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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Will there be AI survivors

    I just want NPCs that can shoot guns. Not that they’d have to have great aim, but be able to make a human player wonder if another human is shooting or if it’s an AI. right now, if you hear gunshots, you know it’s a human. Of course, more AI right now would just cause more server performance issues. AI is a major culprit there.
  2. Parazight

    Pls somebody fix my GAME !

    Did you read the original post?
  3. Parazight

    Pls somebody fix my GAME !

    I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this story. It’s always dayz. People restart from the ground up when experimental runs just fine. What happens when experimental is a different version tho? The problem has never been addressed by BI on these forums.
  4. Parazight

    Pls somebody fix my GAME !

    Can you run experimental?
  5. Parazight

    Help Repairing A UAZ

    If you red-lined it a lot then the spark plug wouldn’t be pristine. Maybe it took shots or you ran over things?
  6. Parazight

    Normalized Suppressor locations?

    Yes, those towers. Your best bet is finding a persistence off server (official hive) and searching for helicopters. That said, be aware that many of the servers (Livonia especially) don't appear to actually be Persistence OFF, as labled. I keep seeing persistent structures that last for days. I see Russian weapons at helicopter crash sites. AKMs, 47U, and most attachments.
  7. Parazight

    Normalized Suppressor locations?

    Helicopter crashsites, small green towers in tier-4 locations, and dead players. Official servers, anyway.
  8. Honestly, if you can't see something crossing over into Arma 4 (whenever that might be) then it probably isn't something that the company is interested in working on. This pretty much includes anything exclusively survival related or crafted. For example, they're not going to include bows, crossbows, or leather gear in Arma 4. I posit that such things won't be added to DayZ. Long live thread necromancy.
  9. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.08

    The changes are on page one. As I write this, there's been no changes to the experimental branch. It's still the same version as Stable. Curious as to why one might think there would be an update to 1.08.
  10. Parazight

    Deletion of the A/C carrier

    Is this for real? Maybe you should send speedboats from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy to sink them.
  11. Parazight

    Public (and press) reception of DayZ in 2020

    Promotional article for Loaded and streamers only. Second-hand knowledge of a game the author has never even played. Is it accurate? Maybe. Most certainly not written as a serious critique of DayZ, however.
  12. Parazight

    Bugged building system?

    So, your base, which consisted of a fence and a watchtower got destroyed by raiders. You dismantled the rest and moved everything out and then tried to rebuild again. One statement says that you rebuilt in the same spot. Another says two feet away. Either way, it didn't work out. Maybe this is a sign that you should move your base. Good luck.
  13. Parazight

    Cars all Broken? Return to DayZ.

    Aim towards the ground with your container in hand. Best done outside of a building. Finding cars and getting them to work is so easy. Even on official servers. It's even easier to completely total them if you run into an indestructable road sign, however.
  14. Parazight


    Don't eat raw meat. Try washing your hands. Did you really think that you could eat as much raw meat as you wanted, drink scummy pond water, have bloody hands and then just eat one pill to make it all better?
  15. Parazight

    Bugged building system?

    Maybe you cant build stairs there because you have barrels in the way. Or maybe it's because you didn't build it on level ground. Or maybe because you've built a wall there. Or maybe you're not experienced with collision in dayz. Not likely.
  16. Parazight

    Cars all Broken? Return to DayZ.

    Be sure to shift and not redline the RPM?? have had zero issues with burning up engines.
  17. This happens all the time. It's probably not your PC. Every time I've heard this happening, it's been DayZ itself. The devs wont address why this happens, you probably have to wait until they push out a new update to stable. soz. Try to get your money back, if possible.
  18. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.08

    Game spikes over 300ms for an instant? Check your hops. I'd say try something like PingPlotter, but more than likely, it's a DayZ related problem.
  19. Private servers are like having to buy a foreign car and then build your own roads. Your whole post makes a ton of really bad assumptions. No, I don't scream at Bohemia. No, I don't slam my head against the wall. Public transportation isn't that terrible. No, I don't want a perfect game RIGHT NOW. Yes, I DO want to hear it. There's nothing wrong with holding a company accountable. This is how business works. It's not the consumers' fault if a company makes bad decisions. Having to rely on an unnecessary third party in order to have a working product is gross and unprofessional. This goes beyond the well established gaming industry. And this is a billion dollar industry. Sure, we can't blame the developers for terrible management decisions. They don't control the money flow. That doesn't mean the paying public should roll over and accept that we pay for garbage. When I paid for DayZ, I was told that there'd be mother-server technology, sanity checks, and a functioning hive system. Should I just accept something lesser because some corporate moron decided to change their mind well into the project? NO. Deliver what you sold. Private servers are a real option, but public servers need to work properly.
  20. Parazight

    DAYZ: How to Build a Watchtower with Door

    At first I thought this was a thread necro.
  21. Parazight

    Let's talk buried loot

    The Central Economy (controls more than just loot, 'CLE' is dated terminology) isn't perfect and the devs are willing to entertain any reasonable suggestion. In fact they welcome positive feedback. But what should be changed to address the problem without ruining something else? Jumping to a non-persistent server IS an option. Your suggestion to have certain loot degrade sooner could be a possibility, but where do you draw the line. At some point, a player who plays legitimately will get screwed over no matter what the change is. Honestly, if you really want certain loot than you have a number of options. Play a modded server. Play on a private hive. Jump to a persistence-off server. How bad do you really want these things. They ARE obtainable. You just have to put in more work than you thought. Yea. Maybe try that. What do you have to lose?
  22. Parazight

    Let's talk buried loot

    Maybe. What's the problem tho? Ghosting has been resolved with the random location mechanic. You pay the price by ending up somewhere new. It doesn't seem unethical according to how it is set up. Afterall, there aren't separate characters for Chernarus and Livonia. Maybe you want to play on both. Personally, I stick to one official server because of base-building and car-building. It makes sense. The path of least resistance to getting top tier weapons is jump to a persistence-off server, build a nearby car and hunt helicopters. I would venture to say that because persistence-off servers exist, you wont find these rare guns spawning naturally on the persistent servers, ever. It wouldn't surprise me at all if you have 10+ LARs buried on each of these servers. This is the system the developers endorse because they've created it.
  23. Parazight

    2000 Zombies in a Heavily infested Cherno - DayZ Horror Movie

    Nice video! When I imagine a heavily infested Cherno, I have images of server crashes and epic lag spikes.
  24. Parazight

    Cholera is ridiculous

    Kuru, in this game, is on a whole other level of ridiculous, compared to cholera. Check out this recent thread perhaps. https://forums.dayz.com/topic/248438-madness-disease-change/?tab=comments#comment-2459763 As I've said before, Go ahead, do some research. You'll find the fabricated mechanic has no basis in reality. Is it bad to have it as a game mechanic? Perhaps not. Maybe the affliction could be applied because of some other reason. Maybe if you shoot too many people. I don't know, but it's definitely not authentic.
  25. Parazight

    Let's talk buried loot

    Go to persistence off official servers. Find heli crashes. Jump back to persistent servers.