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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Smear yourself with blood

    Drinking human blood provides zero nutritional value and the only effect it serves is to get you sick. There is no benefit to being naked and smeared with human blood. Absolutely absurd.
  2. Parazight


    Your topic title is a bit ambiguous. Your drive to see more cars, and to see vehicle repair is in the works. Check out the dev tracker, status reports, and dev twitters for breaking news on automobile inclusions! Good post!
  3. Parazight

    Yet another anti-hopping thread :)

    I want to put an 'invisible border' around this idea, let the idea run around inside of it for a while until it gets tired or bored, then snipe it at 700 meters. The real solution lies with private shards and the central loot economy.
  4. Parazight

    Smear yourself with blood

  5. Parazight

    Ridiculous rain effects?

    Ridiculous? I prefer the term 'alpha'.
  6. Parazight

    What I think needs to be said about the new renderer.

    Personally, I think the dev team has given us more information, reasoning, and updates than they need to. Especially during the last couple stable updates. So beans to them.
  7. Parazight

    What bird is this?

    Oh, my mistake. Can you confirm which bird it is then? Also, for whatever reason, you assume that I don't 'get out of the towns' does this mean that the still unidentified bird only appears in fields and forests?
  8. Parazight

    What bird is this?

    That bird isn't in DayZ standalone. Try asking in the arma forums what that audio sample is trying to represent.
  9. Parazight

    No Server Hopping?

    I have no idea what this means but I'm willing to bet it's totally subjective, nonetheless.
  10. Parazight

    No Server Hopping?

    A large percentage of paying customers like it that way. Grimey: This is a forum. Discussing things that have already been discussed is what happens on the interwebz everyday. You should know this.
  11. Parazight


    Not a terrible video. :) Heroes are just bandits with an identity crisis. You know this, right? You ARE wearing a bandit mask. You helped the new spawn kill some guy, then when he wouldn't stop and talk so you chased him and threatened him. lol. After that you held up a guy drinking at a water fountain, threatened to kill him, and then claimed friendly. hahawtf. Just embrace your banditry ways. It's much easier that way.
  12. Parazight


    Totally ambiguous thread titles. Also annoying. I'm not sure of the officer tents that you (sort of) mention, but you can usually go prone and manage to walk through corpses.
  13. Parazight

    Akm or blaze 95 as primary?

    AKM vs. Blaze. These weapons fill 2 completely different roles. The question is absurd. Further, you say that you already have a 74U. Why would you need an AKM and a 74U? The AKS-74U can be stored in your backpack, so you can have a Blaze as primary and 74U as a close quarters weapon. More, why not keep both. Go find a tent.
  14. Parazight

    Glow Plug?

    I was at that same shed. It spawns there all the time.
  15. I don't see how he trolled you, honestly. He could have killed you very easily. Nice shot, though!
  16. Of the thousands of hours I've played the game and the years I've been reading these forums I've never witnessed this problem when it wasn't a result of logging in too early.
  17. Parazight


    Perhaps you should contact your local congressperson for help. Excellent video would watch an eighth time!
  18. Parazight

    When DayZ going to have good performance?

    Might run faster when the game doesn't run 2 engines simultaneously in order to provide early access.
  19. Parazight

    Remember when one bullet killed you?

    damage levels seem fine.
  20. Parazight

    Rocket's contribution

    "It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that somewhere outside of our own universe lies another, different universe and, in that universe, Rocket is still in DayZ Project."
  21. Parazight

    Zombie meat

    Sounds dangerous. I'd just stick to eating apples. Tyvm.
  22. Parazight

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    We never claimed that. Our history of posts reflects that we don't think there is only one way to play. Since you only have 4 posts in these here forums I'll cut you some slack, even though you're bringing up a debate two months old.
  23. No post formal thought detected. I appreciate you trying to the best of your ability. Maybe next time you'll be able to stay on topic and debate in your own thread.
  24. Parazight

    Limit brightness/gamma increase

    Oh jeez, again with the gamma thing. Anyone can make adjustments to their PC to work around anything developers do to circumvent 'gamma cheating'.
  25. Wait, how does looting ruin CLE? It still functions regardless of whether the player remains on the server. These server hoppers, they are happy and paying customers, yes? One could easily make the case that campers are just as 'bad' as server hoppers. Look, you KOS people! Seems to me that those who lament over server hopping are the same people who value gear too much and actually get upset when they die. Those people are the ones with the delicious tears. Please stop whining on the forums just because you like to make assumptions. Also, your list of complaints in your third post of this thread has nothing to do with server hopping.