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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight

    DayZ Update 1.12

    I definitely don't miss the glory days of 18 frames per second.
  2. Parazight

    Dayz dead

  3. Parazight

    Can we get a damn answer to the error code: 0x00040031 ???

    0x00040031 - PLAYER_STATE_TIMEOUT Player spent too much time in one state of the LoginMachine https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Error_Codes
  4. Parazight

    Cars wont drive uphill

    Man, that sucks. Console needs the boost function. I've driven every back road in Chenarus with the ADA. Traversing roads has never been an issue. With the boost function, you can make tight turns in a forest, at night, while raining, uphill, and while intoxicated.
  5. Parazight

    Cars wont drive uphill

    There's a mechanic where you can hold down the Shift key for extra boost. I don't know the keybindings for console, but driving works fine. You can drive the ADA uphill and through forests, easily.
  6. Parazight

    3 simple and high-quality suggestions for the game

    1. Not a QoL improvement. Let's not make inventory management more difficult. Staying out of the UI as much as possible is a real goal for the team. 2. Please, no statistic improvements. Seems like a huge task to implement. Then would require waves of balancing. 3. Heartbeat idea. Maybe. It doesn't really affect my status or decision making in the game, however.
  7. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.12

    If that tease was about chicken houses, it wouldn't have had the end of a gun barrel in it. I give this a 1% chance that this is about chickens and 99% chance that it is a M16A(4) rename. That is definitely not a M4 in that photo. The end of the gun barrel on a M4 is slightly different than M16 variants. I think that if they wanted to implement an M16 as a super rare, they would have to add new models as the 16 is a bit bigger in size. We'll see!
  8. Parazight


    If a player can make structures on ground that is otherwise uneven, then what stops any player from building a watchtower next to a base and just hopping the fence?
  9. Parazight


    You could eat them, and get sick. I wonder, if you could still eat them, if one could build up immunity high enough so that you could just live off of worms. Imagine a diet of vitamins and earthworms. That would be the perfect meta. Probably why we can't eat them now. 😛
  10. Parazight

    The despawning gardens & fireplaces.

    This is a great post. He's right. The changes to gardens/fireplaces, bugs or not, are bad. I'm not spending any time doing garden or fireplace stuff, which was a great time sink, when it worked. Devs, please make adjustments to the official servers so that they stick around! Lower the nutritional value of garden produce if you have to.
  11. Parazight

    Dayz Wallpaper | Previews for your videos

    Not bad. I might use one of these. Your wallpaper does not have to contain the DayZ logo, you know. DayZ players will recognize the game on their own. It just ends up making your work look more promotional and less intended as some sort of artwork. They also don't have to have people in them. Many of your compositions have the subject matter pasted right in the middle, which makes it difficult for the eye to analyze the picture in an organized way. The use of various effects work in your favor here. They're not just 'pictures', some great experimentation with focus, layering of images, and subject matter. But you have some room to experiment. The DayZ player model isn't really the showcase of the game, in my opinion, and hardly the most pleasant thing to look at. Try some great scenic shots around Chenarus, Livonia, and other great maps. The player model makes some of the shots look artsy. It's hard to make it look good. The piece with the man laying down, bathed in light is otherwise good, but you've given him a beard which has no refracted or reflected light affecting it. The best one here might be the one with the ADA in it.
  12. Parazight

    More life on Skalisty island

    Didn't they remove the player spawn from that Island? That is a huge gift to people making settlements out there. There is a chicken spawn there and bigger game in Tulga.
  13. Parazight

    Does DayZ accommodate my game-style?

    This is your 'game-style'?? Let me see if I understand. You don't want to get killed but you want to take stuff from other people, on a PVE server. No. I'm afraid you'll have to pick a different game. This one is full. You signed up on these forums in 2012, have 400+ posts and haven't figured this out yet?
  14. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.12

    Most of the time I tend to agree with you, but.. The sniping game is a legitimate part of the meta and has been present on official servers since the beginning. (You've endured it for 8 years, remember when it was worse with Mosin + LRS??) There's no cowardice in playing the sniping game. Additionally, DayZ would not be what it is without that constant fear of dying at any time. Investment, tactics and social interactions are all appropriately shaped by long range snipers. Having this risk is essential to DayZ. Sniping requires a lot of knowledge about the game, mechanics, and player behavior. Sitting, watching, and waiting for prey is a logical strategy. Effective and efficient in a lawless sandbox where you only have guns and other people. The game practically promotes it. Saying 'sniping isn't really that difficult' makes it appear as if you're unaware of what's involved. Also, it's known to attract one-posters who blather on about other games.
  15. Parazight

    DayZ | +45 QoL suggestions | Part 2

    Excellent point. Dodging is bad right now. I'm not sure about an invulnerability buff, but it should be addressed. Dodging is just not practical. I always thought that you should be able to move a further distance. Maybe it should cost less stamina. Maybe it should stun/slow the opponent. Unlikely that you could draw an assault rifle, aim it, and be ready to unload automatic fire in real life as fast as you can in DayZ right now. Many of these suggestions are really good. A lot of easy QoL suggestions. No huge reworks asked for here. Great thread! Since we have a list of things going, I'd add tripwires, craftable burlap strips, and a no structure building zone within X meters of a raised flag. 😛
  16. Parazight

    Offline raiding

    No. It's not on the rest of the community to explain why your idea sucks. You came up with an idea, called it a solution, and then basically said "here is a solution, prove that it's bad." Which is bad. Your solution, based on property lines, which can never exist in Dayz, is bad because the concept of property ownership is nonsensical.
  17. Parazight

    Gardens and Ghillies

    I suggest letting players grow certain plants in their gardens in order to process them into burlap strips. With this, remove ghillie gear from military spawns entirely. (maybe) The theme fits, as it provides an avenue to craft ghillie suits, which is a fantastic grind. In my opinion, the official servers could use some more long-term garden investments, and time-sinks.
  18. Parazight

    Console hotfix

    The OP claims that he is a console modder. Okay, but not for dayz. He then goes on to claim that the devs dont care about console. Clearly has spent no time researching the status of the game and vomits an uninformed, shit suggestion, while whining that it's not fair. He's asking when the hotfix is coming for console. This is actually complaining disguised as a question. You really think I'm out of line here?
  19. Parazight


    He bought a product that offered something he was interested in, then it was taken away. Suggesting that someone should switch careers, to provide criticism is ridiculous. The responsibility to deliver what was paid for is on the seller. And we are not waiting for the same things. Please do not just assume this. I don't understand why a company is automatically entitled to gratitude. There is an understanding that a company maintains profitability on their own or sink when they suck. It's on them. They reap all the benefits or pay the price. The consumer here is entitled to nothing and doesn't receive any gratitude, reimbursement, or even guaranteed communication. This is a business arrangement. Money doesn't give a shit about gratitude.
  20. Parazight

    Console hotfix

    Mods for console players. What a great idea. I wonder why this has never been considered??????
  21. Parazight

    New Update

    Which resources from the PC dev team? Could you be more specific? And, do you think these resources were more important than the large group of developers that left the company after 1.0? I guess I don't understand how additional revenue worked against the company. Could somebody explain, in detail, how adding console support hurt the title? As far as the suggestions in the original post,... yea. Those have all been well known suggestions for years.
  22. Why does a veteran of the game have so many questions about the game, including “should I play it?” You already bought it, the best gauge is trying it out for yourself! As a vet, you should know how to get answers to these easy questions.
  23. Parazight

    Ghillie Strips

    This idea is to rename Burlap Strips into Ghillie Strips. With that, we should be able to cut up tanned leather to create Ghillie Strips. There's enormous potential around tanned leather. Using it to craft ghillie suits seems like a good idea. Yay or Nay?
  24. Parazight

    More Dance Moves!

    This seems appropriate for Chernarus. Seems easy enough to implement. 😉
  25. Parazight

    More Dance Moves!

    We can dance if we want to. I say, we can dance, we can dance. Everything's out of control. Because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well, they're no friends of mine.