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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    Zombies are only dangerous because they let other players know your position. Zeds are your lookout team. When you're looting around and a bunch of infected start barking outside you know someone is there. That someone is the relevant threat. I understand that some gamers try to play this game on a potato and often die to zombies (or perhaps they're just bad at melee) and so zombies can appear to be dangerous. But really, when the game is finished, the zeds will only be an aspect to enhance player interaction.
  2. Parazight

    Weapon Preferences

    Curious as to which firearms people keep in their backpacks to compliment a primary weapon. I left out MP5K on purpose. For question 3, assume that you would be able to have best possible attachments. Thanks!
  3. Parazight

    Playing without a mic (or when you can't use a mic)

    I moved the computer out of the master bedroom and into the office downstairs. Now I can yell at nerds all day long while the wife and kids sleep upstairs.
  4. Parazight

    Do I look like a bandit?

    Covering your face = Covering your intentions. When you have something to hide then you probably can't be trusted. Payday masks are infamously known as bandit flags.
  5. Parazight

    complete noob to online game

    Make sure you really look at how the server UI is laid out. You can sort servers by ping, player count, name, version, etc. You can also adjust ping limits which may help you if you're playing by satellite. If you want to risk lots of player interaction, go to a high pop server. Otherwise, learn to play on a low pop server. There are official servers and privately funded servers. Look at the names and you should be able to figure it out. Bottom line, take a bit to figure out the server UI and all your questions should be answered.
  6. Parazight

    Sandbox, "innovative" or "Undeveloped"

    What he said. Case by case basis. Your poll is lacking options. It's a not black or white thing. It's not love it or hate it.
  7. Parazight

    Am i a bad person?

    By 'bad' do you mean "BADASS" Then, yes.
  8. Parazight

    Does anyone else want to be captured/tortured?

    So, let me get this straight. People who just shoot you on sight are douchebags, but people who kill you with poison and other random nonsense are NOT douchebags. K, thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure. :rolleyes:
  9. Parazight

    Spawn near your Friends (realistic)

    Perhaps some people like it because it's challenging. I understand what you're saying, but 'hate' might be poor word choice here. I know that if I'm not enjoying a game, I'll find something else to do. The problem with spawning next to your friends is that you then have fresh spawns spawning in the western area where all the military loot is.
  10. Parazight

    Melee aiming - post your info

    I always aim for the family jewels. Zombie, male player, female, melee, sniping, close quarters combat, it doesn't matter.
  11. Parazight

    Add more sniper tools

    They should remove all of the trees on the map, and buildings so that we have an unobstructed view/shot at people, too. amirite?
  12. Parazight

    INTENSE 1V1 (Among a zombie horde!)

    >.< Neither one of you used your melee weapon. You probably could have killed him with your axe but you guys just ran in circles reloading a single shot rifle. Not the best tactic for surviving.
  13. It's simply not possible to always have VoIP on at all times. It can always be worked around. Mute your mic or play via LAN. Both fine examples why it would never work. I suggest looking up the other threads on this very topic if you need further evidence.
  14. Parazight

    Server hoppers hogging loot

    Server hopping and hacking are completely different animals. One plays within the boundaries of the product and the other totally changes the game itself. Sorry, but I don't buy your comparison of the two.
  15. Parazight

    Flashlight pool

    "Give me your flashlight and I may let you live." "What? I threw it away!" "Sucks to be you" BAM. BAM. BAM. BAM.
  16. Parazight

    Why not have traditional MMO style servers?

    Traditional mmos are places with many, many instances. Dayz is one huge single instance. Every action a player makes has to be transmitted to every single player because it's a sandbox. This isn't necessary in games like WoW. Having dayz set up like a traditional mmo would mean you'd only have about five people max on a server at any given time.
  17. Parazight

    Server hoppers hogging loot

    I don't get the hate versus server hopping. As intelligent mammals, you learn to accomplish tasks through trial and error and then go back to the method that is the most efficient and easiest. People are products of their environment. You function within the boundaries of the space which is defined for you. When you then realize that server hopping is the most efficient way to gear up, that's what you do! Tell me, where does the self imposed morals come from? It certainly isn't from a series of 1s and 0s that are lined up to create computer functions. Let's say you've already put in a thousand hours into the alpha and looting/pve is now stale. Why wouldn't you want to repeat the same task that you've done a hundred times already with as little effort as possible? I charge the game company with the task of making server hoppin undesirable. The phrase 'don't hate the player, hate the game' has never been more appropriate.
  18. So, what gives? As far as I know, all yellow and white STATIC police cars are not spawning. except one. There is one police car that has spawned all throughout .48 and now, .49. It is southwest of Vavilovo. It is the only one that I've found that seems to be working. Curious to see what it is spawning nowadays, I've server hopped approximately 30 times at the location and checked it out. The interesting things that seem to spawn: MP5K Longhorn 1911 Police Jacket composite arrows FNX clips Magnum haven't found (which I expected to see) MP5K clips Police pants crossbow handcuffs various firearm scopes. Anyway, I'm curious if anyone has found any other working yellow/white police cars. If so, have you found any thing else interesting there? EDIT: again, this thread is to discuss the STATIC police cars that always spawn in the same spot. Not the random ones that appear in western cities.
  19. Parazight

    The one police car that spawns in 49...

    The police car that I'm talking about always spawns in this spot. Is never glitched. Is on every single server. Always spawns loot. I'm not talking about dynamic events that spawn randomly all over. This one is there every single time. I've never seen it to have a problem.
  20. Parazight

    The one police car that spawns in 49...

    I can honestly say that this police car is there, on every single server, at all times. Pick any server and go find it.
  21. Parazight


    So you died while on a roof. And your friend died while in a firestation. Sounds like you encountered a bug/s. People die all the time while on a roof and especially in firestations. Your post isn't really all that descriptive. If you have proof of an unknown hack, just PM a mod.
  22. Parazight

    Sword in the Castle.

    I'm still waiting for a sock with a roll of quarters in it, so please get in line. IMO, ancient swords don't seem to fit the flavor of the game.
  23. Gratz on breaking your murder cherry, dood!! (Even though a guy with a pistol and another guy covering the door with a mosin is pretty far from being 'heavily armed')
  24. Parazight

    Loot balance

    Your topic title is very non descriptive. Loot balance in Alpha is an interesting phenomenon. Normally an Alpha is closed. But here we have a game in Alpha which people have traded money for. So it has to be somewhat playable. I don't envy the guy who's job it is to constantly balance the loot spawn. Knowing full well that it will all be changed again. Knowing what he's doing is totally impractical from a closed Alpha development point of view.
  25. Parazight

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    It's a known issue that wet status indication isn't working properly. People are likely having problems surviving because of this.