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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Need less status messages, imo. Players shouldn't have to need in-game text to remind them of how much space they have in their pocket or if they are carrying something.
  2. Parazight

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    I'd rather see something built from the ground up, with the grand design in mind from day 1. Taking a design and then using a hacksaw to mutilate it is gross and unprofessional. I would seriously question any team of artists that wouldn't stick to the plan this far into production.
  3. Parazight

    Modern melee weapons and swords

    Lol melee weapons are like steam engines people. You heard it here first. There IS the possibility that people like to get into melee fights. Not everyone min-maxes all the time, you know.
  4. When I think of iconic places in DayZ, Berezino comes to mind first. From the bloody beaches as a new spawn to various squad battles downtown, it's always held fond memories. Home has always been the Nadezhdino area.
  5. Parazight

    Modern melee weapons and swords

    Black knives matter!
  6. Parazight

    Why lie n Dayz, you know is coming after that anyway.

    No wai! People don't lie. You must be making that part up! So, your team knew it was a lie. Then what's the point of showcasing pathetic deception? Why scold him for not telling the truth if it was clear to all involved that he's lying? I found the video entertaining because lying is obviously more devious than murder.
  7. Parazight


    I heard that Liverpulians LOVE the game exploits.
  8. Parazight

    Big city in the center of the map

    At least the suggestion comes with a map to help visualize the idea this time.
  9. Parazight

    Why lie n Dayz, you know is coming after that anyway.

    So, how exactly were you and your 5 squad mates, with drawn assault rifles, going to help this "stuck" player? Shoot at him till he relogs? It's a fine video, otherwise, but the premise is utterly ridiculous.
  10. Parazight

    New to DayZ and Pc community

    I suggest going all-in to pvp. Then become callous to "you are dead". Expect to die and lose all of your gear regularly. Don't join private servers that plan on setting up before switching to public. You're only asking for disappointment. Study a game as much as you play it for maximum progression. Learn to identify trolling.
  11. Parazight

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    I agree with your hypothesis. It's probably not just (m4 hand guards) but likely to do with nesting in general.
  12. Parazight

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    FWIW, Today I had issues with a cooking pot. I managed to get it out of my inventory (was then hovering in the air at head level). I relogged. Spawned back in missing backpack, pants, and shoes. I hadn't modified any assault rifles during that session.
  13. Parazight

    Progression system

    DayZ endgame is streaming and videos.
  14. Parazight

    Ducks and arma sound system

    No, that's not what I want at all. I want infected to be badass ruthless undead killers. Unfortunately, they still lose against human players. And the moment you group up with another player, zeds have a pretty significant disadvantage. I just thought it was funny, back in the day, when infected would spot you when you scoped them at very long distances.
  15. Parazight

    Grease pencils

    Being caught red-handed with spray paint is probable cause in my book.
  16. Parazight

    Grease pencils

    Seems like a technical nightmare just so teenagers can draw penises all over cherno.
  17. Parazight


    Be sure to click 'Apply' to save your changes.
  18. Parazight

    Return to DayZ SA

    Welcome back! Camps are persistent! and working!
  19. You crawling around on the NWAF landing strip area with a red mountain backpack was funny!
  20. Parazight

    Updated Kuru

    Oh. I just saw that you and your happy little band of roleplayers just got a server off the ground that is doomed to fail. It all makes sense now.
  21. 1PP, No KOS rule, Whitelisted, Roleplaying, No checking pulses. I posit that this server will be dead after one month.
  22. Parazight

    Updated Kuru

    LOL. Plays the roleplayers card. I shoulda known. You totally lost me when you said that. However, I've forced myself to read the rest of this rubbish for the good of Dayz, and for science. Okay player, you want to add realism to cannibalism? And somehow engaging in more cannibalism will magically reduce the effects of it? No. that's not how prions work. Not even close. Prions and their aggregates are exceptionally sound and stable. You cannot suppress the cause of this disease when proteins are being folded in this manner. In a game that strives for authenticity, this cannibal bullshit nonsense steers away from that. I would be doing a great dis-service to everyone if I said nothing while LARPers and their inbred cousins continue on believing and acting upon the delusional notions of how they think the world operates. That all said, we'll probably have to agree to disagree. I want DayZ to be as authentic as possible. You want to roleplay around made up science. no. I'm not a roleplayer.
  23. The server is legit! The server only restarts after the sun has gone down. I've put in a number of hours there and it seems very stable. Never been kicked. Str8 8/8 m8!
  24. Parazight

    Ducks and arma sound system

    I can no longer rely on the infected to serve as lookouts because they're nearly blind as a bat nowadays. Maybe they should fix that instead. Relying on ducks to hint at where other players are seems inauthentic and unlikely. Remember back in .29 when you could scope a zed at 800m and they would notice you and come running? Need moar of that.