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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    You WANT them to split the game in two and divide their development time?!? We're still waiting 4 years to get bows back.
  2. Parazight

    Rebirth in Base or defined location!

    I can't believe that this idea has never been suggested before.
  3. Parazight

    Put survival first

    That would be incredible. But this would never happen. In real life, people wouldn't shoot other survivors. But here, where permadeath and setbacks in PVE don't really exist, people will always shoot other people. That's where the best loot is. Killing people in-game provides no negative consequences. DayZ is not even close to authentic.
  4. Parazight

    Put survival first

    This is true. The only exception is the current chess engines. Other than that, every game's AI is pathetic. A human will always be able to predict AI behavior in current video games. It's not even close. If someone is relying on enemy NPC AI to provide entertainment then you are in for a short ride. If the PVE is hard on your server it's because the player is bad or the damage is unreasonably tuned. Infected never have, and never will, provide a true challenge. Every single PVE server eventually serves whatever endgame it has to you in short order. If there's no human there to set back your progress then your progress will never really be hindered. Don't believe the hype about AI. It's not that great. When you look at it, AI has very, very weak learning capability and no practical problem solving skills. AI is just data fed to instructions. Assuming infected AI could ever be complicated, relatively speaking, is hilarious.
  5. The launcher is pretty hosed right now. A workaround for players is to direct connect to an IP:Port. Then exit when mods don't load. Then go to recents. Favorite your new target server. Select that server and let the launcher set up the mods. Let's see... All regions seem to be infected. Excess chinese servers. Battlemetrics can find your server just fine. The DayZ launcher is really primitive to begin with. My money would be on bad actors from communist countries in eastern asia. I wish that the launcher was better. In order to really examine a community server you essentially have to join it. Being able to filter out mods would help. There's just so many terrible mods and servers out there, I'd like to be able to blacklist them in a number of ways.
  6. Parazight

    Put survival first

    People wouldn't kill each other in a zombie apocalypse. No way. People kill each other in dayz because they can't do it in real life. It's a sandbox with other people and ways to kill them. And there's no real consequence for killing another player. In fact, it's encouraged. It's encouraged because the sole focus of the game is to loot things and players are the absolute best source for good loot. Your only option is to find a community server with active administration. good luck.
  7. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    Exactly. Except for the hate part. We have to assume they've learned nothing and will continue to make the same bad moves and provide an inferior product close to 10 years now. We all started out by providing a service to BI in the form of EA playtesting and giving them money. When does that pay off? I'm not interested in future projects at all, that wasn't part of the deal. It really sucks that they abandoned the forums. Bohemia Non-Interactive (BN) believes that console uses don't know how to read forums on their phone. Maybe the brand managers never debate here because they don't believe their customers can read. Maybe it's too hard for them to represent BN with written word.
  8. Parazight

    An idea for new creepy masks

  9. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    Let’s not call them playgrounds. Let’s call them ‘scams pulled on the consumer’. There’s no value for the consumer from one title to the next. I understand that the product left beta and there’s still so many issues. How much money do I have to pay to receive a working product? My family has several accounts. How long do we have to wait before this happens? Is this company in perpetual development or will they finish a project?
  10. Parazight

    We need to talk

    Some people simply don’t watch the streams. Can you please reply here or have your brand managers visit the site and reply? For years we’ve been having many discussions related to performance. Please ask your PR people to respond on the official forums. Why are these topics not simple to reply to? That makes no sense. The information is not that difficult to convey. Just be honest.
  11. Parazight


    He’s not playing dumb. Your posts aren’t fleshed out. Your ideas are bad and you seem to have issues with following the conversation. Try using examples that make sense. Your writing skills are bad and you resort to name calling instead of debating.
  12. Yea. And there’s no reason why BI can’t figure out a way to make administering servers profitable. Blizzard adopted that philosophy and look, servers are the Collins’s flywheel that keeps profit momentum. NOT providing admins isn’t even neutral. It’s actively working against your own product. Being an admin is a full time job, sure. Get someone in that position to make some profits. Yes. The PR is bad. Whose turn is it to be the brand manager now? Whose making pointless videos now?
  13. Great post. Everyone should agree that endorsing a gaming server with no administration is a terrible choice. With the amount of cyber criminal behavior in the world today it’s plainly obvious that not having admins for a pvp game is a mistake and opens the floodgates for cheaters. Then again, we can see that poor design decisions were made from the beginning indicating they had no serious intentions of making a modders game, that have active admin. Instead, just a lawless console servers griefing simulator.
  14. Parazight

    Basic/Limited Friend Markers

    I don't see that at all. Plenty of people have been able to survive and enjoy the game just fine. There are plenty of resources available online as well. I would say that very few people actually need the direct help of others. Having introduced DayZ to a number of people, I can say that just giving advice over Discord is plenty. In-game tracking in the vanilla product is wholly unnecessary, imo.
  15. Parazight

    Basic/Limited Friend Markers

    Great idea for mods. Terrible for base game.
  16. Parazight


    No. They didn’t remove anything. They started over and readded a bunch of stuff but they never removed anything. ‘Gun play’? Wtf is that. Why can’t you be specific? No one is ever going to take this incredibly broad answer seriously. How could you?
  17. Parazight

    Fix base building please!!!

    Sure it is. Console users can create as many accounts as they want. FOR FREE.
  18. Parazight

    Fix base building please!!!

    No. Playing with a group of people doesn’t automatically mean you need a base. It has nothing to do with play style or some other BS. Assuming someone plays alone because they don’t prefer base building is laughable. Also, keeping valuable loot in your base and not hidden is not a good idea. Get a second account like real pros.
  19. Parazight

    Fix base building please!!!

    Basebuilding is dumb. Suddenly houses are vacant everywhere and the logical thing is to build a BRAND NEW STRUCTURE. Dumb. Can’t fortify existing houses. Dumb. Can’t build in towns unless you look up an online map to find where the toxic bombs drop. Not authentic. Everything about base building is half assed. Yea lets scrap it all.
  20. Vehicles taking damage seems like the only authentic solution here. A vehicle should protect you from a bear until it is ruined. What about taking out a horde of infected with a makarov, single loading, and standing safely on top of a hesco barrier? What about that gross abuse? (have them drop grenades)
  21. Parazight

    We need to talk

    All good questions. Let’s see if we get an official response. I would be most interested in hearing an explanation as to why there are no admin here, or on the servers. I would love to hear the rationale behind many of their decisions.
  22. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    All you do is attempt to troll. But it’s always the same boring drivel. So obvious.
  23. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    I see that BI put out a dev video yesterday to torture us with. In it, they discuss adjusting the wheel height and gearbox synchronization issues. Is there any plan in the future to address the net code? The latest few patches have done nothing to fix the significant problems. Gearbox desync is such an insignificant problem next to the issues which cars being server side. when will we get REAL changes to cars? Again, no release of server wipe info. It’s too much to ask?
  24. Parazight

    Popular Streamer Banned

    Hating on some nobody streamer, for no reason, makes about as much sense as bringing ban appeals to this website to begin with.
  25. Parazight

    Chernarus must evolve

    Or maybe because they don’t understand that you post suggestions in the correct sub forum. Apparently dumping a bunch of half cooked suggestions all in the same post, in someone else’s thread, in the wrong forum, is okay.