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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    How Did I Survive?

    Well, whatever. There's still a chance you can fail to activate a landmine properly. I told you what happened. The game told you what happened. You made a video asking "what just happened" when all of the answers are right there. Additionally, try to keep up with the goings on of development if you're going to make videos about stuff.
  2. You should find alternative ways to KOS people for no reason. Clearly, you're just setting up a trap so that someone stands still so you can snipe them. Whatever baffoonery you're setting up here looks way too complicated.
  3. Parazight

    How Did I Survive?

    Correct. I've had that happen to me. nerfed instant damage, likely because the land mine was in a damaged state. Notice how there was no countdown. Working as intended.
  4. Parazight

    Just a question?

    Stop running around Berezino on high pop servers. Problem Solved.
  5. Parazight

    Savegame Character

    It would also be cool if we could have 'do-overs' and 'time-outs'.
  6. Parazight

    How Did I Survive?

    "You've been hurt by improper manipulation with land mine" It says that right on your game text.
  7. Parazight

    Dayz Poetry

    You were at the cop shop on a bender of server hops. The enlightenment, you did not see for loot you came, a warning you did not heed. It's a trap you idiot.
  8. Parazight

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    So I haven't tried the experimental servers this round. Does it look like item per structure is under control? This was one of the major blockers to turning persistence back on. I realize that persistence is on right now during experimental, but that could change. Thoughts?
  9. Shooting someone and then letting them revive and then run off is likely not the correct answer. I would have suggested that you chop him up and eat him because you had hungry status, but you had at least four cans of food in your backpack already, right next to the walkie-talkie and bolt quiver.
  10. Parazight

    Helicrashes in .57

    Oh, the old and tired What-dean-said versus the iPVP crowd. People who adopt a playstyle based on developers' intentions are in for a real let down. Players will either adapt to what the game is or get hung up on what it's 'suppossed' to be. I predict that, at release, PVE will be easy. Players will learn to adapt to the environment and other people will always be the random and most dangerous variable. The good news is that people of all playstyles will be able to play the game the way they want. If people want to never see another player, they can do that. Lame, in my opinion, but whatevs. I just hope that there will always be some remnant of one of the most fascinating emergent playstyles ever; sniping at static heli-crashes.
  11. Parazight

    DayZ REALLY needs to add basebuilding or barracading

    Most of us? Are you sure? I'm willing to bet that you haven't contacted even 1% of the community. I have 2-5 years to wait, personally. Not dying is the cornerstone of survival. Again, "we"? Are you sure? Again with the "we" nonsense. Those don't reflect the opinions of everybody. Dayz progress isn't measured in offspring, sorry. It'll be done when it's done. They can't just speed up production on stuff because you're impatient.
  12. Parazight

    Trap? Or good deed?

    People finding tents and wondering if specific item placement has been implemented.
  13. Parazight

    When will the Zombie count be up?

    It's pretty unrealistic to expect a higher infected count before mid-beta. Infected are a drain on server performance, the higher the numbers are. Considering the game is in alpha, and not being actively optimized at the moment, it should be expected that the numbers will be lower in order to add game elements and mechanics successfully.
  14. Parazight

    DayZ REALLY needs to add basebuilding or barracading

    OMG. baby 'splosions > hard hat 'splosions.
  15. Parazight

    increase Map size

    So, correct me if I'm wrong. Since vehicles are persistent, they won't respawn at their normal points during a server restart if I have previously driven them into the debug zone?
  16. Parazight

    New 0.58 Item Tyre Repair Kit

    The video doesn't show where to find them. And if they did, it would probably be wrong in a month. I see these videos pop up, 2 minute videos about finding an item. 90% of the video is extraneous and not helpful at all. All the information has already been presented before. Pictures, release, and every bit of information. Just read the changelogs for 2 minutes, or dayztv blurbs, instead of watching the equivalent of one hour of videos with a ton of white noise in it. That's just my opinion though. Maybe I'm a dinosaur, but I like videos to be entertaining. Maybe that's why I find these videos to be lame. Endless senseless videos, which serve no practical purpose are a thing nowadays, I guess.
  17. Parazight

    Helicrashes in .57

    I keep finding Kvass at heli crashes. What are the devs putting in these cans? Are they spiking them? Is that why helicopters are crashing all over the place?
  18. Parazight

    increase Map size

    I think it's a terrible idea. Map seems big enough. Players should have to deal with interaction, hostile or not. In the same vein, sadly, I feel single player mode will be an unavoidable necessity for mod creators. That's just me though.
  19. Parazight

    Lets talk about the Recoil system and stabilization of firearms

    I know that after using the AUG in .57, you really don't want to use anything else as the muzzle rise in all AK variants is ridiculous, by comparison. The other major problem is that the game is set up so that when you shoot a gun like the CR you can't keep your eye on your target at all. You're forced into an animation and keeping track of your target realistically, or even authentically, is so unreasonable that it makes ballistics and comparison of weapons totally meaningless. All the technical mumbo-jumbo is totally impractical 95% of the time as who sees who first is leaps and bounds more important than anything else.
  20. Parazight

    New 0.58 Item Tyre Repair Kit

    But, why?
  21. Parazight

    New 0.58 Item Tyre Repair Kit

    Are all of these videos really necessary?
  22. Parazight

    Helicrashes in .57

    Yep, it's you. Telling a player of Dayz, who probably hops to support their playstyle, is like telling someone who plays basketball that they're cheating if they're over 7 feet tall, because it's not fair to everybody else. There will always be a percentage of the population that do things the easiest way possible, it's the natural order of things. It is inevitable that some players will server hop if it's possible. Don't hate the player, hate the game. And that's the other thing. It's not even a game, it's a dev build! The thing that really bothers me about this game, is the maggots that complain about server hopping on the forums, yet only play on private shards. You play on private shards, you've found one of the available options to completely avoid server hopping, good for you. Perhaps you should endorse serverhopping. It has given birth to one of the most exhilarating emergent playstyles to date. Sniping server hoppers at heli crashes. Anti-server hopping is really just the result of a very vocal minority, I bet. And finally, if the devs were so against server hopping, why have they not just removed loot entirely from crashes. Why do they make the best weapons and put them at static crashes, knowing full well server hopping is the natural result? Because the server hopping playstyle is like a beloved child.
  23. You can fit a gas canister into a fireplace? I've tried. Maybe I didn't do it right. Aren't they way too big? Edit: I think I was thinking of the big gas cans. I'm pretty sure the blue gas canisters aren't exploding in fireplaces in .57 right now.
  24. Parazight

    Can't Stop Running

    Check to see if your 'W' key is sticky with soda pop or something, Forrest.
  25. Parazight

    Spray Paint Cars In Future!

    time to penis The amount of time it will take for a user of a product or service to use it to make a penis joke "TTP, or time to penis, is a mathematical constant, defined as Zero."