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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    But... Why? Crescent wrench is already in the game. Most work on cars is done with socket wrenches, or at least closed end wrenches. I've worked under the hood of many cars in my life and have never used a pipe wrench to fix anything car related. Can anyone here list one part on any vehicle that is fixed/replaced with a pipe wrench?
  2. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I like when gardens have long lifespans (weeks irl) with limited raw vegetable kcal. Keep that going. Having knives all over the place is good. Make sure they are plentiful if you want them so brittle.
  3. Parazight

    Gardening yeld and actions

    The hard part is finding the shovel.
  4. So does this mean that you're going back to the stable version permanently? I mean it IS natural to experience issues on the experimental updates. Experimental version of the game is open to experiments going on. And sometimes accidents can happen. And those accidents can be shitty. But a dog can't poop if it won't eat, g.
  5. Parazight

    Where can I find public server rules?

    Why is that a problem? Eventually people will learn to build bases where this isn’t a concern. It will happen once and then the base builder will take precautions so that it doesn’t happen again.
  6. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Oh. Well, I'm not seeing it. Overall, this is a HUGE update! Nothing revolutionary, but a ton of game additions with a lot of time sinks. I do like the shock effects.
  7. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Well, official servers will kick you for pinging over 300ms. This is the solution used by the game maker. One moment of latency above 300ms and you're done. Ghost Bullet Dude keeps bringing up the same issue. He's playing on a laggy and modded server. He also suggests finding a server that's above the 300ms barrier and then experience the ill effects. In order to agree with him. He wants the developers to fix the lag on laggy servers, as far as I can tell.
  8. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Total garbage. You repeatedly complain about “aiming lag and ghost bullets” and have been refuted multiple times, by numerous people and never offer any counter arguments or quality evidence to support your claim. “online discrimination”. This is a joke, right??
  9. Parazight

    More Action more Players/Zombies or anything

    I only counted 1098. You better check again.
  10. Parazight

    Zombies are too strong

    On behalf of everybody, I wish to welcome you and your posse of suggestions a hearty “Welcome to the internet!!!.”
  11. Parazight

    Insanity or Haunting as a Debuff for wanton murder.

    I've always liked the idea of debuffs. I'm thinking more along the lines of getting cholera or a cold from infected melee combat. Honestly, working on a complicated mechanic that requires 15 player kills, without dying, may not be the best use of time. Should be rewarding players for kills, imo. 😛
  12. Parazight

    Newspawn first 30 minutes

    It really isn’t that difficult to get up on your feet again and it sounds like some of you guys need to die more often. Maybe you’re not getting into enough fire fights. Maybe you need to try out other servers. I definitely don’t think there needs to be more food. 25% is not an unreasonable fatality rate.
  13. Parazight

    Vehicle performance tested

    Right, and torque/horsepower is the most important thing for dayz. Those top end speeds are rare in dire need. When you steal a survivor's car you need to be able to haul ass! The Olga, with high horsepower, the ability to cross most terrain, large payload capacity, 4 doors, and clear 3rd-gear automobile make it the best vanilla car, imo.
  14. Parazight

    Vehicle performance tested

    I kind of want to test my lawn mower against the sarka, in the quarter mile. Might be close. Wtf@23 seconds lol.
  15. Parazight

    Car trouble

    This is why it's confusing. It's a temperature gauge. How many cars, in real life, have you seen where the gauge is a water level gauge? None I bet. Gasoline level can be measured directly, whereas it's not really possible to measure the water/coolant level in the same way.
  16. 1. Damage over time effects. Yes, I would love to see a chance at a damage over time applied from an Infected's melee hit. 100% Agree. From mild cold to explosive diarrhea. This is what we need to make Zeds great again!! Cholera2020!!!! 4. Ragdoll. Only if they bring Spears back. I expect news about Namalsk. More optimization (and bug fixes) being the biggest focus. Central economy balancing. Terrain/Small item/structure additions and changes.
  17. Parazight

    bed roll/sleeping bag.

    Well, first off, it doesn't seem like Dereleth is trying to mock or insult you. Second, your post seems to indicate that you're basebuilding as a solo player. This is inherently a losing strategy. As an MMO, you need to build relationships with other gamers. In a high pop server, if you want to maintain a base, you need to team up. Not only is base building tons easier, but then you have someone that can jump in the car and come pick you up when you get killed. Additionally, all bases get raided. It doesn't matter how big or how many people you have. You should expect this and plan on not keeping your very best loot there. Group up, have lots of stashes, and be prepared to lose everything, always. You're not going to gain support behind the idea of selective spawns through a craftable item. Trust me, it would probably used against you more effectively than you would be able to use it legitimately. Like, the notion of 'limited' respawns wouldn't even be expected. A group of 5 would come and lay down 3-4 of these bedrolls each, 100 meters from your base and eventually overwhelm you. Bedrolls would be the death of basebuilding, forever. The devs are not going to support this idea for vanilla servers. The community at large won't support this idea, either. It has been done in other MMOs, and it's a disaster. Look at Rust and PVP ARK servers, for example.
  18. Parazight

    bed roll/sleeping bag.

    Wouldn't an item like this completely undo the entire survival experience? There are a ton of options like this for modded servers, but why make this sort of change for official servers? This is basically a 'save-game' option in an environment that attempts to mimic permadeath. Your suggestion of having it tied to a rare item would probably end up going totally against the grain of authenticity. So, let's say you need a (pillow) as a rare item to craft this magical sleeping bag. Does it make sense to have pillows as rare as LARs? Or VSDs? This idea has been brought up in the past and strongly rejected by the developers and the community. It's up to you to explain why DayZ should no longer be 'a real pain in the butt'.
  19. Parazight

    Weapon Aiming still Lag

    See, when I said "Plz provide link." that was a request to provide proof of this 'ghost bullet' mechanic. Asking me if I think that they'll admit it assumes that I already believe that ghost bullets exist. Which I don't. And again, it's clear, according to your twitter video that you're using a modded server. This is a problem with reporting issues regarding the official game. You should be addressing tandwan's reply.
  20. Parazight

    Car trouble

    I've seen this before when a fresh spawn car originates partially clipped into the terrain, but it hasn't been for a number of versions. Take a screenshot of the car when it spawns there again. Also try finding a different car spawn. It's natural for others to assume that you're not filling the radiator properly as the indicator is somewhat ambiguous. Good luck.
  21. Well, this game isn't about realism. You should know that by now. Sure, a human may be able to live a month without food, but if we were going for realism then food would take months to grow in game, there wouldn't be zombies, and we'd have to find a way to disable Discord. It's also not realistic that when I get shot in the head that I instantly respawn again. There has to be some credible gameplay balance. There can only be so much immersion. Right? IMO, that's what this thread fails to grasp. It's a game, and it cant be realistic. PVE is not hard at all for players with experience. Whenever I see arguments that there isn't enough realism, I always think that the poster isn't getting shot at nearly enough. That's the pinnacle challenge. PVE is just frosting and decoration, as intended.
  22. Parazight

    How are people finding my stashes?

    Perhaps you should purchase a second copy of DayZ and store your stuff on another character. Mobile and secure storage!
  23. Parazight

    Suggestion for Map

    OMG I love shooting farmers!!!! Full support!
  24. Parazight

    Weapon Aiming still Lag

    Plz provide link. Also, explain why I should intentionally choose a 300ms server to suffer this.
  25. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.09

    Personally, I like the ambient spawn system when it comes to food. It's much less reliable; you don't know if you will come out the other end able to move to the next town or whether you'll starve. You don't have to game the system, you wouldn't have to check every tree with a function and the script method was always exploitable. Merging it with the central economy was the best solution, imo. Seeing other players run around an orchard as opposed to just sitting at one tree is probably better. I also would rather keep moving while on the coast instead of waiting for a timer as a new spawn in kamy.