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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    My overall vision for DayZ

    Played that too. Trivial NPC. Avoidable. Also note I said single player content, like in dayz. I'm not talking about NPCs that require teams.
  2. Parazight

    My overall vision for DayZ

    Okay, I read your post. Please refrain from centering your text. Project Zomboid: It didn't work out. Maybe they had some good ideas, but it just doesn't jive with what Dayz attempts to do. Realize the game architecture. Having hundreds of infected around a player is probably a massive drain on performance. It's an open world sandbox of enormous size. All those zeds communicating with every player on the server multiplied by all the players on the server. Too much data. Zombies: The infected are part of the game's scenery, so to speak. They're there to enhance a player's experience, not to define the game. They won't be balanced. DayZ, the 'anti-game', isn't concerned with balance. Instead, brutal authenticity (not realism) is the drive here. That all said, advanced infected AI is being worked on right now. They DO have varying levels of aggro. The thing is, players will adapt and infected won't be an issue. Infected AI will never be able to outsmart a human brain. There is no PVE in the history of mmo gaming that will provide a serious challenge to single player content. I challenge anyone to name one. I've made this claim multiple times before and have never seen evidence otherwise. I've played nearly all of them. The only real threat is other players. Even if the devs somehow implement every one of your suggestions, and then make it twice as hard, infected will never be the primary threat. Players will learn how to survive the environment. It's other players that you will never be able to totally adapt to. Base Building: You have some good points regarding base building. I agree, it's silly to build a structure when there are tons of abandoned ones across the map. Base building will be in the game, yes, but will evolve with modding. Soft Skills: This topic has been brought up before. Personally, I'm against it. But not against other players wanting it. Seems extraneous content to me. I enjoy permadeath a lot. Implementing soft skills and having to unlock skills is a move away from permadeath, imo. Also, seems like something that would be in a mod. I've seen a lot of companies try to ride the dayz coat-tails. There are a lot of zombies games coming out. The thing is, Dayz isn't really about the infected (zombies). It's about survival in a sandbox.
  3. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Just found metal wire in one of those raised sheds that are always by train tracks. Re: accelerated consumption: I hadn't experienced any desync/issues while feasting on apples on one of these servers. Responsiveness was always fine. That said, apple trees working great so far today.
  4. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yes. Found many during the first couple hours on a central 1pp server. Saw one today in berezino. Respawning seems to be working (was on northeast 0-2 1PP anyway). I've been looking for barrels to play with crafted leather, haven't found any. Then again, haven't seen a police car in a while. Anyone find one of those??
  5. It's true, I can be really slow. Personally, I play and enjoy both. 1PP and 3PP. I can't imagine the game will attract more consumers if they remove 3pp.
  6. Parazight

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    I don't mind the vision nerf. I almost wish the nerf only applied to 3pp, seeing as how a person's peripheral vision is not realistic in 1pp. You don't have the awareness in 1pp like you do in real life. Not nerfing it here may be a way to mitigate that disadvantage. Otherwise, whatevs.
  7. I have no idea how I would feel. It would be a colossal waste of time thinking about how I might feel, mostly because this will never happen.
  8. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I haven't had DayZ crash on me in so long and it's not because I hit tab after I joined the game. Perhaps you need a cpu upgrade in order to test properly.
  9. Parazight

    My overall vision for DayZ

    You lost me after this sentence. Professional typists only put out about 65-75 WPM. And considering the formatting of your post, makes me highly suspect of anything after that.
  10. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Oh! I think players are mostly unaware that configurations vary per server. I only realized that today, in fact. Besides just playing so that you can observe stress testing/other data, how can we best serve you guys on the experimental branch? Which reported bugs are the most useful to you? What is just noise? Is this a question you can give us an answer to? I don't mind dying over and over and succumbing to bugs in the name of science! I don't mind going unconscious within two minutes and thirty seconds from hunger, but I'd rather not try to report issues that are intended.
  11. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Switch servers or at least, relog. should help.
  12. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Playing on southeast3 1pp. Respawned in Svetlo after getting stuck under a house and starving to death. Ran directly to an apple tree. Spammed the tree, ate 10 apples and then starved to death. Was yellow level hunger briefly, starved to death in 4 minutes. Respawned near cherno apartments. Ran to nearest apple tree. Spammed 12 apples. Died of starvation 3 minutes later. Respawned south of Solnichniy. Stood there. Died in 4 minutes. Red Hunger/ Red dehydration. Got my stopwatch out. Respawned somewhere near Kamy. started stopwatch at 'scene ready'. Waited to die. Red starving at 2 minutes, 30 seconds. Unconscious at 3:03. I'm not totally sure, but I think there may be a problem here. Funny thing is, my first attempt went fine. Found some apples, geared myself up, was doing fine. I eventually logged out in a house because I had to run an errand. Logged back in to see that I was stuck under a house. Ran in place for 10 minutes to die of dehydration. (tried vault/log trick- no luck). Since I died under the house and then relogged to southeast3 1pp (IIRC) I've died to starvation in record time. Haven't had any crashes, lag, or hardware type issues. Gonna try a different server and see if I get the same result. Edit: More... Logged onto Northeast 1 1pp. Respawned near Cherno. No problems. Also wasn't affected by the cold, which probably exacerbated my hunger problem on the other server. So, hypothesis is that cold weather is OP. Also, servers have varying temperature settings. Still no rain.
  13. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Having a great time on southcentral 1pp. No performance issues (I love my i5-4440 cpu). Had a Repeater disappear when i put it on the ground inside a wood shed. Oh well. Found some minor clothes-explosions in wood cabin houses though.
  14. Not a real question. Molecular question was asked only to poke fun at this thread which bases events off of trivial scenery.
  15. Parazight

    Bark Bowls!

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225481-hermit-playstyle-enchancement/ Hermit playstyle enhancement thread. Personally, on day zero, I'd be willing to walk 2 kilometers into town and rob any house. They'd probably have a spare bowl, seeing as how they don't really expire.
  16. Parazight

    "Blunt / Sharp" melee damage properties

    I would love a detailed/advanced melee combat system. At least, something that's not gimmicky. I wonder how balanced an advanced melee system would be though. If getting struck by a weapon is to be authentic, as with firearms, it would probably one or two shot you. How much focus will the team put on complex combat for interactions that realistically, only last a few swings? This is a mmo, but hardly wow arenas.
  17. Parazight

    Stink bombs

    We also need whoopee cushions, electric nose pickers, and enormous zippo lighters.
  18. Yes, when are they going to add microwave ovens, and more importantly, how will we be able to use them to KOS our friendly gamer peers? Related, what is the molecular structure of the disease that has claimed the current infected?
  19. Yes. we need to graffiti chernarus. I need to roleplay Jonah Hill a la Superbad movie. I need to see dick drawings everywhere I go!! I can already see base raiding happening, just to draw a big penis on your clan flag.
  20. Parazight

    Why do the majority of players i encounter suck?

    Huh? Re-gearing is the funnest part of this game! Some people have different goals, motives, and viewpoints. I've died a large number of times in DayZ now, it really doesn't bother me. I value my life very little. I value your life even less. This is DayZ. This is my story. In my story, you die.
  21. Parazight

    .56 Experimental Servers?

    The .56 experimental servers are in-house testing servers, I'm sure. Check the dev tracker sub forum. Eugen Harton generally does a great job letting the community know when the latest experimental servers go up or down.
  22. Parazight

    Status Report - 27 May 15

    Roadmap. Worst possible term to use in order to describe non-linear progression. Like, when you look at a map and you follow where you are now to where your destination is at. It's a clear line that needs to be followed in a specific order. Traveling a road is linear progression that is easy to comprehend, easy to calculate how long it will take to complete. You can't complete kilometer #10 (or even start working on it!) before kilometer #9. I imagine developing a game is more like creating a painting, and less like following a road. The squeaky wheel gamers who lament over non-obvious progress are probably the ones who see game development as linear progression. It's a unique entity, the developers are not working on an assembly line here. That said, it's fun to watch these game artists create a painting that they've already sold to 3 million people.
  23. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Game has been working great for me, overall. Sometimes, when i open inventory, my rifle is gone, but I hit my hotbar and it appears again. There seems to be many instances of item ghosting all over, from AKs on the ground to weapons in the inventory. Wool coat inception is back. Mini loot bombs with chest clothing. You can go into a building with coat bombs and pick up the whole room because of loot inception. :P Apples are pretty OP, when you find them.
  24. Parazight

    About the next coming camera angle

    My bad, dood!!1! :blush: I told the devs to change up the viewpoint and stuff a while back and it looks like it's not workin' out too good, huh. I'll submit another suggestion to make it stop. peace. B)
  25. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Spawned in Berezino today. Haven't seen any loot yet. Or infected. Berezino layout looks different. 2:30am on a 1pp server currently. I started picking apples. Success rate seems the same but apples grant higher numbers, I think. I was energized after 5-6 apples, somehow. That's pretty cool. Off to find an outhouse and some animals. :)