military loot! This post is to share your knowledge and help out the people who want to know more about the good spawn points. If you can screenshot or just give good explanation of the spot/place/building is fine :). Thank you in advance. I will copy paste the places people are mentioning in the thread in OP post. Places I found: Military cars and Blown up tanks: Grenades, ammo, clothing, mags, canned food. Police station: Mags for RAK and MP5. Wooden toilet: Chance of spawning alot of food. http://puu.sh/h20TK/4d80f846cd.jpg In front of these buildings also tends to spawn goodies such as 75 round drums, ammo boxes, grenades, PSO-1 scopes, and other attachments/ammo. http://puu.sh/h2t8d/7f0c372fbe.jpg Also found a mosin, mountain backpacks, rice, axes (fire and splitting), and other stuff here. Hunter Backpack behind the counter of the petrol station North end of Zelenogosk buses The wrecked UAZ trucks are goldmines. They spawn attachments, ammo, and AKs galore. It seems consistent to a few as well, not all spawn this much loot. There's one on the way out of Pustoshka heading toward Dichina/Veresnik that spawns good loot, and the two that I can find in Vybor seem to as well. Vehicle junkyards. There's at least two enroute from novo to severograd. Two drums AKMs and an M4 in the last little bit. A bunch of frags as well.
  14. ruax

    .55 Base

    I do not want his base, also its not completely random at all. For example in zelenegorsk there is some tanks next to jail building there is like a mp5 and a rak everytime when its not looted. but at other tanks at other locations there is no mp5 at all never! Does not matter how much i server jump. And this includes with other items and different locations too cant really mention them all tho.. But I have noticed this alot. Checking 1 good loot place at 1 place spawning alot loot on almost every server i jump.. Then i go to same car/building at another town and server jump and barely any loot, its not entirely random at all. It might supose to be but its alpha and im sure there are flawls so. For now the location for me is very important to where he found that toilet. Its better than nothing anyways right. + I have checked around 50-100 toilets just recently not single military tent..
  15. ruax

    .55 Base

    Just tell me where tho? Please. Where you found it exactly ( wich town )
  16. ruax

    .55 Base

    Could you tell me where you found it exactly? I have found several normal tents but military tents I haven't seen single one.. Playing around 8 hours+ a day for 5 days looking now or something like that.... Maybe it spawns only at like the out house where you found it?
  17. ruax

    .55 Base

    Can you give me more specific area? And what exact house?
  18. ruax

    .55 Base

    Hey it would help me insanely if you could tell me where you find the military tent!!! In 0.55!!
  19. ruax

    Attachment Ideas

    They are making the guns as they are in real life.. So doing that is not really gonna happen.
  20. ruax

    0.55 loot spawns!

    I sure did tho? I am the maker of this thread I was the first to give info about spawn and im the one puting together all the places so people can easily see.
  21. ruax

    0.55 loot spawns!

    Thank you for posting, come back and post again if you find anything new!! :)
  22. ruax

    0.55 loot spawns!

    Nice I am sure it may be useful! :=) I edited OP.
  23. ruax

    0.55 loot spawns!

    So am I and alot of people, but this is a thread to help everyone, and for people to find the nice spots or find new ones they didn't know of. So your completely useless and selfgood comment is absolutely not needed.
  24. I like the stealth with the zombies, I like that they are hard.. Makes you always walk around headshot them before they even get chance to start sprinting! BUT I do tho wish there was bit more of them but bit slower and less health, right now they take way too much damage before they die.. And they need to stop dealing damage by just being close.. Its impossible to evade their attacks wich is quite annoying.