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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    Why is it that Asmondian threads always attract brand new users who have gigantic lists of suggestions? You guys realize that the skeleton crew available isn’t going to ever finish the dozens of years of work these suggestions would take, right? Why are your cronies posting here and not starting their own threads?
  2. Parazight

    Minecart improvised

    I can't believe this has never been suggested before.
  3. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    I’d like to take this time to present evidence how the lore is unimportant to BI. Let’s consider the toxic bombings. So, the virus that causes a person to become infected has run its course. Those who are magically immune have survived it. Those who won’t have already turned. It’s clear whether or not someone will survive it by now. It is beyond human logic to assume that the virus hasn’t totally spread outside of chernarus. Real life has recently shown us that quarantining the population is worthless vs a pandemic. So where are these bombs coming from? BI doesn’t know OR CARE. It’s just a mechanic that was put in because it seemed like it fit the game. Lore is merely an afterthought. It’s not important because it doesn’t add any value for the consumer. Bandit masks. Just another toy for griefers to play with. If we’re lucky we’ll get some retconned lore to try and explain it. Lore is an afterthought. It’s just a silly way to make the product look shiny.
  4. Parazight

    Leather tanned in the sun and moon

    A dog can’t poop if he won’t eat.
  5. Parazight

    Death cam 24 hours later

    This idea has been shot down dozens of times now. Like maybe learn how to use the search function if you’re going to post every thought that comes to you. I do have to admit, no one else has doubled down on the absurdity and asked for a 24 hour wait period. So, kudos to you for raising the bar.
  6. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    Woah woah woah. You need to relax. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and stop shouting orders at people. Maybe you should take a break. Maybe creating another account to troll with is the answer.
  7. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    You keep listing credentials as if we inherently do not believe you. Why would we not believe that you’re super awesome? You’ve said it like five times now. My questions were legitimate. Which one gave you the impression I had an attitude? Try to not take things so personally.
  8. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    I don’t find that to be true. Your post was well written and clear. But the idea was bad. We don’t need map changes.
  9. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    Oh. Is that why this happened? Interesting. Which Early Access feature did they ask for? Should we blindly believe you?
  10. Parazight

    Is this the whole Exploit story?

    The suggestion to replace the dev team at the end of the video is absurd. There's a lot of money at stake and people can just do whatever. It's a shame that there's no effective systems in place to mitigate cyber criminal behavior. The problem is obviously way beyond Battleye and they're not held accountable. I guess the lesson here is to expect cheaters if you buy DayZ.
  11. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    I wanted to highlight what I thought was the most important part of the original post and actually comment on that. DayZ can't stand on its own. Mods, communities, and active admins is why the game works. There are plenty of options to keep the game interesting. You should know how important mods are. Having unlimited metagames, mods, and choices is what keeps the endgame interesting and active. The other three points of yours that aren't about endgame seem rather trivial and subjective to me. I think both maps could use some improvements, as needed, when technical issues arrive. Polish up certain areas. But let's not change the narrative here. Honestly, it sounds like you're bored. Break out of your own paradigm. Maybe take a break.
  12. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    Exactly! This is why lore isn't important. It's just a sandbox. The original vision was based on people interactions. Personally, I pick the servers I play on based on who I'm playing with, not lore. The people I play with, like my kids, don't care about lore. It's always been about hanging out with friends in discord or meeting randoms. Who you are with, not where you are. Back in the day, before cheaters were rampant, it was about meeting people from around the world at the Solnichny coastline. Years after full release and now create backstory? Seems fake. This is DayZ. This is your story. It says so right on the front page.
  13. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    Most development structures dedicate more than one month to beta. there is no dev team. It’s two people now. And the map maker retired, dude. further, discuss this all you want. No issue with that at all. Please don’t say that I’ve objected to your desire for discussion and fancy text, however.
  14. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    Lore isn’t that important. Would rather have the net code and other exploits fixed. If the game would work properly, then there wouldn’t be a need to enhance player experiences. I don’t think adding or improving maps is the right approach to generating more revenue.
  15. Parazight

    Popular Streamer Banned

    Sorry, but I won't be watching some youtube video. A hacker got him banned you say. Now, surely this savvy youtube streamer knows enough about the interwebs to avoid putting himself into a position where somebody else could compromise HIS security. Right? If you legitimately are not cheating then how is it someone else is getting you banned? Doesn't make sense. As we've said months ago. This isn't how you go about appealing the ban process. Again, streamers are just not important.
  16. Parazight

    Alt spawn point for the player. (sleeping bags)

    Horrible for PVP servers. Not really needed for PVE servers.
  17. Parazight

    The power generator turns on the city lights

    Yea. Right. Generator that powers a whole city. Authentic. The vanilla game really needs this. Great job thinking through and fleshing out this suggestion. We also need cars to be fueled off of positive feelings. And we need more suggestions which never go thru any sort of common sense filter. I can’t believe that a twelve year old can come up with so many great ideas!!!!!
  18. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.19

    This is the most important thing. Having decent admins. And BI should know this, you'd think! They say they make a game for modders but then compromise the code by focusing it around security when they don't have to. Cars placed server side is a move to prevent cheating, right? Look at the mess that has become of that. We don't need security related decisions/code because admins got that covered. Having a human being at the helm is the ONLY possible way to run a profitable server and BI has still not acknowledged this. It's likely that they even deny or are oblivious to this fact. Must be. Imagine the profits that could have been made. The alternative clearly didn't work. Look at official servers. Giving DayZ to players on console, who don't have mod access, is downright cruel and unusual punishment.
  19. Parazight

    Disguised as infected

    This is perhaps the most idiotic suggestion to date. For all the reasons it was dumb before (check any past similar threads) plus because the OP doesn’t engage in pvp anyway, so it’s totally baseless here. please stop making suggestions.
  20. Parazight

    I saw a wolf hunting a deer

    Musk was right!! AI is OP!!!! BEWARE THE MACHINES!!!!1!!!
  21. Parazight

    Option to craft barbed wire…

    Craft some real barbed wire. Take a pic of it, post it, and tell me if you think this is still feasible in real life. being able to climb trees would make base building even more ridiculous than it currently is.
  22. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.19

    Perhaps you should invest 2 minutes of your day figuring out simple forum software. Or maybe use those two minutes to come up with some new material. Seriously, this is the same troll you’ve been using for a while now. You claim to have outrageous knowledge of something then go on to explain how whatever is working perfectly. Like you’re defending BI for no reason. Obviously facetious. All the same trolls. Yawn mode.
  23. Parazight

    Any place for pure PVP?

  24. Parazight

    trucks and Cars screwed up

    All servers use the same code. The devs didn’t fix cars. They tweaked the vehicle simulation but the net code, where most of the issues come from, is still the same pile of garbage. Except now, lag screws up gear shifting.
  25. Parazight

    ENFUSION Engine Update for DayZ?

    It’s not ‘porting over’. It’s completely rebuilding a new game. Before any of that would potentially happen, let’s pray they redesign their business model because any new engine is not going to change the design decisions that’s left us with the number serious issues that we currently have. Cars, net code, no admins, ADS bug, security exploits and worthless brand managers are just the start. Not to mention we still haven’t received full parity since the last ‘port’.