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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    The current state of DayZ

    Right. You say that hackers are everywhere. OP wants the community to take action at BI. What now?
  2. Parazight

    The current state of DayZ

    People who attack other posters with insults as a front to explaining something is a very ineffective way to engage in online debates. They call that "Asshattery."
  3. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Probably not on a Saturday.
  4. Parazight

    The current state of DayZ

    For clarity, This thread was started because the OP was trying to encourage the community to 'stand up' and do something about the game state. It's not really about the state of the content. Absurd as it sounds, he wants the community to pilot game development. The original and subsequent postings have a few things in common. Assigning blame to the community and a call for action from the community is the foundation of this thread. With insults and plenty of ellipses sprinkled on top. Current modded servers probably shouldn't be the topic here because performance on those servers is not within the realm of Bohemia Interactive.
  5. Parazight

    Do people always just shoot?

    Otherwise good people will kill other people when there are no moral repercussions. It's a sandbox with people and ways to kill each other. The best place to have genuine in-game chats is when you're both new spawns. The more people on the server, the better. If you're looking for an alternate experience then try out a private community server. Official servers can be cutthroat at any time!
  6. Parazight

    The current state of DayZ

    The community is not entitled to anything. The community is not owed anything. Also, do not speak for people other than yourself. Personally, I have never requested all of the content from the arma 2 mod. Additionally, you cannot proclaim what it is that other people expect. You can't speak for others. This fantastical reality where you assert that gamers are entitled, have some sort of duty, and share the same opinions as you simply does not exist. How do you know that the majority will agree with you? You don't.
  7. Parazight

    The current state of DayZ

    The community doesn't get to make decisions for the company. How many people did you survey for these conclusions?
  8. Parazight

    Life on the Coast

    Maybe this is where you use the reload button. By the time the stack of ammo on the hotbar becomes zero, you're likely out of the fire-fight or have reduced options. Using quick slots for ammo is maximizing its use, in my opinion.
  9. Parazight

    Life on the Coast

    The answer is to use the hotbar item slots, like I mentioned in my first reply. Nevertheless, my first response was to inform the OP of the existing mechanic, instead of just telling him to do it half-assedly, with the reload button.
  10. Parazight

    I don't understant what is dayz game for?!

    Do you get really upset when your guy dies in dayz?
  11. Parazight

    Life on the Coast

    Sometimes I want to use the mag with armor piercing rounds. And sometimes I want to reload with rubber slugs. How is the reload button to know which one I want?
  12. Parazight

    Life on the Coast

    You can put loose ammo or clips/magazines into a hotbar item slot and then use that to reload a weapon. Just hold down that button with the weapon in hand. Thus, you can avoid going into the inventory during times of battle. The ammo that those weapons use is inherently weaker. That said, you don't have a ton of options if you don't leave the coast.
  13. Parazight

    Loot spawn system restrictions

    This is from the Stable 1.09 update. So, which weapons were you thinking of?
  14. Parazight

    How are people finding my stashes?

    Why would you consider a second account 'a bit of cheat'?? This happens all the time. Lots of games, too.
  15. Parazight

    Roaming Zombies

    Big groups spawning at helicopter crashes and small groups spawning at police wrecks. Despawns after 30 min. Maybe give some of them grenades. Firearms required to eliminate. You don't want infected clumps in the new player areas tho. Likely just a griefer tool. And since you're adding zombies, we're definitely gonna need more landmines. And trip wire mechanics.
  16. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    But... Why? Crescent wrench is already in the game. Most work on cars is done with socket wrenches, or at least closed end wrenches. I've worked under the hood of many cars in my life and have never used a pipe wrench to fix anything car related. Can anyone here list one part on any vehicle that is fixed/replaced with a pipe wrench?
  17. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I like when gardens have long lifespans (weeks irl) with limited raw vegetable kcal. Keep that going. Having knives all over the place is good. Make sure they are plentiful if you want them so brittle.
  18. Parazight

    Gardening yeld and actions

    The hard part is finding the shovel.
  19. So does this mean that you're going back to the stable version permanently? I mean it IS natural to experience issues on the experimental updates. Experimental version of the game is open to experiments going on. And sometimes accidents can happen. And those accidents can be shitty. But a dog can't poop if it won't eat, g.
  20. Parazight

    Where can I find public server rules?

    Why is that a problem? Eventually people will learn to build bases where this isn’t a concern. It will happen once and then the base builder will take precautions so that it doesn’t happen again.
  21. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Oh. Well, I'm not seeing it. Overall, this is a HUGE update! Nothing revolutionary, but a ton of game additions with a lot of time sinks. I do like the shock effects.
  22. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Well, official servers will kick you for pinging over 300ms. This is the solution used by the game maker. One moment of latency above 300ms and you're done. Ghost Bullet Dude keeps bringing up the same issue. He's playing on a laggy and modded server. He also suggests finding a server that's above the 300ms barrier and then experience the ill effects. In order to agree with him. He wants the developers to fix the lag on laggy servers, as far as I can tell.
  23. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Total garbage. You repeatedly complain about “aiming lag and ghost bullets” and have been refuted multiple times, by numerous people and never offer any counter arguments or quality evidence to support your claim. “online discrimination”. This is a joke, right??
  24. Parazight

    More Action more Players/Zombies or anything

    I only counted 1098. You better check again.
  25. Parazight

    Zombies are too strong

    On behalf of everybody, I wish to welcome you and your posse of suggestions a hearty “Welcome to the internet!!!.”