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Everything posted by TiggyPooh

  1. Hi Brian, I am confused as to what you mean when you wrote: "DayZ is 11 months into principle development, on what should be a 3 year standard development cycle." Many of us here played the DayZ Mod and remember when Dean joined Bohemia in August 2012, let aside Dean's claim the game would be released the same year. My excuse for being nit picky, but I can't help myself but wonder what happened between August 2012 and October-November 2013, more than a Year we all assumed the game was being developed. Again my excuse for nit picking this post you made and pointing my finger at that specific sentence. I am a fan of the game and have the patience to wait until it's finished and love the fact I can play and participate in it's early development. P.S. You guys are doing a great job and keep up the fantastic work :thumbsup:
  2. TiggyPooh

    Attachments 0.49

    I found one (damaged) at a heli crash site on the NW Airfield. Besides that one, no :(
  3. TiggyPooh

    Attachments 0.49

    I just can't find a PSO-1 scope for my AKM.
  4. FNX with flashlight, perfect tool for night time looting.
  5. TiggyPooh


    Super evolved infected just doesn't make any sense really, but... how about a zombie in some military style riot gear or other known military protection gear like a bomb disposal suit? We also saw the riot geared prison zombies in the Walking Dead that were much harder to kill.
  6. TiggyPooh

    This error happens to anyone else?

    I now understand what you mean, that loading screen when you change some of the video settings. Maybe try setting everything back to default, there could be some conflict going on there between the program and your graphics. I use NVIDIA and there is this GeForce Experience program that comes with it that tries to adjust your game settings to suit your PC setup, if you have something like that from ATI you might want to disable it.
  7. TiggyPooh

    Visible Wounds & Scars

    An eye-patch like the Governor, or even better a hook hand with a knife like Merle! I like the idea and technically this would be possible using an alpha layer on the current character models. I hope they add more options for character customization.
  8. TiggyPooh

    Controversial Development Timeline?

    HI Guys, It doesn't really matter if game developers make mistakes about release dates and things get pushed back or not... Mummies and Daddies make promises they have to brake, because it it was raining or whatever ;) ... no need to be all traumatic about it when we do finally get to go to the amusement park a week later when the sun is shining. DayZ is going to go down in the history books of gaming and years from now people will be arguing when the game was made/developed and how long it took. Someone is going to pull out that comment Hicks made and use it as an example of proof. Yeah maybe Dean went to Bohemia August 2012, but according to Hicks from a comment he made September 2014, the game was 11 months in development! I hope you get my point and that it needs to be explained what Brian meant when he said "11 months into principle development", because I don't understand what that means, or if it is just some mistake.
  9. TiggyPooh

    Controversial Development Timeline?

    Hi, I can understand that maybe not much was developed during 2012, but the first Dev Blog from Dean was in February 2013, where you can see a whole bunch of stuff that had already been developed. What I don't understand is why Brian would say "DayZ is 11 months into principle development" when it clearly was much longer and from looking at Dean's first DayZ DevBlog February 2013, we can assume that they have been working on the project before that date.
  10. Funny you should mention Frames Per Second, because I was watching a video from TotalBiscuit on Dead Rising 3 and how many games are now capping their FPS to a max of 30. As to CS verses ARMA, these are 2 totally different games with a whole different game architecture, CS being a "twitch 1st Person Shooter" and ARMA being a simulation/shooter, that said. I don't think anyone who has played CS has looked at the sun shining through the clouds and said "that looks pwetty", because it isn't and you would get your brain popped. So everything in CS is optimized to enable a better FPS and therefore uses low poly models and low resolution textures and emphasizing more towards bringing a higher performance than a pretty game like ARMA and DayZ that is able to engulf you into a more realistic looking environment. Back to your problem, there are several videos out there on YT that offer solutions on how to improve your FPS in DayZ and then we are expecting then game will improve FPS during further development. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dayz+improve+fps
  11. As previously explained in short, repeating low resolution textures and low polygon models with low render distances. And as previously said, developers go to lengths to optimize stuff and cut corners, like what you see on your viewer is not always what is running on the server, i.e. you can't see your own character in 1st person view, you have no legs and body, you are just a pair of arms and hands holding a weapon. PS2 is free to play and you can test this by using the infiltrator class and grabbing a sniper rifle. No matter how far you set your view distance, even to 4000 meters, other player models will just disappear at around 300-500 meters. Now to say that PS2 works with 1000's of players is very far fetched. They can have 1000's of players on their servers, but they will not render and they don't have a physical shape, i.e. you cannot bump into each other. Then let's not forget that even with a high end PC's you will have a huge FPS drop if not even that the game will crash during the larger battles and everyone I know has to reduce their settings, even with high end GPU's and CPU's to be able to play this game competitive.
  12. TiggyPooh

    Weather patterns in DayZ

    Complaining about the weather... how much more real can this game get? :lol:
  13. Here's a video from a YouTuber that is unsure if what happened to him was a hack or not. Maybe you guys can check it out and tell me if this is a hack or not. Essentially he was on a high pop server in Berezino checking his gear and reloading a mag when he falls unconscious for a short time and then awakes with most of his gear gone. You can see that just before he falls unconscious his head is punched backwards and the screen slightly changes brightness, like when you are being punched, but no one is around. It practically happens at the begin of the video and again at approx. 6:00 min. Thanks :)
  14. TiggyPooh

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Yes, running through buildings and specially sprinting up and down stairs is lethal and very dangerous in real life, so how can this be a bug? It is actually forbidden to run in most public buildings. Running down stairs even more so not matter how athletic you consider yourself to be, but one slip and you are likely to break your neck falling, or splitting your skull. I can't remember how many times my teachers would shout at kids to stop running through the school halls, so keep that in mind when you break a leg or die when running through a building. ;)
  15. TiggyPooh

    Mullraugh's Guide to Bandits

    Cowboy hat wearers are the good guys you fools!
  16. TiggyPooh

    Suicide Option?

    If suicide is added, then we may just as well add save last position options and additionally a store where you can buy spawn gear, like clothes and weapons. <_<
  17. You got what you was looking for, so why even ask and complain why this happens. My best advice next time you spawn and see this is to grab an ax or use your fist to knock him out and then take your very slow time for revenge. If you win it's the sweetest victory ever, if you don't no loss as you had nothing anyhow. If you want to live longer move away from the coast and the KOS kiddies, gear up and meet the more friendlier mature people in the north.
  18. TiggyPooh

    DayZ Zombies, an attempt to diagnose the zed condition

    In the movies it is often a man made virus that is programmed to genetically enhance humans into super soldiers that went terribly out of control. Take the TV series Helix as an example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helix_(TV_series)
  19. Ruined is worthless as far as I can tell. Badly damaged clothing can be fixed with a sewing kit and brought back to the state of worn. Badly damaged Shirts can be torn into rags and you can use these for splints, bandages, kindle, ... rag bandages can be brought back to the state of worn with alcohol, to give you clean bandages. I heard that there will be a higher risk of sickness and illness depending on the state of clothing and bandages in the future, so it's now a good idea to start getting used to the various mechanics to repair and clean clothing.
  20. TiggyPooh

    What has DayZ taught you?

    After every black screen with the words "You are Dead" lies a new adventure.
  21. As bizarre as this may sound, but worn underwear is worth more than pristine/new. But yes, what Max said is also correct. :lol:
  22. TiggyPooh

    Payday masks

    Mask or no mask, it's just another excuse to pop a bullet into someone head and feel good about it! ;)
  23. TiggyPooh

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    I want to ride my bicycle! :lol:
  24. TiggyPooh

    Opening randomly doors at server starting

    Besides that this will be changed, but an open door does not mean something was picked clean. There can still be useful items for you that the previous person did not need.
  25. TiggyPooh

    any point in having a sidearm?

    FNX with a flashlight is fantastic for looting at night, it has no sway and points directly where you point your mouse and you are armed.