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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Arm the Infected!

    For whatever reason, you assume I don't comprehend what you're saying. I don't know how else to explain to you that, in fact, I *do* understand and comprehend what you've said. Again, just because we have different opinions, doesn't mean I cannot understand it. You continually try to insult me by saying that I lack objectivity, I don't read anything, my topics aren't even worth talking about, and I'm half-informed. I'm not sure why I'm under attack here. Maybe it's because you think nobody can conceptualize what DayZ will be except yourself and the devs. Yea, I haven't read ALL of your posts. Mostly because you come off as very condescending to pretty much everybody. I wish it wasn't like this. You seem like a smart guy. You assume that zeds have to be like they are in the mod. Designing and tailoring infected based on how they were in the mod is outright foolish. The standalone title needs to progress and evolve away from the mod. That's the whole point of the standalone! Any professional in this business understands this concept. BI understands this, and the bad design decision disclaimer when you launch reflects it. This is the perfect example. Eugen asks these type of large, broad questions all the time. You know this because you follow development. Look, the developers actually think that these sort of topics are worth discussing! Read the thread again. Everyone hasn't turned this thread into a different topic. It all relates to infected and the future of Dayz. The thread is very much still on-topic. The only person that has tried to steer it away from the original topic is you! Bringing up "topics aren't worth discussing" hogwash. I've brought up this topic in an effort to make infected interesting, at the very least. The infected in the current, and future, state will never be challenging to anyone over 7 years old. See, there has NEVER, in the entire history of sandbox mmos, been a non-tethered, non-instanced NPC that has ever posed a challenge. And there never will be! It's because game developers are forced to balance NPCs versus the single player in a sandbox environment. If they balance mobs to be stronger than one person can handle then the title fails. Dynamic spawning zeds based on multiple player proximity falls into the same can, if only because of what Hicks said. The key is that as soon as there's more than one person, mobs are pathetically easy. That's the nature of free roaming mobs in a sandbox. Combined with the fact that humans will always outsmart AI, as soon as you have a friend with you, then real people become hilariously overpowered. And of course, that's the point of Massive-MULTIPLAYER-Online games. More than one person. I beg you to name a single, non-tethered, non-instanced mob, from any mmo that is actually challenging. So my suggestion is actually very necessary. If you want zeds to be anything more than an annoying gnat, then you have to level the playing field somehow, hence, my suggestion to arm them. Decreasing stamina, improving AI, and reducing ammo are all efforts to make them more than worthless, but it will never be enough. How many times have any of you died to zombies in the mod?? ZERO, amirite?
  2. Parazight

    Arm the Infected!

    check it out at about 32:30 Hicks answering questions. He states how zombies will never be a threat. He's said this multiple times, here and on Reddit. Biohaze, I understand things just fine. Just because I have a different opinion than you doesn't mean I lack objectivity or fail to understand what the devs have presented. You say 'easily digested' like some of the things I wrote were hard to comprehend. It's not hard to understand what I wrote. Forgive me if I interpreted this meaning incorrectly. As far as what the zeds *should* be, who knows. Lore has always taken a backseat to gameplay and mechanics, across every MMO to date. Hell, lore is pretty nonexistent in dayz anyway. The lore on zombies is from some guy's brother, who isn't even working on the game anymore. So basing game design on it is pretty laughable. Also, you can keep your money. I don't need it. Haha. My main issue with your posts is not whether or not my idea is good or bad. My suggestion may be terrible (nothing wrong with that!) but you say that suggestions are not even worth discussing. Why have an open forum then? Why be so close-minded??
  3. Parazight

    Arm the Infected!

    So, they're only considering suggestions that Biohaze considers to be small enough. Got it. Thanks. Lol.
  4. Parazight

    Arm the Infected!

    I believe that more people than you think are able to conceptualize the information that's given to us. It's not cryptic whatsoever. I've read all of the information and understand it just fine. My suggestion wasn't part of that plan, which is why I suggested it. What do you mean by "worth discussing"? Are you trying to say that they're not taking suggestions anymore? Who's in charge of deciding what's worth discussing? Please elaborate.
  5. Parazight

    Situational Awareness!

    Haha. Noice. You are one lucky bastard.
  6. Parazight


  7. Parazight

    New Item propose

    Very well. I'm willing to take examples regarding instances where otherwise trivial items were used as currency between strangers. Make me eat my words. Show me, in detail, where this actually happens. Please limit your examples to DayZ. Tell me where these communities are that trade colored strings for M4s. Or whatever. Convince me that we should be adding content, at this stage of development, beyond "add money so maybe people will use it as money, but only if they want to" and "we should put money in the game so we can burn it and throw it at zeds."
  8. Parazight

    New Item propose

    Trading items for tokens or money requires a society with laws and people to enforce those laws. DayZ is pretty far from that. That's the complete opposite of what the title is trying to achieve. Maybe you should research other MMOs. "I have this booger. It looks just like Abraham Lincoln's head. It's worth at least 3 SVDs, but I'll let go of it today for the low, low price of just two SVDs! This is your lucky day! No, really!!" simonvic, you listed 3 things that we could use money for: -to start fires with -to use as money -to start fires with beefbacon, what happened? Your posts are usually really awesome.
  9. Parazight

    New Item propose

    Ok, so you say you don't want an economic system, then go on to suggest players trade items for money. I don't get it. You say cash can be used for various purposes. Burning it is one. Name more. You argue that because something exists in real life, then it should be in the game. That's hilariously absurd. Dayz aims to be authentic and that's it. It's not trying to mimic reality. The producers don't have the time or resources to implement a ton of ideas from posters who only put 2 minutes worth of thought into terrible ideas. For example, you say that money has all of these practical uses but you only listed two. Burning it and burning it again.
  10. Parazight

    First time seeing this?

    It would be cool if we could loot military loot from zeds. Sometimes you get an AK101, and sometimes it's a grenade with the pin already pulled.
  11. Wait, did you just call all of the United States uncivilized because a guy used different terminology than what you're used to?
  12. Parazight

    New to day z and loving it

    That's fantastic. You'll love DayZ every day as long as you don't let the trivial things like death and getting lost bother you. There are a lot of online resources to enhance your adventures. Check them out. Good luck and have fun!
  13. Parazight

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    So, as your toon sprinted for a good 2 kilometers towards the debug zone, you never lost immersion? You never encountered impassable terrain at all, huh? Really, the manicured wilderness of Chernarus doesn't represent real woodland areas at all. Nowhere can you just flat out sprint at full speed, just having to strafe a tiny bit to dodge huge swaths of brush or downed trees. There will never be a video game that accurately reflects how much work it is to actually navigate through unkept areas like the north tries to do. Aside, why change chernarus? Make a new map! Variety is better. Amirite?
  14. Parazight

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    "Geographical eyesore" lol I kind of like it. The debug zone is like a big sign to people that are too stupid to be playing the game. It says, "Hey Dumbass! You don't even have 10 minutes worth of orienteering training. Please ask for a refund, you're too much of a moron to play this game!"
  15. Parazight

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    Immersion breaking is a weak argument, in this case, in my opinion. It IS a video game and no one is forcing you to go to the edge of an already enormous map. There are plenty of opportunities for awesome player interaction and conflict all over the place. Additionally, the map has already been carefully detailed to promote progression around the already existing design. Coast to NW. If the future has unlimited potential for growth, why would they want to add another (year) to production schedule? The best thing is to offer another map after official dayz has been released.
  16. Need less status messages, imo. Players shouldn't have to need in-game text to remind them of how much space they have in their pocket or if they are carrying something.
  17. Parazight

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    I'd rather see something built from the ground up, with the grand design in mind from day 1. Taking a design and then using a hacksaw to mutilate it is gross and unprofessional. I would seriously question any team of artists that wouldn't stick to the plan this far into production.
  18. Parazight

    Modern melee weapons and swords

    Lol melee weapons are like steam engines people. You heard it here first. There IS the possibility that people like to get into melee fights. Not everyone min-maxes all the time, you know.
  19. When I think of iconic places in DayZ, Berezino comes to mind first. From the bloody beaches as a new spawn to various squad battles downtown, it's always held fond memories. Home has always been the Nadezhdino area.
  20. Parazight

    Modern melee weapons and swords

    Black knives matter!
  21. Parazight

    Why lie n Dayz, you know is coming after that anyway.

    No wai! People don't lie. You must be making that part up! So, your team knew it was a lie. Then what's the point of showcasing pathetic deception? Why scold him for not telling the truth if it was clear to all involved that he's lying? I found the video entertaining because lying is obviously more devious than murder.
  22. Parazight


    I heard that Liverpulians LOVE the game exploits.
  23. Parazight

    Big city in the center of the map

    At least the suggestion comes with a map to help visualize the idea this time.
  24. Parazight

    Why lie n Dayz, you know is coming after that anyway.

    So, how exactly were you and your 5 squad mates, with drawn assault rifles, going to help this "stuck" player? Shoot at him till he relogs? It's a fine video, otherwise, but the premise is utterly ridiculous.
  25. Parazight

    New to DayZ and Pc community

    I suggest going all-in to pvp. Then become callous to "you are dead". Expect to die and lose all of your gear regularly. Don't join private servers that plan on setting up before switching to public. You're only asking for disappointment. Study a game as much as you play it for maximum progression. Learn to identify trolling.