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Sid Debian

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Everything posted by Sid Debian

  1. Sid Debian


    Yeah we all wish be like ZZ Top (Sir Billy Gibbons and Patrick Francis). Heh yeah mate I'm agreed with you that should be nice feature. It's sounds good to me!
  2. Sid Debian

    Can I appeal banned ?

    I think we shall ask Developers team to move/add such information in upper case @ the first line in Steam as description same in to the end-user licence. Put something like: YOU HAVE NO PERMISSION to share account with someone else that will xause you a per ban blah-blah-blah... Well you know. At least they cold say for sure: "We had been warning you...!"...
  3. I see in that case it's awesome for consoles. But don't hurry up for 2 reasons: 1. It anyway requires some time for developers implement requested features. 2. I suppose to think that consoles will never ever get features like mods supporting because of jercs from consoles supports that's said we don't care var a - give use money for that feature or var b - we are awared of megasupergoddamnitmthrhckrhaclersthatmayblowheckingup ours consoles for nothing so no ways. In one of the streams of BI they answered about it that's issue isn't on BI side and platforms not willing to allow that features. Within knowledge of that I'm sorry that I had misunderstood you and supporting your suggestion as needed for console players!
  4. Why for (only curious)? You can override it by your own mod without any brain blowing and anykind of desync between server and clients. You simply asking for adding useless parameter that should be synchronized between users (on server) and server and keep synchronized until player left the server (within processing it for correct calculation and removing possible item desynchronization when server thinks that your suppressor has 75% health and client said, nope it's gone/done/wasted). Mate i really have no idea why should you do it except you wish to add more lags to the game and increase data traffic between clients and server. Nice suggestion but I don't see normal reason for it. P.S. I'm not blaming or something and have no point for offending (you) for idea, but may you please explain why it shall be setted that way when you can use your own mod that will works for clients and server without sync between all of them at runtime and not increasing the data traffic? With my regards for suggestion!
  5. Sid Debian

    How to create an information panel

    It's a kind of small issues around. By default your client & server has such in the database but you need to find the way only through your own mod because the game (as I know). But as the start point you may try to seach such info inside main menu files, and get the own approach to reach the solution. I'm sorry I can't tell you how, but the files are located in DayZ\dta\scripts.pbo With the Workbench you'll able to create own representation of layout and then implement the soecial classes.
  6. Sid Debian

    22LR SMG Like „AM180“

    Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus, da ich kein Deutsch kann. Aber ich habe eine alternative Lösung gefunden, indem ich den Spotter 22 automatisch und als Ergänzung mit Unterstützung für einen Drei-Schuss-Burst ausgestattet habe. Es sind keine großen Änderungen erforderlich. Erstellen Sie einfach Ihr eigenes kleines Add-on und laden Sie die darin enthaltene Waffenklasse neu. Ich weiß natürlich nicht, ob diese Lösung zu Ihnen passt, aber auf ihre Weise ist sie nicht schlecht 🙂
  7. Sid Debian

    Standalone LAN Server Issues

    Hm interesting but did you try to connect through the direct connection? By IP & Port... Have you try to set the highest router IP as the "DNS" server with levels layout? I mean your "Verizon" has ip, other router has IP, the "Verizon" shall be the DNS server for bottom layers, your 2nd routher shall has the setted up as bridge with redirection to the 192.168.0.* network, and yours PCs shall has the IPs in line 192.168.1.(2;3...). with refering to the DNS server (your "Verizon" router), mask for the network (255.255... find in the network). On that setup you can give opened access & assignments map for your network. I'm sorry I really guessing right now, but try out, hell knows maybe it will rollin... I'm thinking the open network map within open assignment map shall open enough information for recreation of correct package paths and resolving the issues but as I said b4 I'm not the network guru so the best what do i can do is only wish you luck with that 🙂
  8. Sid Debian

    Loot Spawns

    Actually not, once b4 it ised to be in DayZ and it brings some unusual tasks like lay on the floor to check is there AKM/AK74/M4 is under the bed or don't waste time and get to next room? So I don't see anything bad in that so why not? I still don't see any reason why devs removed that feature/ability from the game...
  9. Sid Debian

    Repair Buttstocks and Handguards with Epoxy

    "Nice idea". I'm not sure maybe it's fine when you have the civilian carabine that's shooting only in semi-auto mode it might be fine. But when you working with the fine mid cal (5.45 - 5.56 [.223]) in full auto mode your barrel may met an awesome troubles from the simplest like meltdown of handgurds (plastic parts) up until collection of heating with returning it back to the barel and future barrel/gas block meltdown. Now let's guess about temperature, overheating is when gas block reaches 230 deg of Celsius (sorry I'm far from imperial measurements systems). In fast way you'll get barrel explosion (AR platforms) and on AK platforms you'll get the weaking the base of the gas tube (place where gas tube connection with barrel) within immediately from the place of fixation and automation failure (basically if you'll have a table or wood nearby or even fine boots on your legs you can perform recharging of AK based firearms within your legs and it would be quite awesome if at the same time you'll try to adjust gas block to back on the place. Why do I told about 230° C - the tempirature of standard epoxy amine compositions is about 130° - 150°C. When you're "fixed" hand guard temperature reached those values your putty will start melting within fine amount of thick smoke and yours handguard could became to the fine smoke grenade but without grenade action 🙂 So i think it's not quite awesome idea, but maybe I'm digging too deep and everything overall won't be so bad 😂
  10. Sid Debian

    remove items like gates without mods..?

    You can create your own console admin tool or I can give you mine, anyway with that stuff you could remove the objects without anykind of server mods and etc. Coz it would be only script that would be triggered by you input in local chat channel...
  11. Sid Debian

    How do I attach the blood type to a player?

    It's not a dynamic. You need to override the Game().CreatePlayer(Playeraidentity, Entity). But you have the insurance of PlayerBase (PlayerBase.Cast(playerEntity)). If you'll try to play with that I guess you could override the Blood Type. Root of PlayerBase has variable: int m_BloodType; Then PlayerBase.c line 2069 (DayZ\dta\scripts.pbo) PlayerBase.c 6718: int GetBloodType() PlayerBase.c 6723: void SetBloodType(int blood_type) So after updating the PlayerBase instance of class call method: PlayerBase.SetSyncDirty() - for sync client data with srv amd check how it's going. I'm not intented and interested in making your job instead yourself.
  12. Sid Debian

    How do I attach the blood type to a player?

    No mate. I think that shall be setted through the Player instance class. Like "PlayerBase" or 9ne of the children from that class. The idea is redefine Player's blood type ind intend to save it inside the database (players.db). Players.db contains all character unit information even blood type. But I think that might be the problem coz you could switch it when player is not online. In that state data is totally insecure, but we have another problem still no one knows how to debinarize the ByteStream that's stored in data field of Players.db (it's SQLite3 database) and second problem is the server generating the PlayerBase dynamic class (yeah it's dynamic coz it coul be changed on each server start because you can override fields of PlayerBase Instalnce). But yeah there's 3rd method it's call Server's shtt ffked up - you can override default return value of blood type to a fixed blood type but it would be applied for all units. So it's kinda funny stuff, really. It has lots of way how to kick that class and solve your problem 🙂
  13. Sid Debian

    A Few Ideas

    Man you are wrong, not "gun", correctly "guns", you know it's many patches ahead xD
  14. Sid Debian

    A Few Ideas

    Yey, it sounds good, stand in line (P.S. I'm just kidding), but I think it's good ideas for implementation in the game.
  15. Sid Debian

    DayZ purchased for PS5 can i use it on my new gaming PC?

    Greetings, OLDMAN. I guess the problem is in the basics. The PS5 is using Playstation Market, when DayZ PC using Steam. I guess there's no way for transfering the licences between PSM and PC... Bur you may give some more money and purchase the Steam version of the game in Steam when will happens the sale, I guess you could save about 15 - 40% from current price.
  16. Sid Debian

    Stable Update 1.24

    Right, I'm the way it bigger, I'm alive. That's the base your problem. When you'll reach the information that humans play in DayZ and not AI or monkeys with the joysticks attached to their heads, maybe you'll find that it's not so siple as you suppose to thing. Live is the way harder when you became the developer... Don't thing that BI just don't give a heck on everything. I'm sure they doin the best they could to remove many different way for duping. And if you can't reach it with own small child mind - remove the baby pacifier from your mouth and think how you can assist the BI for solving that situation instead of only crying so hard... Be wise and not small or event stpd that you're now in this dialogue. If you know how to dupe - open the *private ticket and explain every step of duping as a guide. BI devs can reproduce that ticket and find the makers for punishing of such ad players. But cries is only the crying. It''s not the information for recreation and not the recipe how to reproduce and find that mistake/bug which is caused to the duping. If you still not cached - the dupe is the bug and without the info how it can be reproduced it's only the information about nothing. It's the same like you'll get to each passerby human on the street and will repeat that Earth in the Space... As I suggested you before: "Be wise and not small". *Private - coz not sharing that information for each user of Bug Tracker of BI...
  17. Sid Debian

    Stable Update 1.24

    So what, I have 2 accounts and one my server. I don't need to dupe anything - I simply have admin tools. But sometimes I need 2 accounts at the same time on the server and sometimes i need login one-by-one on the server at the same time UUIDS & SteamIDs on both accounts are different (ouch it's really obvious isn't?) but I'm using the same profile name and now the question: if I not dupping butI need 2 accounts on the same server (idk rewriting of admin tools and validating that everything works as expected) how I can do it if the game/server will probably block that action? About dupping I'm not sure, but i think there's some methods that allow make dupes without second account/game instance (don't know coz it's not interesting to me)...
  18. Sid Debian

    [Gun Suggestion] AWM Sniper Rifle

    There's many mods in SWS with AWM, even DayZ Expansion has own AWM rifle. Don't see any reason why for shall it be added. But in same way it would be nice to see all weapons from DayZ Mod v, coz later all wpns was back listened and remained only useless pews... Or include the buggy KSVK (it was spawning since quite fine). But I'm not sure that's it has any using of it.
  19. Sid Debian

    Change NVG

    Sorry but DayZ is surviving not a running around full of useless items. That shal make the game quite interesting coz right now it became to the walking against some zombs. But where the danger of zombies? Why they don't give a heck about you untill you not spot yourself in full height? The game shall have the challenge against the player and not the single run for the time wasting...
  20. Sid Debian

    Change NVG

    Perhaps it's happend because of filters, you know when you are playing at day time on server with low blood you'll get gray with some kind of blur and it will playing with colors depending on angel pf falling light and etc. In that case you're NVG became to the light enforcer, that migh caused that blur-colors begun to playing through. Anyway I'm not sure but if developers will find some time for adjusting the state of low blood (to get it more closing to reality, like low blood pressure should cause you remove everything heavy away like in std case you can carry without any kind of troubles the 8 kg like nothing to do with low blood level same 8 kg shall be felt like 16 kg or something closer and snapping to the ground if you carry about 8 kgs shall kick you away to unconscious for some time period.). Yeah I know it's nothing but could be also not bad adjustment to the game.
  21. Sid Debian

    Tons of ERROR messages in .RPT-file

    1st of all that's not error, it's only the warning about server performance. 2nd it seems that you could change the types XML for more items that's why server can't perform fast loot spawn. Solutions: A) If you changed items chances/amounts for spawning - return back to STD values. B) Try to change typex.xml value for that item (reduce amount of that item on the server). That might help you, but I wish to point - your server's loot spawn system swearing that there's no enough server's performance to fastly spawn items, that's why fpr spawn 1 wave of items required more time then it should.
  22. Sid Debian

    Stable Update 1.24

    Awesome, Reforger already got GP25 and M203, copters (how long time passed since it was released? And I bet not in that decade dz will got em...) The game is abandoned like the Arma 2, but about Arma 2 has something good to remember here nothing about the bugs only...
  23. Sid Debian

    Are community servers safe?

    As admin of one of community server with mods I can saythat my server without any unsafe stuff, viruses and other bull****, but I can't bet that any other software can't have any malware stuff in it. Honestly it depends only on antivirus that you're using and idea of admin & modder of the server... For example yesterday I'd sendet PBO mod with moded login screen (1 .c file, 1 .pbo, 5 layouts and 2 .edds files my PC woth MS anivir didn't said anything, PC of reciever said that Archive has a virus... I told it has no, remove the PBO file and build with your prefered PBO package program.
  24. Sid Debian

    DayZ Update 1.24 & DayZ in 2024

    Same as PCs i vuess never. About copters - go to Expansion Mod. Copters ain't the part of DZ.
  25. Sid Debian

    Remove the advertisement from my paid product

    Have you played in Arma 3, if not - I suggest you to try it's full of bugs and annoying advertising. The best experience to hate the game. P.S. But the dev company are the same! About loop, oki let it be but shall be removed if you're purchased. Purchased and leave that ads away to the hell, alao if you tired from video and what a static picture - remove filder "videos" in the root of DayZ folder...