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Everything posted by blaeZ

  1. blaeZ

    Actual Super Market

    How about a store about maybe 3-4 times the size of the current shops? With a decent sized parking lot and some junked out cars. I think it would make for some interesting encounters and would be a definite source for food and batteries, etc.
  2. blaeZ

    Can you hunt rabbits now?

    Yeah, at first I thought they were a myth/people trolling haha. The two I have seen were on the road. I never seem to find them in the grass or fields. Maybe I just need my eyes checked ;)
  3. blaeZ

    militaybase to the east !

    The spawns are random, yes. But the possible areas for them to spawn are mostly in the west side of the map. They can spawn near electro, but thats about as far east as you will find them. They are mostly in the west, that is a fact.
  4. blaeZ

    Can you hunt rabbits now?

    Now theres a task. I've seen 2 rabbits since I began playing this game. That would be a tough and boring hunt.
  5. blaeZ

    militaybase to the east !

    Pretty sure that was a calculated effort to pull people away from berezino and NEAF. The west is the best anyway. You're not going to find any crash sites on the east side of the map, my friend.
  6. blaeZ

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    That sounds boring as shit. I don't play that way. I try to live as long as I can. Honestly, once you get attached to your gear, you start playing realistically. Peeking around corners before running out, watching an area from a distance before entering, sticking to the woods instead of the roads, etc. Preference, I guess.
  7. blaeZ

    Unhealthy amount of paranoia in SA

    Haha its going to be ok. Cherish those emotions that no other game can deliver. ;) I personally love the fact the game does that to me.
  8. blaeZ

    Betrayal Executions and RUINED PANTS

    The pants!? What of the pants?
  9. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Nice, thanks. I found two out of three on the server I was on yesterday then. That's pretty impressive imo. Neither had M4's though, just some ammo, helmets, attachments.
  10. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Does anyone know if there is a set number of chopper crash sites generated per server restart?
  11. blaeZ

    Your first kill

    My first kill was unnecessary, I did everything I could to try an avoid it. I was at the fire station in Cherno, just looting stuff. I recently spawned so I wasn't too well equipped, but I did have a fire axe and an SKS. As I make my way to the third section I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I ask "friendly? have a mic?" as I see the guy make his way to the floor im on. He is a fresh spawn with only a UN helmet and a fire extinguisher in his hand. No reply on mic, then he types "no mic". I say that im friendly and just looking around, im not a threat. He responds by raising the fire extinguisher into attack mode. "Dude, you dont want to do that, I have an axe and you have a fire extinguisher." Silence. I start to make my way back down the stairs, strafing, to keep an eye on the mute guy. He just stands there, fire extinguisher still raised. So I make my way back to the ground floor and go to the door of the fire station. Mute guy follows, stands in front of me. I ask him if he needs anything... no response. So getting bored, I decide to make my way to the police station... THWACK. The moron actually just smacked me with the fire extinguisher. I pull out my axe, turn and strafe in a circle to dodge another swipe of the fire extinguisher. I respond with an axe blow to the neck/shoulder area. He goes down promptly. Im pretty sure he's just knocked out, so I say "that was not smart. I have no reason to kill you, nor do I want to. So just run away from me when you getup." Few seconds pass, mute guy stands up and proceeds to swing with his fists at me. "Really?!" Quickslot 1, space bar, left click, left click. Mute guy is now proper mute. As I left, "Idiot! I gave you every opportunity to live." ------------------------------------ Even though i've been KOS'd at pretty much every opportunity and betrayed by seemingly friendly people, I will continue to try and play the role of hero. Sadly, I have only come into contact with one true hero since i've been playing. Someone who was fully geared and could have blasted me without thinking, but instead provided me with food and a loaded 1911. Bravo sir.
  12. blaeZ

    ethics of first kill

    I really love this game for playing with your emotions like no other game has before. The heart racing panic during an engagement and the tension leading up to it. That feeling of shame that washes over you after killing the player who maybe didnt deserve it, or wasn't equipped to protect himself. Then there's the feeling of confidence that comes from killing someone trying to ambush you or some a-hole picking on bambis. The reasons above are why the countless bugs and other things are bearable. Im glad I finally convinced myself to buy this game work in progess.
  13. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I am one of those people who found 2 AKM's. I found them within a couple hours the day after the patch. Then, the day before yesterday I was killed, and I found another AKM within 2 hours. They're definitely there, you're obviously not having much luck though. I play on non-official servers I am familiar with, maybe thats why im getting lucky finding them. Couldnt disagree more about the SKS thing. I had the SKS as my secondary rifle most of yesterday and it seemed fine to me. I dont know what you mean by "the pointing is very strange" but maybe some elaboration would help us understand. Don't cry over spilled milk lost magnums. Seriously though, handguns are so abundant, you can find one very quickly.
  14. blaeZ

    Crashed helicopter smoke detection

    Ok, I really like having crash sites in stable. My only issue with crash sites, is that you see the wreckage far before you can see the smoke. It really should be the other way around. The smoke should be visible for kilometers out. Acting like a beacon to draw people in from good distances away.
  15. blaeZ

    Trading Post

    I have an AKM with worn PSO scope available for trade in regular mode. I'm looking to trade for an M4 with ACOG worn or better.
  16. blaeZ

    Stream Sniping....

    Beans sir. I understand watching vids to get tips/tricks/secrets. But to spend copious amounts of time watching someone play the game, instead of playing it yourself seems odd. When was the last time you saw a huge audience watching the pickup basketball games at your local park? Just because it's a thing, doesnt make it any less pathetic. Ashley Madison is a "thing" now, does that make encouraging adultery acceptable? Probably some clumsy metaphors, but I can't be assed to think of better ones. My point stands though. I accept yours as well, though with a helping of shame for our younger generation. Of course, this is just my opinion. Younger folks are going to disagree.
  17. blaeZ

    [NEW] Downed Helo Locations

    Fair enough, though I think that problem is better solved by addressing the spawn system. Of course NE airfield and berezino will always be crawling with people if 90% of the spawns start on that part of the map. Anyway, thats a different discussion altogether. Thanks for the reply Frosti.
  18. blaeZ

    [NEW] Downed Helo Locations

    Wow, why are they so condensed to the west? To draw people away from the NE airfield and Berezino?
  19. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Anyone else getting crashes upon exiting the game? About 90% of the time I press exit, I get a crash instead of a clean exit.
  20. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Just found my second AKM after getting killed yesterday. Anyone that cant seem to find one interested in swapping? I'd prefer an M4 with ACOG, but I will also accept a LRS'd mosin.
  21. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Not sure if serious.... :huh: Do you mean you pants suddenly become ruined? I've had that happen, but its generally after fighting zombies, so I just assume that zombies caused the damage.
  22. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Just because something cannot be cooked, doesnt mean its safe to eat. Thats just flawed logic lol
  23. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    You made someone's day with that trade. Probably a good argument that games should never be available for retail purchase when they are unfinished. This may not be fair to say in this instance, but it sure seems like it. Where's the motivation to finish and put extra hours in if you've already cashed your millions?
  24. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Get off your high horse dude. People will play the game how they feel like playing. Not to mention, its a survival game. I'd expect people to take whatever they can carry, not just what they need at the moment.