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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Health/Blood regeneration tweaking.

    The current regeneration is just fine. If you get into a string of encounters you're able to stabilize and get out of it, or you die. It's not horrible when you consider zeds. You can either find a safe spot and get out of the jam, or you get overwhelmed and die. The balancing isn't terrible, in my opinion. As far as survival goes, well, I've always been of the opinion that PVE will always be a cakewalk and there's not much the game can do about it. Hardcore survival outside of PVP just isn't possible, you just cant balance properly in a single instance sandbox, mostly because there's no real progression. You're already at the endgame when you wash up on shore. IMO. I simply wondered why you think we need more player interaction. You *DO* realize that even killing-on-sight is player interaction, right? It's totally fine that you want regeneration to take longer. To me, it seems like the result will be that people will be sitting around doing more of nothing, which is fine by me, actually, but not really beneficial to the game. Also, some of your reasoning and logic seems questionable. I like that you're questioning the system, though.
  2. Parazight

    Health/Blood regeneration tweaking.

    There's nothing forcing you to work with other players. I posit that your odds of surviving wouldn't be less by hunkering down and just waiting it out. In this this case, tweaking the numbers just results in more waiting around. So, it's mostly about the patience of the player. That's adorable. /facepalm
  3. Parazight

    loot farming with infecteds and boats

    It's pretty hard to believe that the developers, the guys that work under the hood, are people that don't really care about the quality and the job that they're doing. These devs are probably hard working people that aren't lazy slobs who sit around the office, trolling people on the internet and sharing pics of their golden yachts all day. It's easily understandable that the people who dish out the money (executives) have to answer to other higher powers, deadlines, and people that don't comprehend the entire scope of things that are. It's unreasonable to believe that these devs, who actually work on the game, decided to push the product, as-is, out to 1.0 knowing full-well the logical backlash that would happen. Likely, (Spanel) decided to redefine expectations by pushing something out and declaring it 'finished', simply (probably) because they agreed to a timeline in a deal they made to Microsoft (dayz going to xbox) while having no clue that creating a game via a roadmap is ridiculous to begin with. A roadmap, a line resembling linear progression is the worst possible way to define a schedule for a product such as this. It's like creating a painting by starting at the left side of the canvas and working to the right, and not approaching the development as a whole. It would be extremely satisfying to see BI executives engage on the forums regarding their reasoning, but we know that will never happen. So, the devs have to be the ones to take the bullet.
  4. Parazight

    Health/Blood regeneration tweaking.

    How would this create more player interaction? Also, why do you think more player interaction is sorely needed?
  5. Parazight

    Persistence in single player or home server?

    Doesn't sound like you're trying all that hard. Shouldn't you be able to navigate the forums seeing as how you've been here for quite some time? Offline mode is no longer supported. If you have the ability to run your own server than why not just download the server files, create your own server, and whitelist it?
  6. Parazight

    Dayz 0.28 Chernarus+ 2013 Map Edition

    Aside from the obvious legal issues, military loot at NEAF and balota tent city wasn't all that great to begin with.
  7. Parazight

    Water Bore Holes n Aquifers

    While this idea isn't without some merit, it seems like a task that may, or may not, require an immense amount of work to implement. Development has stated that it isn't possible (or worth it) to have structures or items below the surface of the map. It may be possible to code this idea and not have anything below the surface of the map for it to succeed but would definitely be of extremely low priority. Maybe an idea for a modder, if anybody. If the goal is to have accessible water at your base, then you should consider chlorine tablets, running to the well, or even barrels as a water collection source. Personally, I could think of a great many things that I'd rather see finalized before additional water sources.
  8. Next week, the fire-barrel epiphany, the journey of self discovery, zen, and the art of motorcycle repair.
  9. Parazight

    Status Report - January 2019

    You can't re-create industry standards and have them only apply to your product. It is a pretty standard expectation across all of gaming that 1.0 is a finished and polished product. Any new customer can easily see that what was promoted for DayZ 1.0 is pretty far from reality.
  10. 11. IP ban trolls. - should help to clean up the forums a bit.
  11. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    I went to play DayZ today. I didn't want to join a night server seeing as how I didn't want to randomly die to bugged zombies (again) ganging up on me after spending a bunch of time running to my current position. So I used the company's server browser. The indicator said that the first server that I joined was daytime (according to the icon) but instead, it was night with no indication of the sun coming up any time soon. This happened four more times. Eventually, I got bored and decided to play a different game.
  12. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    OMG. "stable" It's great that you can't dupe planks and sheet metal anymore. Not so great that when you go to build parts of fences, it builds something other than what you intended. I hold for "Build Lower wooden wall" and it makes stairs. Or upper wall, or anything other than what I choose. The grind for base building just got even more difficult than intended. On multiple official public and barebones community public servers, it gets darker when it shouldn't. I have to relog often, back to the same server I was just on if I want to see 100 meters in front of me or when I want the sun to come back. Pushing this patch out to stable was a terrible idea. Please revert, or at least, spend more time testing before moving from experimental to stable. Terrible decision making, guys.
  13. Parazight


    Hasn't this been common knowledge to everyone on this website since, I dunno, last year??
  14. Parazight

    6 hidden barrels full of duplicated loot

    Good jorb calling that guy out for using duped gear, stealing said duped gear and then creating a troll thread about it. Xbox forumz, where have you been all my life.
  15. Parazight

    Building a base

    Thanks, eno! Find a low pop server on official public servers. Build a watchtower right next to a gas station to three levels. Climb the watchtower and hop over to the top of the gas station. Switch to a high pop server with your SVD.
  16. Parazight

    6 hidden barrels full of duplicated loot

    If you're finding duplicated loot then you should probably address the issue by submitting a bug report or otherwise figure out how to help prevent these abuse issues. If you're just shuper-excided for some sweet, shiny, awesome new gear, well that's just adorable. Randomly taunting no-one and everyone. Not so much.
  17. Parazight

    Base locations?

    Cant you just angle yourself against the wall a certain way, drop pieces of firewood into the vicinity and hop/climb vertically?? gekofish talks about that 'eagles nest' in his vid. not hard. I know that I've kept human steaks in barrels before. But that's only because I chop up my brother's corpse when he dies to zombies and then stuff the contents into his containers. Does that make me a bandit?
  18. Parazight

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    My server browser loads just as fast as Guy's, in that video. The server browser isn't perfect, but imo, it's pretty far from the most troubled feature. Without any filters set, it takes a while to populate, sure. Once it loads 100% you can/should change the ping, public and favorites filters AND apply changes. Then repopulate. Do note that there are a TON of community-private servers. If you set no filters, the browser has a huge task to perform. The server browser is definitely in a much better spot than it was at 1.0 launch. Maybe there's something different going for other people but a lot of us aren't seeing that. Definitely not experience-breaking considering the norm of the last 5 years of DayZ. Not sure how the server browser got sucked into this troll thread. >.>
  19. Parazight

    Holy macaroni

    Yes, clearly I was upset. Also, you're welcome. Welcome to the internet, son.
  20. Parazight

    Holy macaroni

    No one is stopping you from buying a PC. DayZ wasn't developed as an Xbox game and then ported over to PC. BI has always just done what they wanted to do. Catering to the masses has never been the modus operandi. Also. worst thread title ever.
  21. This is a great list of advice that goes beyond gaming. Fundamental knowledge for going into sales and/or politics. Good thread. My favorite loadout has always been ak74u and now the UMP/MP5k because you can conceal them in your backpack AND they can use scopes+silencers. If you look like a bambi and can approach people and be entertaining, it goes a long way. Making silly 'dad jokes' great again!! Be callous to death and you will die a lot less!
  22. Parazight

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    Honestly, once a base is ‘found’ by someone, it’s worthless. Can a person really feel safe in a base? Probably not. The person in a base has everything to lose and nothing to gain whereas the intruder has nothing to lose, public or private. It’s an enormous challenge to defend a base while anyone can oppress a base at their own leisure. The flip-side is that cars are extremely reliable persistence containers but are maddening to drive in high pop servers. They jerk and seizure more than micheal j fox trying to sign his own name. Barrels and tents are 100% unreliable right now. Persistence IS a big deal. The struggle against permadeath is always real. Unfortunately, the only reliable countermeasure to permadeath right now is a second account. Which is unreasonable. A point to this thread? It’s a great outlet to troll.
  23. Parazight

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    It's just more trolling, IMT. All of his posts are troll posts, many are well veiled. It's almost impossible to take any of his future posts seriously if you look at his post history. You can see here how he assumes to have some sort of authority. Clear mark of a troll. The only redeeming factor is that he never curses out other posters and actually attempts to infuse his threads with humor. A pity that he doesn't focus his writing skills into content that's actually useful.
  24. Parazight

    Random death?

    Ahh,.... landmines. Hilarious and tragic. Like slipping on a banana peel, falling into an open manhole cover and dying.