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Everything posted by Parazight
I don't really have enough information to make an informed decision on this specific case. That said, there are some details that raise questions. These barns are bulletproof now? How are you sure that they didn't miss with any shots? Maybe he sprayed the structure with a VSS, with armor piercing rounds? Would you have reported this if you didn't die? I'm not saying that cheaters don't exist or that you're not a victim, but I'm not really seeing enough data about the situation to make me believe that authorities would want to take action.
There's no reason to put helicopters in DayZ. I would only guess that Bohemia would be interested in putting helis in Arma 4 and make it a selling point to attract consumers. Honestly, helicopters are completely unauthentic in DayZ. Real helicopter maintenance is no joke. Anyone interested in survival would not attempt to fly some ramshackle helicopter maintained during an apocalypse. And the refined fuel for it? You cant make that stuff without modern technology. Almost as ridiculous as Kuru/Prion disease mechanic. And growing full pumpkins in 10 minutes. I'm not getting excited whatsoever for helicopters in the DayZ Expansion mod. I will be shocked if it ever comes to fruition. Even if it does, if it isn't officially supported (never gonna happen) then it's a ton of work for very little return. For 2020, let's hope they focus on obtainable goals for players that don't need thousands of hours of experience to reach the endgame. Tanning, Bows, Crossbows, and other basic survival gear that make sense might be way more profitable. More realistic time-sinks, please. I really hope they do great things with DayZ but the evidence that shows us the rate of progression on the title indicates that there's only a handful of people working on the title now. Let's be realistic and not overly ambitious.(?)
So, you've decided to go with the "it's boring" argument, huh? Your reasoning breaks my immersion of real life.
Here's the problem. You think the safest place to put your loot is in bases. No. Walk 150 meters in any direction, build a crate, stash your best loot under a tree.
Can we please dial back the hyperbole a bit, hmm? This is hardly every time. My post history does not indicate that I attack every idea. Don't make stuff up. Will I be more critical of implementing new suggestions now that we're out of beta and into 1.0? Yes. Was I open and encouraged more brainstorming during alpha? Yes. Should BI be trying to focus on finishing up DayZ? Probably.
Okay, this thread isn't some elaborate, Asmondian-esque type of suggestion. It's two whole sentences. And by some new forum user with some 12 sentences total on these forums. I didn't go into detail on purpose, but apparently I should. Personally, I've hid lots of cars in the forests. Yes, you need to find a flat patch of land. It's not hard to do. I'm still stashing cars in the wilds of southern Livonia. If you know that clipping will totally flip out your car then you take notice of where to park. Yes, I've lost cars to trees with claustrophobia. You build fences around cars (just the posts and a netting) to protect and hide your car. The game is not that restrictive. If you're investing into building a car then finding a place to hide it and conceal it with posts is trivial. It is not at all difficult to 'navigate the positioning system of fences' in the open woods. Watchtowers, yes. Fences not so much. Usually, you're just building two fences, so you only need so many materials. Camo netting on fences also sync up to the way the trees blow in the wind without having a silhouette of a car attached to it. And you don't need to have the fences right next to the car. It only needs to break line of sight. I've hid many cars on populated, official public servers this way to great success. It's not hard and it works great. Do you hide cars on public servers too? Your concerns of placement and hiding have been a minimal issue for me. Honestly, if you want to go pro having cars then you hide tires in buried drybags. Car parts in buried crates/sea chests. You store the parts in storage containers for later use because they are easier to hide and less unstable. Maybe you pull the battery and plug when you log, yea?! This. Work related, you just drive thru the fence and park. You don't even have to re-attach an item after you're done driving. On the real life side, it requires work for the programmers, for something that seems redundant to me, for something that already works fine. A rare case, perhaps. I'll drop that argument of it taking away development time because, really, it isn't a great point to make, besides the fact that I don't even need it. Yea. Pretty sure I said this exact thing in your basebuilding suggestion thread.
Cute insult. In my opinion, your suggestion is extraneous. We don't need camo for cars. The wooden fence posts with camo on them work just fine. It's not like we have to hide from helicopters, anyway. Honestly, at the current development pace, I'd rather see bugfixing and adding unique features. Not different ways to hang up camo netting. Lets work on crafting, bows, stability, or something else first, okay?
There’s a button you can click on the official server browser, for each server, that opens up a window, to see the mods needed. It’s there but maybe not all that intuitive.
Soft skills are total waste. Even if it was bug free. If you tape/fix hundreds of items and then chop hundreds of trees the slider will be in the exact same place as when you were a new spawn. The logic behind the slider is asinine. If you saw enough planks at a lumber pile it will move to the right. At 3/4 of the way to the right you will notice that each 'saw' will yield additional planks. For a while, during 1.05, it was giving an extra wooden log when a tree got chopped down. This is potentially huge. I like that the developers recognize that soft skills shouldn't affect combat, but the implementation, design, and follow through are atrocious.
Is it? Code doesn’t write itself. Is it easy? Have you written code and done big fixing on this title? I haven’t, but I imagine doing something requires time and resources whereas the option we have now requires nothing.
Exactly! All you need is a fence kit, 2 logs and the camo netting. It doesn't need to re-skin the vehicle. If you're parking a car out in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, then a fence will suffice. You can put up a fence, with camo and drive right thru it, too. So this way, you don't even have to do anything to maintain it.
Absurd. This has never happened and it never will. In any video game.
I'll take a Wintery Chernarus or Livonia with white walker bears sprinkled on top, please. Also, LRS+Mosin crafting table mechanics.
I'm not sure infected need a lot of tweaking right now. On a low pop server where you don't have to worry about players shooting at you as much, they are much easier. If you're fighting off zombies while dealing with hostile players then suddenly zeds don't need to be tougher. Perhaps an adjustment to their behavior. If you have a good amount of stamina and an axe, you're set. Let them charge. Block before they hit you. If they swing right away before stopping you can block without taking damage. If they run at you, briefly stop, and then swing, you better dodge or keep backing up to avoid all damage. Infected are easy when you're patient. When it counts, zombies can be overwhelming. I'd agree. Maybe a change in doors. There are definitely collision issues sometimes. Getting thrown around by doors can be annoying. Somewhat related, It might be nice to see doors randomly broken in an open state, but fixable! Maybe this would add another element or even make infected more challenging.
It's basically impossible for survival to be difficult for experienced players. I've been saying this for years. And that's okay! PVE is a hurdle. It's fun. It provides an excellent experience. But this is a huge sandbox. If the PVE aspect of survival for characters that are established is difficult then it's impossible for new player/fresh spawns to do anything. Simply segregating the map into loot zones will never be able to provide a significant challenge to groups of geared players. And that's the thing that makes development throw their arms in the air. Groups of experienced players will not have problems because they know what to do. Groups. Once you group up, survival is pretty trivial, even for noobs. Remember, this is an MMO about PVP. It's a lawless sandbox with no actual repercussions, moral or material. Loot isn't that important to experienced players whereas it's a great crutch for new customers. DayZ has always been about social interactions more than environment challenges. Experience is everything. Eventually a player learns the ins and outs of melee combat and how zombies work. At some point, the survivor will realize how to be stealthy and one shot every zombie you encounter. You can navigate through Nadbor, or Novaya Petrovka and kill every zombie with ease once you learn about stamina, blocking, dodging and the beauty of the splitting axe.
Wander a dirt road. Make a stone knife out of rocks. Kill a chicken. Carve some hooks out of the bones. Dig up some worms. Craft a fishing pole. Go fishing. Build a fire, cook your food. Try not to run a lot. Requires only ambient spawns and 0 'regular' loot. I don't think fruit is spawning right now.
Okay, so if you have a Mosin and you spot a bear, you DON'T have to start shooting at it!! Encountering a bear isn't a death sentence. You are a human player versus an AI script with no firearm. The best advice is to not be a shitty gamer. If the bear takes you by surprise then it's on you. The brown bear will likely notice you and not attack immediately if you are far enough away. Wolves and bears should be on your radar if you're wandering the hilly wilds of southern Livonia . Wolves can sneak up on you and bleed you fast, but are manageable. Bears will not aggro you on sight like wolves. I've killed about 20 bears so far on foot. All while looking for them. You hear them in the distance and approach. They will notice you at ~100 meters and growl a lot. They stand up. You can't miss them. You can turn around and back out and they won't pursue. If you're smart, you wont die. Their armor/hp isn't ridiculous. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. If you're going bear hunting then get yourself a car. You're gonna need it. Those bear pelts are huge. Drive back and forth from Polana to Gieraltow. You'll likely spawn one. Listen carefully for them. I've seen them drop from the Viaga spaz cannon in 3 shots. I've had to dump up to 45 5.56 rounds in one to take it down. Bring a friend. Get experienced and be prepared. Watch their behavior. IMO, if it was nerfed at all, it would be boring.
Nice. It's pretty easy. My usual go to, as a total fresh spawn in Livonia is to run up and down a dirt road, find a bunch of stones, create some stone knives, kill a chicken, cook and eat the chicken, craft fishing hooks from the bones, and then go fishing. Or, find a dead survivor, craft hooks from the bones of the dead, and go fishing. You literally need to loot nothing but ambient spawn. Water pumps and wild mushrooms to fill in the gaps. Requires time and patience, but is pretty easy.
Good post. Might be hard to tell if the placement is related to temperature, but who knows. Could have a number of issues, i suppose. Yea. A bar indicating amount of rocks needed, 8 (or more) rock slots, or some indicator, would be cool. Ovens should perhaps require small stones as well. I would also recommend removing placement restrictions. God forbid you want to build a fireplace (or fence, or tent, or watchtower (or anything, really)) and there's 4 cm of pine tree in the way blocking your action. Rock ovens really are the best. They don't have to be in a house. Houses have been eating my cooking pots on a regular basis. Mostly they fall through the floor from a house fireplace (Looking at you Green-Yellow shack). Fire barrels need to have the pots removed to refuel. Circles require a Tripod. It would be really great if all of the above would enable 8 day (or more) persistence for attachments such as fuel, tripod, and cooking pot. Maybe make everything persistent except for the inventory space inside the cooking device, which seems exploitable. We don't want infinite persistent storage with just having a sledge hammer. Related to stones, what ever happened with Large stones being able to be used as an improvised sharpening stone for limited tools?
Base building rebalance | Comprehensive list of suggestions
Parazight replied to Asmondian's topic in Suggestions
Just because the development team doesn't reply to every thread doesn't mean they don't care about their customers. That's absurd. How would you know that the devs haven't looked at this post? The post IS really pretty. Look, it has different colored text and sizes. Also the picturea are in a sepia tone. How can these NOT be great ideas? -
After how many helicopters found does it go from bad luck to 'serious duping'? 8? 1064? 256k?
Not in my experience. I've been testing rock ovens the last few days on servers with no mods. I've tried using placement, starting a fire, letting it burn out and wait for 2+hours. placement, burned out, then placing new bark in it. placement, burned out, putting junk in the inventory placement, didn't ignite it, just kept fuel in it. dropping it on the ground where I could place it, burned it out. dropping it on the ground where i couldn't place it, letting it burn out again. dropping it, burned out, putting stuff in the inventory All results end in failure. the Ovens often converted back to rock circles or simply disappear. I have yet to have a rock oven persist through reset, or otherwise act like they have persistence.
See, the problem that you have on these forums is that no one can take you seriously. When people see a post full of 'Probably, probably, probably" come from you every day then people start to realize that you are just making a bunch of assumptions. It seems that you try to use logic based on experience, but it's clear by the things you say that you don't actually have that experience. You consistently use ellipses as a replacement for punctuation. This is a huge tell that you have no writing skills. Ellipses are used to indicate an omission of words and you use them between every thought. Stop the conjecture, we're all choking on it. You attract extreme criticism because you just make stuff up and debate using points that are ridiculously irrelevant. My grammar is far from perfect but yours is atrocious. No offense. I'm sure you're a fine gamer and otherwise pleasant, but your writing on the forums is not projecting that at all.
Moving into 2020, I hope DayZ gets a bunch of time sinks. We need more crafting, including leather tanning. The title needs complicated and difficult food crafting to get small, almost insignificant food buffs. A food item that lowers your stamina consumption rate for a short while, while running, for example, would give people something to do. Dyeing clothing. Bow and arrow crafting. Again, timesinks. People need things to do that will keep them in game but not necessarily give them an edge in a combat situation. Mods like BuildAnywhere are excellent. Removing collision restrictions on Watchtowers, Fences, and all but tents opens up avenues for players to be creative. This opens up HUGE timesinks. The only problem with BuildAnywhere is tents, really. Tents are a mess. You can stand on top of them and they're bulletproof, immovable objects at times. What to do with tents right now is a real issue. In my opinion, they should not be storage items. Maybe they should protect you from the rain and that's it. We really don't need them for storage. Tents are a horrible option to store anything valuable. The only real value that tents hold right now is that you can stand on them and use them to block off entrances. Both uses are absolutely not authentic and create a broken system. We have many persistent storage items already like, barrels, crates, drybags, protector cases, cars, ammo boxes, and potentially furniture in houses. We don't really need tents to store things.
No, we did not all rely on it. Bringing back an unintended bug is a terrible idea. Having an unlimited resource on repairing items is not balancing. They didn't decide to take bows out. They haven't gotten around to re-implementing it. Bike? Huge technological hurdle that has been stated several times. BI isn't opposed to bikes, at all. You can use rags to patch up cuts. Bandages do it even faster. If you're bleeding out and it isn't because of bullet wounds or wolf attacks then you're not paying attention to your indicators.