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Everything posted by Helix2000

  1. Helix2000

    Minimal inventory

    yeah but i am a camping nut IRL and it makes me happy to have them...
  2. Helix2000


    no, cos everyone would choose this option, and have the ability to run around and kill other newspawns, creating giant firefights in all the spawn points across the map. i like the idea of perks, but there should not be any military perks... but that is just my two cents
  3. Helix2000

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    yeah, headshots only, but really, at the moment, with how un-co the larger melee weapons are, that would mean you are restricted to the useage of stabbing weapons such as the screwdriver and ashwood stick...
  4. i know right. you may know this, you may not, but when you inspect the compass, you can turn using the "end" and the "delete" keys..
  5. Helix2000

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    was looting at green mountain, ran into the tower, was on the ladder and just tied. no gun shot, no footsteps, 3 other people on the server...
  6. Helix2000

    Trading Post

    looking for a red checked shirt, a sewing kit, gas lamp and gas bottle, regular server. any one got this? willing to negotiate on price...' UPDATE: trade completed without a problem. paid in ammo and did not even get shot!!! today was a good day
  7. Helix2000

    Did the removed M4A1(M4) in update 0.45

    there is a special reward for the people I find logging on or off whilst they are on an airfield. it is a bullet. that is the only time i KOS cos people stupid enough to log on or off at an airfield almost deserve it... especially server hoppers
  8. or, maybe just 2 punches to the back of the head, which most of the tim will knock someone out, then bludgeon them with your melee weapon...
  9. being able to deconstruct and reconstruct is a great idea. as for finding the rope, in most large towns, there are those residential buildings whit what looks like a roller door down over their window. i normally find rope (or multiple rope after searching through 2-3 of them..
  10. emptied the clip of my SKS into a guys head during a fire fight at NEAF. got got back up, ran into one of the hangars and shot me through the wall. that is the ne and only hacking incident that i have come across in 200+ hours of gameplay...
  11. Helix2000

    No fog?

    yeah, but it would have to come and go. in the mornings maybe, but i enjoy sitting on top of a mountain and watching the sun shine through the trees. would not get that if there was constant fog. it should be part of the weather patterns, but not something that sweeps over every half an hour...
  12. between bandoliers plus neckslots for compasses etc, my small item needs are satisfied!! great idea, and it might be implemented, it might not, but it is good to think about!
  13. Helix2000

    Take backpack into hands

    another example of needing a weight system, but yeah, i do like the idea (yesterday, i got into a fire fight at the Balota military camp, killed both guys, then started looting their bodies. had this feature been in, i would not of been killed by a bambi with a chambered FNX
  14. Helix2000


    god i would love a train. i can just imagine people new to the game shitting themselves as a steam or diesel locomotive roared past from berezino to electro. on a more serious note, having a train, as the tracks circle the entire map, means that you can move enormous amounts of people and supplies to most places very quickly, so if you found a train (which would have to be a rare occurrence) it would have to be a massive job to repair and refuel, and to counter the overwhelming power of such a machine, there would need to be many ways to stop or slow it (sabotaging tracks as well as machine parts) and that would just about balance it out. i want to be a train robber!!!
  15. i dont carry around a fishing rod. when ever i want to fish (keep in mind that i no longer carry canned food which saves a lot of space)i cut down an ash tree to get the stick, attach a rope, the fishing lure is usable over multiple rods, so really, all i need to find in between fishing sessions is a new piece of rope. (worms are easy to get whenever) but really, it is down to what you prefer... i only have 40 B95 rounds and 60 revolver rounds at a time (i keep the revolver in a chest holster to save space) but i admit that i have cargo pants and make use of two protector cases
  16. Helix2000

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    yeah choppers, but just unarmed ones, and always found in a bad condition. make it take a long time to fully repair, so only dedicated players can get them, but i still reckon that the main vehicle in DayZ should be cars and motorbikes
  17. since the hunting patch came out, once i found matches, i have succeed on surviving with a blue taloon backpack, and no assault vest. really, it is not hard to do. plus, keep the axe equipped on your back, and that will save those 4 invent slots. i even have enough space to carry around a full fireplace kit with me. try living with as few items as you can and you will be surprised what you can do. just ask yourself, do i really need that item?
  18. Helix2000

    Animal Locations

    i know that dear can be killed/ cooked cos me and my mate have done it, but i have not come across a rabbit after the 4.5 patch..
  19. Helix2000

    Animal Locations

    moar animals: cows at 090, 060
  20. Helix2000

    the art of doing camping

    the only camping i do is when i am by a campfire cooking some steaks. when they put tents in, i will be able to do thins properly. tent, campfire, enugh food and water for days, plus my trusty B95, but i do need to find a fishing hook. have we need to meet up and go on a fishing trip mate...
  21. Helix2000

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    1. only go to a town if you need something (hunting has made this so much easier) 2. always pretend that there is a KOS bandit in the town with you 3. if you see another player, find out if there are more to their group before making yourself known 4. if you share with another players, only give food, water, batteries (no weapons or ammo) 5. it is better to keep your old gear than get killed for something better
  22. Helix2000

    Animal Locations

    northeastern side. also seen a dear there too. hope that helps
  23. Helix2000

    Animal Locations

    me and my mates found two dear north of Zelenogorsk... hope that helps
  24. Helix2000

    My first kill story (epic lolz)

    my first kill was in the police station in Staroye. heard a guy on the street killing zombies with a mosin. called out that i was friendly, and told him i would come down to him. went out the back door to be safe. he was there. hit m in the leg with his mosin. shot him in the face with my magnum. got a press vest. every one won that encounter...
  25. Helix2000

    ethics of first kill

    been playing a couple months. my first kill was with a magnum. shot a guy who had been hunting me with a fire axe. no problem with this, he was a threat. killing new spawns, or people with very little gear, unless they are a threat, i will try to avoid the meaningless killing.