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Everything posted by Parazight

  1. Parazight


    It's not too hard to figure out which battery belongs to which item. That said, it might be a small quality of life improvement. When I swap attachments, my gun typically remains on my shoulder with the new attachment in my hands. I think this is the easiest way for inventory management. You don't have to have the gun in your hand to switch items. I think the size is just fine. Not sure how this would translate to consoles.
  2. As a new spawn, I advise to take note of where nearby trails and railroad tracks are at. Go near them, Then go loot some houses down the road. Finally, double back to those spots and look for ambient spawned rocks. You can combine them to make a stone knife. Do the same with fruit trees + fruit. Also with dead logs/hay bales + mushrooms. Coming back to an area will sometimes get you the things that you need to survive.
  3. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    As an armchair developer, I imagine it would be difficult to do some things as it would require the engine to be re-assembled, like network code and moving cars to the client side. So, it's not ALL. We need to be realistic, although it isn't going to hinder development if we nag about it, right?
  4. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Thank you for the update. Looking forward to a great 2022. I hope that BI has great success filling their staff, despite a small/competitive market of developers. Could you please let us know if this update, when moved to stable, will include wipes? Thanks.
  5. Or so the ambiguous document found here says so: https://www.bohemia.net/monetization So, all of the permissions given to monetize (receive donations, etc) will no longer exist as of January 31, 2022. What is the best course of action for private servers who wish to stay afloat, but don't want to be limited to server owners all footing the bill. If this policy greatly affects you, please voice your opinion, for good or bad. Thanks.
  6. Parazight

    Sooo... new version huh

    No way. You have to be at least 13 years old to receive training in any of those fields.
  7. Parazight

    Helpful Tips?

    Cute. You realize this is for the Arma 2 mod, right?
  8. Parazight

    Disgusting 3

    Modding by the community was always a part of the plan. No one decided to release the game to modders as a contingency plan. Everyone else knows this. Survival against the environment is straight up NOT HARD. The survival aspects have always centered around player versus player. Infected and the environment have just been fluff. The game is in the hands of Bohemia Interactive, squarely. The source code has not been released. Again, allowing the community to add mods was ALWAYS part of the plan. The 'pace' is fine when you consider the bigger picture, like what can be done and the amount of employees assigned to DayZ. All of the things that you've whined about before have been discussed at length, the only difference is that you're actually responding to comments this time. Unlike Disgusting 1 and 2.
  9. Parazight

    Disgusting 3

    It’s possible to have played since the beginning and still not know what you’re talking about. “ITS A FACT” Maybe the survival part you are assuming about is actually referring to other players instead of the environment. Maybe you’ve been wrong all along.
  10. Parazight

    New engine

    Hey. Go look at all of the job openings available at BI right now. Then do some research regarding the overall lack of skilled developers in the market. While you’re at it, browse the history of developers who have quit BI. Finally, look at the great decision making done by Spanel.
  11. Parazight

    Disgusting 3

    Lol. Yea, No. You are wrong. see, other people can express opinions too!!
  12. We don't really need rewards and punishments for moral choices in the game, in my opinion. Why start now? It's not like there's repercussions anyway. Okay, your new player friend put some fat in the food stash. Maybe he found it. You ate it by accident because maybe you thought you had put it there earlier. But you ate it. Now you have to commit suicide because it's the logical thing to do. Who goes on playing with that?
  13. I agree. Kuru would be just fine as a mod and not in vanilla.
  14. There shouldn't be Kuru at all. The laughing nonsense as a result of kuru was discovered after a ton of research. The research concluded that people were getting 'the laughs' because of cultural traditions of indigenous people eating the brains of dead family members. It took decades for the folded prions to procure the laughing. There is no way, in real life, that a person would start getting these in-game symptoms as a result of eating human meat. The idea is quite ridiculous and not authentic. If anything, the laughs should last an hour. Eating human meat in game is a death sentence. No one decides to not kill themselves as a result. It's just not worth it.
  15. Parazight

    Hacker on DayZ US 3664263 (

    We need blockchain level technology to have a magical baby with mother server sanity checks. Or something like that.
  16. Parazight

    Console Update 1.15

    This is a hardware issue. Not a code issue. Of course this happens on Playstation 4. This doesn't happen on high end PCs that are running on the highest settings. The solution is to throw your PS4 in the garbage. Seems unreasonable to update the program for antiquated hardware. And creating a whole new game for various platforms is not practical.
  17. Parazight

    Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

    And going into detail of how an exploit was fixed is helpful how? Last time I checked, the source code wasn't public. Yes, this is true. However, it isn't readily apparent to new players. The game keeps the learning curve and journey of discovery in mind when balancing occurs. Additionally, time sinks are important. Maybe YOU don't need to do those things, but some people do. Some of it is because people find it enjoyable.
  18. I suggest to figure out a way to have some moderators on this forum. For the traditional obvious reasons. It's clear that no staff have been on this site for at least a week.
  19. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    I disagree with your opinion and assessment. Sounds like you haven’t mastered the keyboard yet. No offense intended. Not going to explain why.
  20. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    Button Bloat is a real thing. MMOs, including this one, are designed with this issue in mind. Console platforms exacerbate the problems. it’s also apparent that BI did whatever they wanted to, back during arma 3 development. Now, it really ‘feels’ like consoles have mitigated that temperament, but that’s just my opinion. There are other players who feel the same way. Now, we have Microsoft and Sony to help define the rules.
  21. Parazight

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    They got rid of the cool billboard of the lady smoking when the game went to console. You know, the one by the train station in Svetlo. And they got rid of cannibas because of Australia. Overall balancing absolutely had all platforms in mind. It's difficult to pinpoint specific examples, but absurd to think that decisions weren't made holistically. Everything is viewed through the lens which sees money. Sure, BI wants to promote the image that they do what they want, but that's garbage. Consoles are the money makers, everyone knows it. When consoles became confirmed, the development process was definitely affected by that, which makes total sense. Good or bad, the port to consoles definitely affected the game. Doesn't look like a rant. Looks like a discussion on a public forum. No, they didn't ask for it directly. They asked for it indirectly because games on console with hit indicators are more desirable. Producers simply have to look at the reactions of players of other games.
  22. Parazight

    Cheating has reached critical mass

    Sorry but the cheating is beyond BattleEye and Bohemia. It is state sponsored by China and Russia. By Putin and Xi Jinping. The directive comes from the top in these totalitarian regimes. Always has. Biden asks China "can you please stop hacking our institutions and holding them ransom for hundreds of millions of dollars?" TenCent is the biggest gaming company in China. They're invested in BI and are worth 590 billion dollars. They're completely at the mercy of the government. Please write a strongly worded letter to these people and tell them to knock it off. The best option is to optimize code instead of embedding 'security measures' like putting cars server-side and then play on a LAN, or Whitelisted server, I guess.
  23. Parazight


    We don't need a bunch of charlies running around with bows and bottles on their Blazes. Like a Chilly would fit on a over/under anyways. I would love to fly my helicopter through volumetric clouds!
  24. Parazight

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    Yes. They dedicate X amount of time towards discussing the matter every week. >.> Yea. You're right. I recently bought two new towers and was going to turn one into a server, as the GPU wasn't high-end. I looked to find recommended hardware, but found none, so I gave up.
  25. Parazight

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    ikr. The only option we have is to relay these issues. The company is still in business, it's still making updates, new games, and is active in some media. But the communication is really bad unless the news is rosy. Like, how about some acknowledgement of anything, tell us that it can't be done. We're adults here. Even if it's the worst news possible, it's better to hear it. Go ahead and tell us that it can't be done, if it can't be done. Explain that it can't be done, so we can prepare and plan, it's really not hard, or damaging. Not doing the right thing says "we're a bunch of bads".