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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Ways to identify people in your group

    This has never happened, honestly. I don't usually roll with more than 2-3 others. I suppose I start shooting and half-heartedly hope it's not my buddy. lol. The friends I roll with would probably not be too upset anyway. We don't get all that worked up over dying cuz regearing is too easy.
  2. I would give you mine but I damaged it opening this can of beans for you.
  3. Parazight

    What's worse? Death or Unconciousness

    Unconscious is better. I won't hesitate to attack another bambi with a bat or fists if they're holding my future SKS. Killing them is rarely necessary. Not killing can be much more interesting. One time, at a prison, another player and I were taunting each other and eventually he snuck up the stairs backwards trying to get a shot off. Well, I was doing the same thing, prone, above the stairs. He shot once with a magnum, I shot once with a shotgun. Screen went black, I went unconscious. I woke up 20 seconds later unharmed. I love you ballistic helmet!!! He was a bloody mess at the bottom of the stairs. I looted him and went on my way. Far better result than death.
  4. Parazight

    Blend in with Zombies

    Why would you want to look like a zombie? People KOS zombies. Please elaborate on your motives.
  5. Parazight

    Long Range Sights

    You need to be able to quick draw and fire with a Long Range Scope? If you're using a LRS, you're probably sniping. If you're using a LRS to kill someone just to defend yourself then you're probably doing it wrong.
  6. Parazight

    Admin Death/Damage Log

    I would think that a visible combat log would give admins an advantage over players that don't have a log. It sucks having to deal with cheaters, however, try to have faith that when the game is finished that it wont be an issue. Dayz's lifespan depends on it.
  7. Parazight

    Ways to identify people in your group

    I always thought that there was enough variety in the clothing to identify one person from another.
  8. Parazight

    Spray Paint UV paint application

    Totally unnecessary and has nothing to do with survival, shooting people or zombies. Fluff.
  9. Parazight

    Poison Arrows

    Incoming mini thread necro. So, we've had crossbows and bows enter the game since this thread was last active. I've played around with crossbows and bows in stable (currently .46) and found them to be underwhelming and cumbersome. I realize we're still in alpha and balancing still needs to happen. Regardless of how much damage they do IRL compared to a bullet I cant imagine that their damage will be leaps and bounds above other types of ammo. String weapons need to be balanced eventually (and carefully), so where should they be? They can't travel as far as current endgame ammo (nor should they). They have the bonus of being stealth ammo and potentially reusable, however, balancing based on ease of crafting/gathering is probably wrong. They can't be weak comparatively, because they require work to start using. Currently, it's not set up to be a new spawn weapon, in my opinion. By the time a new player can get a working bow/arrow with ammo it would've been easier to find a SKS and ammo. So, I have a hard time seeing them NOT being a mid tier weapon or better. My suggestion is to introduce poison here. Poison can balance the weapon. The key is to have poisoned arrows apply a run speed debuff. You probably don't have a ton of arrows to waste moreso than bullets. Possibly by introducing poisoned arrows/bolts you enhance the value of crafting such a piece of (reusable?) ammunition AND the overall value of the weapon as it provides an option otherwise not available. As a bambi, I imagine that having a restrictive weapon that fills the distance gap (short range that applies a speed debuff) wouldn't be OP. In my adventures, whenever I had a crossbow/bow I rarely had a standard firearm. I found myself wanting a way to slow down my opponent who holds a rifle so that I could bleed them out and then attack with a melee weapon. Poisoned arrows would fit this niche nicely. I believe a player in dayz would eventually choose his arsenal based on utility, not a standard list of which weapon is better than another and I think this idea would help work towards a broader selection of tools based on the individual's play style. Additionally, current mechanics seem wonky. Let's say you hit a guy with a weapon and he starts bleeding. You chase your victim around, he's bleeding like mad, but he doesn't get any slower until he's absolutely drained. Poison and a run speed penalty seem authentic, fun, and a viable alternative. Haven't really fleshed out this idea any more than what I've written above. Thoughts?
  10. Another great video! I like how flexible the weapon is. Looks like a great option for a sniper, as you mentioned. Hopefully when it's balanced the rarity will be appropriate.
  11. Parazight

    Playing as a Wolf

  12. What Hicks said. Also, your poll is terrible. The third option in the first question doesn't make sense and all the choices for the second question are way too specific and don't relate to one another hardly at all. I didn't even bother to choose.
  13. Parazight

    Night Time Play & exploit Poll

    I don't really play at night because of gamma correction. When I first started playing I tried out regular night servers. Pretty clueless bambi at the time wondering around with just a flashlight trying to loot stuff. Needless to say, I didn't get very far before getting waxed. Anywho.... I eventually got back onto a server in the daylight and was blown away at how awesome everything looks once I really started exploring the game. (I have a great system and can play full settings without issue) Day eventually turns to night. I eventually got better and learned to play with the gamma settings. Why would I not turn up gamma? Exploit really doesn't seem like a good way to describe the logical adjustment you make to the settings. Really, this game is about survival. You do what you need to do to not die. You've invested time into looting and not dying thus far, turning up the gamma/brightness hardly seems like an exploit. Stories of hackers, bandit KOSers, killer bugs, and any number of things can kill you. 'Exploiting' the gamma almost seems necessary. If only so you don't accidentally fall off of something and die because you can't see! People call it an exploit and I've seen people take flak on forums for turning up gamma so I don't really play nighttime. I'm one of the biggest asshole you may ever meet in game, but I'll be damned if I do anything considered a cheat/exploit. So, the natural conclusion is to avoid night play. I lol'd when I saw "too scary" as one of the poll options. heh. who's gonna ever check that. >.< I think I would reconsider night play if night servers opened up and gamma correction wasn't an option for anyone. Seems difficult to implement, though.
  14. The best place to find loot is off of a dead man's corpse. Amirite? You were just doing the most logical thing!
  15. Parazight

    Tents with wooden floors never have loot/gear

    Big blue trailers with the fat ass tires and some junkyard cars were also changed. Intentionally.
  16. Parazight

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    Yea, I find myself in that situation two to three times a day in real life. I'm like, "golly, this is JUST LIKE DayZ." GOOD ONE DOOD!!!
  17. Parazight

    "Safe" zones

    This thread reminds me Martin Luther King Jr. street in Indianapolis. Named after a pinnacle of non-violence and peace, it's anything but that! You want a 'safe zone'?? Go to the forums and pm people with similar interests. Then jump on a voice comms program and meet deep in the woods somewhere.
  18. Parazight

    Loading magazines when opening doors/dates

    I've never used the f key. Only the mouse wheel. Never had a problem. Unbind f entirely, imo
  19. Parazight

    ethics of first kill

    Great question! The answer is very simple. There are no rules, and more importantly, no one gets hurt. You play dayz knowing you could die, yet you play anyway.
  20. Parazight

    I feel bad for killing a good guy

    Like, everyone is not like you. Some people enjoy reading.
  21. Parazight

    ethics of first kill

    Guilty until proven innocent, IMO! Generally speaking, I won't KOS if I don't perceive a threat. If you start talking before I can kill you then I'll probably hear you out. I assume everybody I don't know will shoot me for no reason. You better be good at not getting a gun pointed at you because I won't lose any sleep over ventilating a dude's head. Possibly jaded from hackers, bandits, and other people just like myself. Pretty much over it though, been murdered by people as a new spawn/bambi so many times it doesn't even matter anymore. I love this game.
  22. Parazight

    I feel bad for killing a good guy

    Ahh the inner conflict of those new to pvp. Those were the days..... The guy you shot had nothing to lose. Remember that always. Personally, I became numb to my, and other players' deaths, many video games/mmos ago.
  23. Yes. extreme damage to your legs area is first applied to your pants, then through to your limbs.
  24. That happens in many buildings. Use the bug reporter after you've searched for similar reports!
  25. Parazight

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    When you're at work and suddenly there are rows of 'wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' in the middle of whatever you're typing because if muscle memory. When you strafe IRL for no reason. When you see yellow-white cars and immediately look at the trunk to see if it's been opened.