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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    i need help with my Keyboard Run Macro

    Did you even search for the software/drivers for this device? (I doubt it.) 5 minutes worth of work can do wonders. http://www.sumvision.com/product/Nemesis_ultra/Ultra_Support.html http://www.solvusoft.com/en/update/drivers/keyboard/sumvision/models/
  2. Parazight

    i need help with my Keyboard Run Macro

    It's too bad you paid for a mechanical keyboard and have no other programs to use it with. I'm sorry for your loss. It's unfortunate that you aren't looking for a legit overlay voice chat program which basically lets you run without keyboard interaction. I'd tell you which one but you're not looking for this type of workaround solution. Good luck with your fancy keyboard thingy!
  3. Parazight


    I agree with the OP. We need more reasons to shoot at people.
  4. Parazight

    Life after death

    Ha! Permadeath is the mechanic intended to balance loot ownership and you've suggested a bind on pickup clause as a work-around. Perhaps you should have faith in the loot economy during the game balancing stage of production. Additionally, being able to retrieve your gear from friends is a reward for grouping up with other survivors. I would suggest having to purchase a new account upon death before implementing a BoP mechanic that locks gear. Also absurd.
  5. Parazight

    i need help with my Keyboard Run Macro

    Because playing video games is very taxing on your finger?
  6. Sorry, but no amount of whining or name-calling that you inject into this thread will make it any less than totally worthless.
  7. I'm going to have to give you a 5/10 for this troll post. It's a pretty lazy troll attempt, I gotta be honest. No effort towards satire at all. Somehow, it kind of works, but no legitimate questions outside of what any media source could answer.
  8. Parazight

    How did you discover DayZ?

    "Hey bro, check out this game. You spend a crapton of time gearing up and when you die, you lose everything!"
  9. Parazight

    It's hazardous and hard work being a farmer in DayZ

    ghet rekt. nice vid. the music really helps.
  10. Parazight

    Did I do something wrong? Sniping in the Airfield

    Try to get over the whole loot thing. Gear is pretty irrelevant. Understand that many people don't care what happens to their toon, why should they care about yours?
  11. True fact: squeakers who talk too much get murdered 78% more often. Sorry, I couldn't even make it to the 1 minute mark.
  12. Parazight

    White armband, what do they mean to you?

    Smart people will make an armband immediately because having rags in multiple places is a good idea and the armband is least likely to get ruined. It's done for practical purposes. I thought this was obvious. Assuming anything else, like fashion, is nonsensical. Poll is bad. One of the options is "I KOS". How many people purposely put on a white armband (or any color armband) as to alert people that they KOS other people. Why on earth would anybody want other people to know that they KOS?
  13. Parazight

    "The Landmarks of Chernarus" Series

    Nice. Landmarks and unique locations are some of the most interesting sites in the game, for sure.
  14. Parazight

    Smear yourself with blood

    OP is talking about human blood. Not drinking animal blood. There is a difference. Drinking animal blood is totally off topic. Human blood is not nutritional at all. Animal blood is a different story.
  15. Parazight

    Ridiculous rain effects?

    Im implying that the mechanic was implemented and will be evaluated, tweaked, and balanced during beta.
  16. Parazight

    Smear yourself with blood

    Drinking human blood provides zero nutritional value and the only effect it serves is to get you sick. There is no benefit to being naked and smeared with human blood. Absolutely absurd.
  17. Parazight


    Your topic title is a bit ambiguous. Your drive to see more cars, and to see vehicle repair is in the works. Check out the dev tracker, status reports, and dev twitters for breaking news on automobile inclusions! Good post!
  18. Parazight

    Yet another anti-hopping thread :)

    I want to put an 'invisible border' around this idea, let the idea run around inside of it for a while until it gets tired or bored, then snipe it at 700 meters. The real solution lies with private shards and the central loot economy.
  19. Parazight

    Smear yourself with blood

  20. Parazight

    Ridiculous rain effects?

    Ridiculous? I prefer the term 'alpha'.
  21. Parazight

    What I think needs to be said about the new renderer.

    Personally, I think the dev team has given us more information, reasoning, and updates than they need to. Especially during the last couple stable updates. So beans to them.
  22. Parazight

    What bird is this?

    Oh, my mistake. Can you confirm which bird it is then? Also, for whatever reason, you assume that I don't 'get out of the towns' does this mean that the still unidentified bird only appears in fields and forests?
  23. Parazight

    What bird is this?

    That bird isn't in DayZ standalone. Try asking in the arma forums what that audio sample is trying to represent.
  24. Parazight

    No Server Hopping?

    I have no idea what this means but I'm willing to bet it's totally subjective, nonetheless.
  25. Parazight

    No Server Hopping?

    A large percentage of paying customers like it that way. Grimey: This is a forum. Discussing things that have already been discussed is what happens on the interwebz everyday. You should know this.