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Everything posted by Helix2000

  1. Helix2000

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    this is the kind of item we need...
  2. where do you find something other than CR75's? somewhere other than a police station. expand your horizons. search other houses. more fun than server hopping...
  3. Helix2000

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    not sure if it is .58 or earlier, but i noticed it this morning. you can now combine boxes of matches to get up to 100 matches in a box
  4. Helix2000

    more uses for electricity

    so, with the implementation of truck batteries, i had an idea, stemming from my need to have my house base lit up with gas lams and fire places. i know that generators will be implemented, and flood lights, but this can be a substitute for players who want smaller bases, or can not find the resources for them. we have truck batteries, a model of a car battery has been shown, and eventually, a motorbike battery may come along. we have wire in the game, and tape, so all we need is a light bulb which could be found in industrial spawn locations. an action sequence could go something like this: place car/truck battery down, take wire into hand option: "attach wire to battery" here, you can stretch the wire a set distance, say 2 meters option "fasten wire" which will need and use a little duct tape option "attach light bulb to wire" which will also use tape attach/detach wire to battery could act as a switch, or an actual switch could be added.this could also be used to create a basic electric fence around your base, which would reduce an intruders health if they touched it, or rig up lighting for a house, then transfer the battery to your vehicle for charging when you go on a supply run, and copper wire may be added to increase the efficiency of the system, as opposed to metal wire. TL;DR a basic idea about an alternative/addition to the eventual implementation of the electrical system. tell me what you guys think...
  5. Helix2000

    more uses for electricity

    i believe that car/truck batteries are charged by use in a vehicle (as in by the engine, not 100% sure though), so as long as they are used in vehicle, they will slowly regain charge.
  6. Helix2000

    fishing nets in 0.58?

    boats with loot spawn dynamically this patch. Redditor /r/niconpat put up this helpful map: http://imgur.com/r/dayz/HyrzjT9
  7. Helix2000

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    circumnavigated the map via hunting stands, using a compass. worked fine the whole way. usually got me to within 10 meters of where i wanted to go.
  8. Helix2000

    Trading Post

    have: (3pp public) mp5 (P) with: OEM butstock (W)2 mags (P)CR75 (P) with 2 mags (P)flashlight (P)3 pistol suppressors (D)(D)(W) camo tie able bandanna (P) 80 loose 9mm rounds (P) 40 loose .45acp rounds (P) ammo box (P) leather chest holster (P) looking for: hunting scope (W)(P) FNX (P) + one mag EDIT: mp5 +1 mag + 1 damaged suppressor + OEM butstock got lost when i dropped it to go up a ladder :(
  9. Helix2000

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    download is complete. now we wait...
  10. Helix2000

    Compilation of Northern PvP on .58 EXP

    i know, but when it is edited, a lot of youtubers will leave out death scenes
  11. Helix2000

    Compilation of Northern PvP on .58 EXP

    nice job. not many youtubers show their deaths, so thanks. subbed.
  12. Helix2000

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    lotta effort went into that! nice job!
  13. Helix2000

    Trading Post

    hello guys. have (3pp public) AK scope (W) AKM 30 rnd mag (P) AKM 75 rnd drum mag (P) mp5 compensator (P) FNX (P) +2 mags and loose rounds 20 round box of SVD/mosin ammo combat knife (P) black skull balaclava (P) Full summer hunting gear (P) hunting scope (P) looking for: weapons cleaning kit (W/P) hunting knife (P) EDIT: on stable branch EDIT 2: updated list
  14. is this skill carried over from life to life? cos i don't really want to hunt for an obscure book to relearn how to make a wall for the fifth time. i think books should shorten the time it takes to do something (eg make a splint, or craft a snare) but not make it impossible. i know that without a book, many people would be able to eventually make a shelter, having instructions would make it faster. but some more complex crafting knowledge and recipes should absolutely be documented in books.
  15. Helix2000

    How many hero's out there anymore

    i try. but the other day i was in kamy, and made the stupid mistake of trusting a freshspawn. a chambered FNX later, and a weekend of gear went down the drain. i try until i die, then i go on a mad killing spree to get it out of my system. rinse and repeat.
  16. Helix2000

    How was your Day(Z)?

    tonight's adventure: happy pvp fun times in kamy. log in half way up the hill on the western side of kamy. heard a truck and shots (presumably being fired at the truck.) ran up past the northern farm shed and saw three blokes running into the pub opposite the police station. took up a position that gave me a view of the front door of the pub and police station, but by the time i got there, i suspected they had moved. saw a movement up the top of my hunter scope. a fully geared gas mask bloke popping his head around the corner of wall right up near the train station/ non-enterable tower, pointing a ghillie wrap weapon at me. put a .308 in his head. did another flank around so i was closer to his corpse. have learned my lesson about staying still to long. his mate came to save his gear. put a .308 in his chest. checked my invent. only 3 rounds left for my blaze. stripped down to nothing, and hid my gear behind a tree, and ran down to the guys. no shots. stripped them both naked and ran. no shots. half way back to my gear, walking up a hill, back to my gear. CRACK. shots. but he was not great. turned and ran up the road heading inland from kamy. shots at my feet but none hitting me.ran into the forest, hid under a tree and tried to scope in and find him. shit. Winchester was glitched. went to switch to the other guys AK. (maybe they were hackers cos his AKM has a worn POS-1 attached to it). scoped in. saw a fresh spawn heading up the hill towards me. was about to take a shot lest he give away my position, then my unseen assailant took him out for me. saw another fresh spawn in town pointing right at me. shot him. started taking shots from my assailant again.still couldn't hit me. ran. went as far as i thought was necessary. it wasn't. started to circle back to my gear. CRACK. you are dead. shit. re spawned in western electro. started running. left electro. 8 minutes until body despawns. half way to kamy. 4 minutes until body despawns. bypassed my stashed gear to try and salvage something from my body. saw body. 1 minute until body despawns. "no message received" ...
  17. Helix2000

    Steam Achievements concept

    shocking experience: revive an unconscious player with a defibrillator
  18. Helix2000

    How was your Day(Z)?

    got knocked out by a de-syncing freshspawn. lost my nice pristine hunting scope. bad times. :(
  19. Helix2000

    Trading Post

    Have 3pp public 2 pristine east suppressors 1 pristine plastic AK butstock 1 pristine 30rnd AK-74 mag 1 pristine CR75 + 3 mags+80 loose rounds 1 pristine 1911+pristine mag 1 pristine SMERSH vest+backpack 1 pristine cr527 mag want: hunting scope, worn or pristine 1 fnx mag and ammo hunting knife, pristine EDIT: now also have: olive M65 field jacket camo tieable bandanna 1 more AK74 mag
  20. Helix2000

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    sweet. thanks!
  21. Helix2000

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    leather sewing kits no longer fix vests or shoes. found that out the hard way :(
  22. Helix2000

    New TENT

    wouldn't mind having a nice auscam hootchie set up in the forest.
  23. Helix2000

    Tales from Chernarus

    so i died on my favorite private hive a days weeks ago, and with the wipe coming at .56 i figured i would not play on that private hive until after the wipe, and satisfy my lust by playing on the private hive. in any case, when i logged on tonight, that private hive was the only high pop server that was not completely full. (from memory, it was 48/50) so i jumped in and spawned in electro. met a mad freshspawn who had a habit of charging fully geared guys, and i ran into him three times that night, once in electro, once in novo, then in electro again. this was the most fun night i have had in dayz for a long time. i have forgotten what it was like to be able to run fearless at an enemy, to charge head first at an enemy and try to knock them out (BTW electric cattle prod is shit) and the thrill of winning. for so long, dayz was about my paranoia, how prepared for every situation i was, and then it was gone. i have probably been killed more tonight than in the last three months combined. and it was great. new people, new roles (i have been a comedian, pirate, juke box guy, and a priest of the noodle lord all in the space of 2 hours) and it was the best fun!!!
  24. Helix2000

    Crafting Vests

    good idea. beans for you. plus, i dont think it would be to hard to do, and it would definitely add some variety to clothing styles.
  25. there is a trading thread here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172229-trading-post/ just for next time