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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Update 1.20 general discussion

    I would add staff to the Bohemia Interactive team. It is obvious to everyone that an MMO cannot exist in this day and age without active admins present on their servers. Even the most well funded institutions around the world deal with cyber criminal behavior on a daily basis and struggle. Hackers, cheaters, and exploiters ruin the game every day. It's absurd to think a product will ever work without present and active staff to circumvent bad actors. I would not add security measures into your code, compromising the performance of it when you can just hire staff as security instead. I would love to see the developers recognize the glaring errors they've made and one day tell their customers that they won't be doing that again.
  2. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.20

    No. Not on the official forums. They do not state whether there will be a wipe or not 100% of the time. Nor do they wipe with every update.. Most of the time, on release day, I ask on the update thread here if they are going to wipe because they rarely announce it. Welcome to the forums. You weren't playing DayZ before the alpha phase. That is obviously false. You're just making things up. They wipe because of terrain changes and corrupt data. Every 3 updates.
  3. Parazight

    Buff restraints and be able to break people's legs with melee

    He thinks it’s more funny. Torture in video games is dumb. Much like the font you chose. Besides, we already have a torture simulator. It is the game itself, for a month after each update.
  4. Parazight

    Another way to get water.

    Wut. have you ever seen someone drink water from clothing this way? I haven’t. Suddenly all of chernarus is vacant and there are no cups anywhere?
  5. This is a great thread. You're like a baby chatGPT bot. It's so adorable.
  6. Parazight

    AI infected I

    Here's the quote because John Maynard from Brazil apparently couldn't find it/ ignored it. I agree. Good idea and points. As far as changes go, I just want infected to drop live grenades when there's a bunch of them huddled together. Like when some player is standing safely on a hesco barrier, taking them out one-by-one with a melee weapon.
  7. Parazight

    AI infected I

    Go look at the front page. The first link about 2023 mentions that AI improvements are coming but that’s all they can tell us right now. No need to make 9 threads about nothing. Your threads are tedious and not fun.
  8. Parazight

    AI infected I

    No. Not easier. Making a dozen posts like this is a terrible idea. Please stop posting. 100% troll account
  9. Didn’t you already create a thread recently about inertia? They launched full release three years ago. Inertia was brought back in the last update. There’s no placeholders. Inertia is intentional.
  10. Parazight

    Put survival first

    Plenty of people would not go off the rails. Maybe a tiny percentage is 'plenty' to you. People won't lose their morality because of stress. Humans are social animals and band together to survive. Been happening for a few years now, here on planet earth.
  11. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.20

    I agree that the huge nerf to zombies is less than ideal. I wish that they would finally settle down and balance the game. We've seen two fundamental changes to the game in the last two updates in the way of inertia and weight. Things that are crucial to first person shooters. It's like alpha phase tho, they have to nerf zeds because otherwise people will constantly die to absurd stuff. (bugs)
  12. Parazight

    Nerf Stab Vest

    Setting damage values and then balancing by adjusting resistances seems like a fine idea! I definitely would agree to this balancing approach. That said, the stab vest doesn't seem OP, considering the inventory trade off.
  13. Parazight

    Add Compound Bow

    A bow definitely fits the genre of survival game. Seems like a no brainer
  14. Parazight

    DayZ in 2023

    You know that’s not true. 😉 I mean, the staff has recently said that they don’t post here because they don’t think console users know how to access forums on their phones. For whatever reason, they think that their customers are dumb.
  15. Parazight

    DayZ Developer Admiration Thread

    I only briefly skimmed the last post but I do agree that we could appreciate the work that the developers do. These are large updates, considering all the work that goes into each and how many people directly work on DayZ daily. Some chronic issues exist within the title but let us not forget that these are hardworking people who are just trying to make a living, too. These developers work on projects that they're assigned to. They get paid to do a difficult job. But they don't get to make all of the decisions. It's clearly defined what they're working on and is monitored by management. It's evident that developers stick to a list of projects and are not choosing what to work on willy-nilly. All we can do is hope that management doesn't repeat mistakes. Godspeed to the devs!
  16. Parazight

    Looking for server which cuts out running sim element

    You asked for suggestions in your first post. I suggested you do the work yourself. This is obviously the most important part of DayZ, choosing the right server. I'm guessing you wrote the above nonsense because it would require you to put forth effort. You join the forums yesterday, complain about the community, complain about the 'walking simulator', demand that we find a server for you, and whine about people being condescending ... in a condescending manner. Hilarious OP. would read again!!!
  17. Parazight

    Console Update 1.20

    But they cant tho. They can’t do better than this. Because they have almost no staff. Because the business owner is terrible. Nobody tests experimental. Even tho the owner might even think so. Probably totally clueless. We’ve got 2 devs to write code and no one to test or communicate with the public. That’s why it’s terrible. And it won’t get better.
  18. Parazight

    Looking for server which cuts out running sim element

    Oh Basically, you resort to name calling. This is such a lazy tactic. Maybe there's something to that. Maybe you should find a different game. A game that requires no effort might be the game for you. Is your next post going to ask which game is best for lazy people? Maybe you should do your own legwork.
  19. Parazight


    They can’t seem to hire a single animator. Apparently that’s a reason. scott Bowen and the other brand managers won’t reply here because they never post on the official forums. They are basically human traffic cones. They abandoned the forums because they believe that console users don’t know how to use Internet forums on their phones. No, really.
  20. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.20

    Normally, I ask if there’s going to be a wipe on the day the update moves to stable. Clearly it is NOT stable. Should I assume because there’s so many problems that there will be a wipe? So many server issues!! Really, why even put things on experimental? No one tests it. Maybe because we left beta 3 years ago? You guys keep adding things but don’t test them hardly at all.
  21. Parazight

    DayZ in 2023

    Maybe in 2024, if the company is still afloat, we will receive a meaningful update to vehicles? We have received no meaningful fix to cars since the title left beta 3+ years ago.
  22. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    Whether it is first, last, or anywhere in between, the amount of players is incredibly low. Arbitrary rankings don’t actually mean anything. When I do the napkin math, dayz is receiving more support than it should.
  23. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    For one time, you should rely on logic, facts, and evidence instead of always resorting to name calling. I don’t resort to name calling when I see your obvious troll attempts. Among ANY of your other troll accounts as well. Go ahead. Double check. Where is it you see rage, anyway? Weird Please try to add something constructive once in a while. As far as popularity goes, pick a random day and then look at how many people are playing. It’s a small number.
  24. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.20

    Could we get the ability to block IPs from communist countries? They are a blight on the world. Communism = state sponsored cheating. Wake up already. BI has been aware of this for years now. Y’all really think all of these Chinese servers are just some random bug? KEK. Why are some of you grateful for these fixes? You paid for a working product. Not this mess.
  25. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    I'm not discounting anything. DayZ receives little support now because it's not popular and we're not dealing with a board of directors here. We're dealing with one moron who made the company with his brother. BI is poorly managed. Marketing and PR is dreadful. Extreme employee turnover. Half assed projects. Look, their brand managers wont even visit the forums. The company hires multiple brand managers and all they know how to do is make pathetic youtube videos. BI abandoned these forums because they believe console users don't know how to use the forums on their phones. No, really! They said this! They made a game for modding and then sold out when console people offered them money. The plan was to have modders flesh out the rest of the game because all the employees quit. Well, we don't have mods on console now do we? It's not getting any real love because a majority of the developers left before the project was complete. Because the company sucks. What sort of business owner thinks this is a good idea? Go ahead, look at their employment board. Check the company out. Do the research. You'd have to be crazy to invest your career into this dumpster fire.