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About Lindsey.J

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    On the Coast

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  1. Lindsey.J

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Does it show you are sick? I got this twice after getting hit by zombies. Had to clean wound with tincture to get it away. If you wait too long, it message appears saying my wound is infected.
  2. Lindsey.J

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Food was scarce until I looked in the tall apartment buildings around Cherno. Lots of fruit, vegs, and cereal. Even found a tent. Testing to see if the tent stays persistent now...
  3. Lindsey.J

    Did the bible save me?

    Never seen the Bible in game since I ignore all books. Not a bad idea for weddings, funerals, or trials online. I assume this is a Greek Orthodox version? Imagine if they put the Koran in the game? Someone will show on YouTube how to start a fire with it, or drop pork slices on it, etc., and then radical Islamist will demand he death... online or maybe offline?
  4. Lindsey.J

    DayZ Camping Tent Showcase 0.47.124641

    Considering that many commercial tents are brighter colors, this is not a bad choice. We could be using this...
  5. Lindsey.J

    Friendly or Bandit?

    If you are fresh spawn running to a town such as Berezino in which a large firefight is going on, there is a good chance you will get KoS. You might be mistaken for someone recently killed who is trying to loot their own body, or possibly a member of a squad trying to link back up to get duped, etc. Going to such a town makes about as much sense as a summer vacation in Iraq right now... .
  6. I think the majority of the M4s with unlimited mags we see now are from duping, and not scripting. People pick them up and their friends dupe them. Some don't use the mags, but instead dupe the ammo and the mags. I stumbled into a dupe house last week that had probably 500 rounds to 5.56 nicely stacked in ammo cans, along with med kit. This was obviously leftovers they could not carry. When you see four or more guys running around in the exact same kit, that should be a warning. When duping of equipment and food is gone, it will force more people to look for food, rather than a fight.
  7. Lindsey.J

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Not sure if this has been noted yet, but food duping is gone, but gear duping is still working. Players are going to have to spend more time getting food now, rather than using the eternal bag of rice.
  8. Lindsey.J

    No pants party DayZ SA

    You shoot the pumps and they blow. It works in SA, and will continue to blow again over time.