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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    New 0.58 Item Tyre Repair Kit

    The video doesn't show where to find them. And if they did, it would probably be wrong in a month. I see these videos pop up, 2 minute videos about finding an item. 90% of the video is extraneous and not helpful at all. All the information has already been presented before. Pictures, release, and every bit of information. Just read the changelogs for 2 minutes, or dayztv blurbs, instead of watching the equivalent of one hour of videos with a ton of white noise in it. That's just my opinion though. Maybe I'm a dinosaur, but I like videos to be entertaining. Maybe that's why I find these videos to be lame. Endless senseless videos, which serve no practical purpose are a thing nowadays, I guess.
  2. Parazight

    Helicrashes in .57

    I keep finding Kvass at heli crashes. What are the devs putting in these cans? Are they spiking them? Is that why helicopters are crashing all over the place?
  3. Parazight

    increase Map size

    I think it's a terrible idea. Map seems big enough. Players should have to deal with interaction, hostile or not. In the same vein, sadly, I feel single player mode will be an unavoidable necessity for mod creators. That's just me though.
  4. Parazight

    Lets talk about the Recoil system and stabilization of firearms

    I know that after using the AUG in .57, you really don't want to use anything else as the muzzle rise in all AK variants is ridiculous, by comparison. The other major problem is that the game is set up so that when you shoot a gun like the CR you can't keep your eye on your target at all. You're forced into an animation and keeping track of your target realistically, or even authentically, is so unreasonable that it makes ballistics and comparison of weapons totally meaningless. All the technical mumbo-jumbo is totally impractical 95% of the time as who sees who first is leaps and bounds more important than anything else.
  5. Parazight

    New 0.58 Item Tyre Repair Kit

    But, why?
  6. Parazight

    New 0.58 Item Tyre Repair Kit

    Are all of these videos really necessary?
  7. Parazight

    Helicrashes in .57

    Yep, it's you. Telling a player of Dayz, who probably hops to support their playstyle, is like telling someone who plays basketball that they're cheating if they're over 7 feet tall, because it's not fair to everybody else. There will always be a percentage of the population that do things the easiest way possible, it's the natural order of things. It is inevitable that some players will server hop if it's possible. Don't hate the player, hate the game. And that's the other thing. It's not even a game, it's a dev build! The thing that really bothers me about this game, is the maggots that complain about server hopping on the forums, yet only play on private shards. You play on private shards, you've found one of the available options to completely avoid server hopping, good for you. Perhaps you should endorse serverhopping. It has given birth to one of the most exhilarating emergent playstyles to date. Sniping server hoppers at heli crashes. Anti-server hopping is really just the result of a very vocal minority, I bet. And finally, if the devs were so against server hopping, why have they not just removed loot entirely from crashes. Why do they make the best weapons and put them at static crashes, knowing full well server hopping is the natural result? Because the server hopping playstyle is like a beloved child.
  8. You can fit a gas canister into a fireplace? I've tried. Maybe I didn't do it right. Aren't they way too big? Edit: I think I was thinking of the big gas cans. I'm pretty sure the blue gas canisters aren't exploding in fireplaces in .57 right now.
  9. Parazight

    Can't Stop Running

    Check to see if your 'W' key is sticky with soda pop or something, Forrest.
  10. Parazight

    Spray Paint Cars In Future!

    time to penis The amount of time it will take for a user of a product or service to use it to make a penis joke "TTP, or time to penis, is a mathematical constant, defined as Zero."
  11. Parazight

    Dayz Poetry

    Oh dear lord, why did I click on this thread Probably another poster who should go to bed I sit here a moment, thinking of something to write it's like a terrible aneurysm that I cannot fight someone please, shoot me in the head
  12. Parazight


    Beans to you, sir. I've never experienced such a heightened mix of despair, indigestion, and elation before this thread.
  13. Parazight

    whats the plan for optimization?

    Once all the 'guns and random stuffs' is all in then they'll start to really optimize.
  14. Parazight

    Firearms affecting hearing

    I'm never going to reconsider shooting a person because of temporary deafness if I want that player dead. That's just unreasonable.
  15. Parazight


    So you can drive in the car pool lanes without getting a ticket.
  16. Parazight

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Felucca was nothing like world pvp in wow. Also spent a good share of my 30s on wow pvp servers/arenas. In wow, you never lose your gear. Dayz and UO, the loss was real. By all means, play however you like. The only thing I don't endorse is cheating. Clan pvp, lone wolf sniping, coast-rat fire extinguisher battles, or loner hermit, I play them all. And love it. I've read many of your posts. You have a lot of great adventures. Honestly, I'm just a jealous troll, ribbing another.
  17. Parazight

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    I started pvping in sandboxes when UO felucca was released. Been doing the same ever since. Pretty sure I have as much experience as anyone would need, sonny. You haven't had the epiphany yet, so I assume you have a ways to go. Don't worry, you'll get there. ;) Grimey Rick, master of wit,Will rage quit over "unoptimized piles of shit"On the forums is where he trolls.Upgrading his rig (for what?) is how he rolls.Doesn't like player interaction one bit
  18. Parazight

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Yea. It was hard for me to wrap my brain around the idea of not just shooting anything that moves. Maybe one day you'll experience a similar type of epiphany.
  19. Parazight

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    No idea why people shoot at trucks. Probably because they see videos of people shooting trucks and miraculously one shot the driver so that's the natural instinct. I typically yell at them in hopes I can either get a ride or just interact. Trucks are a great vehicle for nonviolent player interaction, really.
  20. Parazight

    Trophy Body Part Collection

    I'm not sure how possible it would be to kill a player by decapitation. It DOES seem quite possible to interact with a corpse similar to skin and quartering it to produce a head item, which then can function like anything else. Is something like this suitable for 1.0 or a mod, I wonder.
  21. Parazight

    my hoe let me down

    Hmm. I haven't actually wielded a hoe in quite some time. Is it better than the sword? I know that if you whiff with a sword the animation has to finish and it becomes a terrible weapon. But if you consistently connect with it, it is a weapon of immeasurable power in melee combat. Is there anyone here that is a master of hoes?
  22. Parazight

    Namalsk and Mods

    About 2 and a half years ago I saw some video of this one guy who had this mod or something and in this game there were monkeys simply ported in from a donkey kong game and the monkeys were throwing poop at people and people were getting sick and tired and infected and it's really simple so what I want to know is why we can't we throw poop at people and infect the infected on a new map. It's simple. /aneurysm
  23. Parazight

    my hoe let me down

    Clueless zombie wobbles to and fro. So I whacked him blindly with my trusty hoe. Sneaky zombie attacks me, I yelp and wail: "Please, no! Melee weapons are my epic fail!" The learning curve, my toughest foe.
  24. Parazight

    Namalsk and Mods

    I'm sure it's easier to build a game in a single controlled environment than to add additional variables like a whole new map. Stress tests, and being able to collect all the data from one place instead of multiple maps, probably. The same sort of thing happened during the last experimental release. They eliminated the 1pp servers temporarily, probably to examine what was happening,with better understanding.
  25. Parazight

    Trophy Body Part Collection

    You're my kind of sicko! :). You call them trophies, I call them momentos. Semantics, I think. I like to keep a piece of my recently lost, newly found friend. It's something to remember them by! Sometimes it's a pair of boots, sometimes it's a rifle, and sometimes it falls under 'other'. :)