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About TouRzx

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. yeah i do, i bought through it through steam
  2. i have recently stoped playing dayz, but i have been getting back into it lately, but whenever i try to join a server, i get a message about certain things like dayz.pbo not being assigned a key ay help would be apreciated... i also use dayzcommander to launch dayz
  3. TouRzx

    How to choose a Server

    just generally choose the server with the lowest ping
  4. before you pick up an item and its on the ground, will they be changing it to what they actually are, or will they keep those green satchels??
  5. TouRzx

    Why are we here?

    haha so a hunger games spin on dayz nice, i like the idea of a story line, like yours, not like those corny ones like you are ship wrecked haha
  6. TouRzx

    6 Morons and a van

  7. TouRzx

    Brand new player, some questions :D

    best place to find weapons, if u dont want to travel far, elektro and cherno and most of the servers have chat disabled
  8. TouRzx

    DementiaGaming Looking!

    i did i think, are u the guy with the black mask
  9. TouRzx

    DementiaGaming Looking!

    im from aus, umm im 15, if thats ok
  10. TouRzx

    DementiaGaming Looking!

    where r u from?
  11. http://imgur.com/qUjYfhttp://imgur.com/J05CF
  12. it comes up with a bunch of adresses and shit about keys haha
  13. yes i have turned it on and of loltrying to get lates dayz patch