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Sid Debian

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About Sid Debian

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    Bean King

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  1. Yeah perhaps, but I think you're wrong in basic definition. DayZ it's not CoD, BF, Tarkov and all other, it's about survival and not about 'cleaning corners', and on that point it's definitely not required at all. 🙂 Anyway game is the game, and behavior or controls depends only on viewer/player. In current game definition I don't see any reason for such implementation. Oh also that's awesome, but how about the hardware part of the question, same as software part, can you imagine how many needs to reimplements and checks for proper validation against the control behavior? I think that will only add the headache to gamedevs and stability then 'comfort' for players.
  2. Sid Debian

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    Whatever it called xD
  3. Sid Debian

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    The best what u all shall understand that's "DayZ is not simulator", so no ropes/slings and etc. Wpns are attached by air on shoulders.
  4. Sid Debian

    AMD FSR And other Upscalers.

    I run it from both modes 😄 really not cares how and from where (which mode/scope). It works the same in the both Desktop and gamescope modes. Yet desk has no performance overlay so checking by FPSes.
  5. Sid Debian

    AMD FSR And other Upscalers.

    Idk running on Steam Deck with nVidia FSR, it's working. Yeah AMD FSR wold be the way it better, but I'm running on 62 (town full of AIs) - 90 (field) fps on my own modded server without any issues (through WiFi).
  6. That's quite odd, man. But I hope they will help you. So wishing you the best luck and god speed:)
  7. Sid Debian

    How to spawn zombies via init.c?

    Same way as all other objects. Yet one diff it will not working as expected coz Zombies AI will has no correct AI behavior...
  8. Idea is simple. You got ban, talk with Battleye. They said: yeah that was the mistake ban is revoked. After that go to Steam Support and contact with them like: I've got Battleye global ban, and got unbanned, here the message history with Battleye support, please remove non existing VAC ban. After some time they will approve that Battleye revoked the ban and your VAC ban will gone too.
  9. Sid Debian

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    You are not an idiot. To be honest it's not always so obvious as it could be 🙂
  10. Sid Debian

    Y'all Want Bikes in the Game?

    Idk bikes are stolen and vehicle are not, what's the pure logic... Trust me if any kind of odd thing happens first would be stolen cars, then fuel, then vehicle carts and so on until nothings remains in car's body and only then somehow for some reason would might be stolen the bikes. Because you don't understand that pure truth - bike isn't make your life simpler, it's only increase the water and food consumption because you're tired while rolling over the road. Once a day in 12yo I made a ride on my bike for 15km in one way, when I back home I was tired and wished to kill myself, but here you also driving the loot on you that's a weight so u got tired as hell. So why not to add bikes to the dz?
  11. Sid Debian

    Create a Offline version

    I don't know but I suppose that it would be quite hard for the consoles. I guess BI will say "no way" for such idea, sorry...
  12. Sid Debian

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    Mate, there's no underbarrel gls, it's "on the barrel" grenade like F1 with additional tube that's attached to the barrel (the extension after front sight), to lauch that granade you shall charge SKS with blank cartridge in the chamber, mount/attach that granade one the barrel, then get required angel (on ygo SKS above the barrel there's a sight pannel for setting the angel for the grenade) and press the trigger. That's all about 😄 Also such trick has Ygo AKMS (AKM with folding down butstock, actually in the game and spawning) and AKM. Here the SKS EXAMPLE (youtube)
  13. Sid Debian


    Welcome to the forum.
  14. Sid Debian

    Guns and Gun Things that Should be Added

    About SKS that Ygoslavian SKS (which in the DZ) has no ability to carry the suppressor, instead it carries the rifle-grenade launcher aka like M1 Garand, Kar98k and Mosin 91/30 in WWII. But with your mod you can mod the behavior of SKS Bayonet (to make it as suppressor), or even write the AK_Suppressor as attachment.
  15. Sid Debian

    NULL pointer to instance

    Well not matter how and why, I bet that's your code is fine, but DayZ has a bug or you not properly understanding the loading sequence or DZ. The init.c start's BEFORE any other mod, and all code inside the init.c will be executed without support of mods and etc, so all yours "#ifdef EXPANSIONMODQUESTS" amd sub modules from Expansion will failed to operate in yours mission, that's why in most of the cases you will get NULL-POINTER error. The best how you can fix that is implement addon (idk is it will be the Server or Cliet or even Both sides addon). I tried to fight with that long time and was failed over and over again. I hope that will give ideas what do you done wrong and suggestions how to override it with the right way. And anyway init.c is not that field where you shall fighting with the mods...