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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Offline Campaign

    You're right. We did have to figure it out on our own. Still feels gross to learn though. It just doesn't feel authentic washing up on the coast and not knowing how to do the simplest of things. Go back to when the first stress test was released. Plenty of frustration by veteran DayZ players over basic character controls. All I'm saying is that at the end of the development, it would be a good idea to put something in place to encourage players, as exacomvm suggested.
  2. Parazight

    Offline Campaign

    This is a good idea. Whether it's with a story-line or some other introduction, I don't know. Something should be there to transition from being totally unfamiliar with the game to having the ability to not die because of frustration with the controls. You really shouldn't have to learn the game by studying the in-game keybindings. Also, I've always hoped that there'd be some sort of offline shooting-range, if only to become familiar with the controls.
  3. Parazight

    This is geting silly

    The only real substance in this thread is how abuse is being trivialized. The OP rattles on about how he's bored and how he's done all of these things that aren't relevant at all. And somehow this is supposed to convince everyone that the development progress is silly? Does anyone (or their friends) in this thread really know what's going on behind the scenes and why things happen as they happen? Of course not. Do you really think the developers have set about this whole project just to troll you? To 'abuse' you? Of course not. That is ridiculous. You get the impression that the devs aren't working that hard on the project? Do you think that these people aren't ordinary, hard working, educated people, not governed by a business entity? I'm sorry to hear that you're impatient. That's not really a good excuse to trivialize abuse, claim the devs are lazy, and present criticisms from people far from being 'in the know' as fact. The constant whining is much more draining than the 'timeline' miscalculations that we've been given, in my opinion. Please, call me an alpha screamer. I'll keep taking shots at 'quips' and 'flaws that I find'. I'll keep ignoring the fluff. And, I'll keep calling a spade - a spade.
  4. Parazight

    This is geting silly

    What a horseshit statement. Good job insulting real victims by equating your weariness of stress tests with actual physical and psychological abuse. ffs
  5. You cannot play on stress test servers using a .62 build. Read this thread carefully; https://forums.dayz.com/topic/238135-announcements/
  6. Parazight

    Status Report - 5 June 2018

    First, thanks for the status reports! With the new CE (or other), will it be possible to bind items to a particular server, or player, or play session? What if, for example, I wanted to create a mod that simulates the Barkley Marathons? For this, people are required to travel distances and collect pages from a book to verify that they've reached checkpoints, then return with them. Would we be able to have items that only one player can interact with? Or perhaps, an item that spawns in one zone that may send you to another zone, to create an objective. Maybe I want players to loot a key. For example, this key spawns only Tisy. The key would only open a locker located in Cherno. And only if you do it in the same play session without logging out or server hopping. Being able to tie/bind loot to a single person could open up a wealth of opportunity for interactions, player created 'quests', and mods. Would this be possible with the technology?
  7. Parazight

    This is geting silly

  8. Parazight

    Infected still weak. Bug with inventory

    Game developers wish to implement features first, then balance them. The reason you see things that appear to be underdeveloped is because it's a waste of time to put things in (infected), then balance their damage, then just break them again when you implement more things. Implementation (alpha) balancing/fixing (beta) The issues above are known. There are bugs, sure, but there's no reason to fix bugs until the systems are more developed.
  9. Parazight

    This is geting silly

    I've reviewed your discussion topic. I'm almost curious as to which media courses you've 'studdied'.
  10. Parazight

    Consistent DayZ Streams

    Joined 6 hours ago. No post count. Provides link. Posts about streaming in the suggestions forum. No description. Nope. Won't be watching that.
  11. Parazight

    persistence in offline mode?

    No idea about the persistence. You don't really need it. With Beta, we'll get mods to test in offline mode. Right now, you can use something like the Arkensor Github offline mod addon. Use this to explore the game. Test mechanics, base building, melee fighting, the effects of removing dispersion, find map bugs, and more! It's a great tool. I imagine it could really help with generating feedback during beta. Devs haven't endorsed mods yet, but have given us offline mode, and opened the door to what comes with that. http://www.dayztv.com/video/dayz-how-to-install-dayz-0-63-single-player-offline-unofficial-mode-tutorial-tips-nomadgaming/ Follow this video closely and you'll be base building in no time.
  12. Parazight

    system specs

    Looks good. You should be able to run higher settings and record. Anything in the 1000 series, a not bad i5 and some ssd should work. External SSDs can be an option. 500+ is ideal.
  13. Parazight

    Body Armour

    The idea has merit. Perhaps layering could be implemented by combining items to fill a particular slot. Maybe, as Mullraugh suggests, to add more slots. I'm not sure which would be easier or better, or if there's another option. It's true, from clothing items to weapon loadout, your needs change according to the circumstance. Maybe you're with a squad and you're methodically clearing out an area like the new urban Cherno. Maybe you're roaming open fields. Maybe you're camping. Either way, a standard set of gear probably isn't ideal. Heavy SWAT gear for clearing towns, a ghillie suit for camping, or a lightweight set for high movement, for example. Each has pros and cons. Sacrifices are evaluated. Realizing this and working on different gear sets provides an interesting dynamic, for sure. How to implement it, I'm not sure. Whether the team decides to not change anything or maybe add it at some point, well, we'll have to wait and see, I guess. Good food for thought.
  14. Parazight

    Soft Skills

    So, if I play the game with no real interest in acquiring fancy gear but only to meet and interact with strangers on the coast then am I playing the game wrong? This has always kept me fully engaged. I find this to be much more interesting as most people with a decent amount of advanced gear are afraid to lose it and just decide to shoot at you by default. Also could you give an example where leveling up your character in a sandbox, like DayZ, actually increases social interaction? Where does this happen? Also, aren't PVP targets a great resource for getting better gear?
  15. Parazight

    Soft Skills

    Sarcasm and name calling. Brilliant. Lexman61's posts are not insulting. Try to not be offended easily. Maybe you need a nap. There's no true endgame content in a sandbox, unless you consider youtube as endgame. This has been the dilemma for decades, across all MMOs without gated instances. Social interaction mitigated by skill points doesn't work. If at any point soft skills are deemed necessary, then it's going to be a total failure, design-wise.
  16. Parazight

    What I expect from BETA Unconscious System

    He's talking about when you die, not when your shock value goes critical. The above quote led me to believe that the OP wants to replace the current unconscious state with this death cinematic. Instead of inducing this 'death movie' we have a mechanic where the screen goes to black/white then you just lose consciousness. Many times you will lose so much blood that you go unconscious, but it's not lethal. So let's say that something only mildly bad were to happen. You black out in a fist fight. You go unconscious, but aren't in danger of dying, right? What if some guy comes around after you lose your boxing match and fills you with 5.56 rounds, all limb shots. You bleed out and die quickly. So do you magically become conscious and enter the death movie? I dunno. This suggestion sounds messy and narrow now. Perhaps Pliskinki could clarify.
  17. Parazight

    What I expect from BETA Unconscious System

    OP is suggesting to make the following change... I'm saying to leave it as is. As we have it in .62. OP is making a suggestion because of the following reasons... (subjective) (all subjective) lolwut!? (more subjectives) OP suggests we change the unconscious state to be like in the video. I'm saying that it's not authentic at all and to leave it as-is. imho
  18. Parazight

    What I expect from BETA Unconscious System

    Modern neuroscience believes that with unconsciousness you cannot have focused sensory perception. Being able to partially see, hear, or understand what's going on is NOT being unconscious. Being practical, you'd probably be describing your assailant to your teammates in discord. I've experienced sudden unconsciousness in real life and it wasn't anything close to what you're expecting. There's no immersion while unconscious. That seems ridiculous to me. A black screen, without audio, that instantly says "you are unconscious" seemed the most authentic representation.
  19. Dying isn't the only way to get a new spawn. Why commit suicide when you'll be able to start a new character?
  20. Parazight

    Increase kidnapping experience and more!

    This seems like a lot of work to develop. And not fun at all. If I was ever the victim of being kidnapped and tortured I would likely just log out and then respawn. I dunno. Maybe there is a small niche for this sort of thing.
  21. Parazight

    Soft Skills

    What a great reason to make another character, eh? One for dying a lot. One or two for crafting. Think of how much more you have to play the game now. :P
  22. Parazight

    DAYZ is a NUTSHELL + Two Important Rules to Rememeber!

    Haha. That blue child backpack guy. Screaming wildly about his friend dying. I guess the other nutshell is to load your gun before you aim it at someone.
  23. Parazight

    Soft Skills

    It would be great if proposed soft skills (whatever the outcome) could be used in a practical way somehow and be provide the means to a goal. Soft skills have to be balanced and worked out carefully. It's been a real challenge for designers since the beginning of online gaming to create progression in a sandbox. It's no different here. Having a storyline or an easy path to follow has always been critical to linear games that move from instance to instance. DayZ has none of that, so it's a fine line design-wise to provide this and reap all the benefits a storyline adds to a game. It's a sandbox, so pvp combat has to be on relatively equal terms. A player with a fresh spawn has to be able to rely on his/her natural skills to win interactions, even against players with toons that have been alive for months. Not only would the game be totally exploitable if this isn't true, but it is much more appealing as a game if your shooting skill is more important than your skill points. So how much should the game invest into soft skills? Huge issue here regarding progression (soft skills). The DevZ know this. What we've seen so far isn't representational at all of what the end product will be. So sit tight. With this in mind, it would be great if the game could really explore soft skills, and put them to the test. Maybe what DayZ could use (mod or event(obviously)) is something like The Barkley 100 (as seen here on vimeo) or other ultramarathon like events. Something you can use possible soft skills on without having to worry about getting shot. I'm guessing players will make soft skills interesting somehow. Soft skills are important. I know that I won't personally value them (mostly because I like to die a lot) but they add a great timesink and additional feature to the game.
  24. Parazight

    "How to Recharge Your Stamina Quickly!"

    This is an interesting mechanic. Which mushroom do I eat to get stamina quickly, I wonder?
  25. Parazight

    Soft Skills

    There's nothing wrong with having these soft skills. They're not going to help you in combat situations. You're not losing out by not working on your soft skills. Having meaningless grinds in a sandbox is good for the game. It helps to keep players actually playing. As far as them implementing it now, it's fine. If they're working on it right now it's for a reason.