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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    How to Fix Gamma Exploit

    "exploit" I lol'd! :lol:
  2. Parazight

    Passwording public servers

    It's not too many. Sometimes things require a bit of effort. If a handful of people start doing this, the problem will go away.
  3. Parazight

    Passwording public servers

    Dont be fooled, there are many legit pvp clans out there. For example, the clan I roll with accepts no bullshit. Anyone with a VAC ban is rejected or kicked. Even exploiting the flaregun in .57 would get you kicked. Just because clans like to shoot at people, doesn't mean they take every advantage, legal or no.
  4. Parazight

    Passwording public servers

    Nothing feels better than KOSing a public/whitelisted server. Report them in the feedback tracker! It works! My experience is that the powers that be take swift action.
  5. Parazight

    Fashion Show

    I know!!! Isn't that just super!?!?! :)
  6. Parazight

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    /sigh You can just stand there and watch the assault rifle garden bloom magazines. :(
  7. Parazight

    I KOS'd and i felt horrible for it.

    OP, I give you beans for intuitive murder and using the word "dickery". Then I take the beans back because you have no microphone.
  8. Parazight


    Nice torture room you have there. Is that a waterboarding table on the right?
  9. Parazight

    Never ever friendly again

    This thread must be a troll attempt. I go out looking to get into cutthroat gun battles and all people want to do is talk, talk, talk. It's not nearly as much fun shooting at people unless they're shooting back at me. Happiness is a warm gun, right? OP: your dilemma boggles my mind and I find it hard to wrap my brain around such a thing. That said, I'm sure that you'll never find like-minded friendly players if you just KOS every time.
  10. Parazight

    Global Chat Debate. Green Mountain, and radio's.

    WLOL radio, iirc Damn, that was 20 years ago! You must be old, too.
  11. Saying 3rd party comms is unfair is like saying "Everyone has to speak english in Dayz otherwise it's not fair to the rest of us." It's a video game people.
  12. You won't be able to stop third party communication. It's just a fact of the 21st century and video games.
  13. What if I'm part of a LAN party? What if my teammate is in the same room?
  14. Parazight

    The Lonewolf Experience

    Try the recruitment sub forum.
  15. Parazight

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    Sometimes people pay money and then demand/expect to be satisfied because they put payment forward, regardless of warnings.
  16. So, you believe they should get beta out first, and then add this stuff later?
  17. Press gesture hotkey to enter RPS stance. Wait for another player in RPS stance, within range. Activate RPS function. Random result. Problem solved for choosing.
  18. Parazight

    Survivors DEC 2013 to AUG 2015

    I always assumed that was copies sold.
  19. Parazight

    Survival game ... a survival timer ?

    Length of time in game is pretty meaningless, in my opinion. There's a huge difference between staying alive for a month on low pop servers in the north and high pop servers at the pvp hotspots. Lone wolves on low pop private servers will always have more noticeable age progression. I guess I wouldn't be opposed to trivial buffs and gifts, but age progression will never be an indication of skill, in a broad sense. Some people enjoy certain playstyles in this game and suicide respawning is vital to it. Players will respawn to meet back up with like-minded friends who prefer to deathmatch on the coast. For good or bad, it is what it is. Suicide respawning debate is old and tired where neither side seems to win. I suggest you avoid it as a reason to implement a survival timer.
  20. Parazight

    Status Report - 18 Aug 2015

    Ha! It says "Mr Backout" at 34 seconds of the first video. It's cool to see videos of developers and fanbois playing together.
  21. Good post! Personally, I like that the background story is a mystery. Letting one's imagination fill in the blanks sort of enriches the experience, somehow.
  22. Parazight

    Filling Servers

    Perhaps you think it's meaningless. It's not meaningless at all to the people that desire to play with no one else. Also, not meaningless to the people who profit off of having lots of servers. Your suggestion seems to based off of the fact that loot is paramount. It's not. Player interaction is what drives this mmo. High risk is its own reward. High population servers already provide the best interaction and stories out there. It's been stated before that one of the drives behind DayZ is brutal authenticity, not balance. Your suggestion of leveraging loot against population goes directly against the core of the game. Right now, many people loot up on low pop servers and then jump to a high pop server for player engagements. Seems to work out just fine. Promotes people spending money on new servers. It's a great symbiotic relationship for those that enjoy that playstyle, and there are many that enjoy it.
  23. Parazight

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    Yes, but you refuted that well enough.
  24. Parazight

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    So, you altered a model of a structure that was already in the game and asked if it's feasible to craft in-game. Obviously it matches the environment of DayZ. Clearly, someone can make this in real life. So the real question is where the developers want to devote resources to crafting, and how much. Technically, anything is feasible with the right argument. It's feasible and realistic that a super-volcano could erupt or an asteroid could hit the planet, sending us into a nuclear winter. That doesn't mean the devs are gonna put it in. :P So the real answer is unknown. It's possible the development team has something in mind already that functions just like it.
  25. Parazight

    Tents doing the Houdini act...

    Persistence is turned off on .57 stable.